Paris Terror attack - at least 150 killed


Well-known member
Aug 24, 2002
2 Terrorist killed at the theater. It was a rock concert for sure a lot of very young kids gone.


Mar 31, 2009
Japan, South Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore don't have these same problems.
Singapore is an interesting case study. They are next door to a predominately Muslim country (Malaysia) and close to the largest populated Muslim country (Indonesia). It was the wise Singapore Chinese who petitioned the Brits to allow Singapore to be a separate country from Muslim Malaysia.

On the other hand, Sikhs are well respected in Singapore. Many Sikh soldiers in the British East Indian army died in defense of Singapore in WW II. Unfortunately, they were let down by poor British military leadership.


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
All I can say to the Europeans is-arm yourselves and don't ask for mercy.


Active member
Aug 30, 2009
Yes, because that deletes the fact that this happened.
Fuck you and your "most of them are good people" bullshit...

Here is why I agree with you.

Brigitte Gabriel gives FANTASTIC answer to Muslim woman claiming all Muslims are portrayed badly

It time to take political correctness and throw it in the garbage where it belong! And u know who fault it is?

It the political elite fault it all start with those pinkos wacko liberal...muslum is a peaceful religion which is so full of it!

John Henry

Active member
Apr 10, 2011
Interesting to see how many people are now dissing Trudeau because he wants to bring in 25,000 migrants this year alone . Every one just hated Harper and were going on about how he wasn't bringing in these migrants fast enough . The good people of Canada gave the Liberals a clear majority . You knew what Trudeau was going to do . Now the good people are complaining and saying that this type of garbage is going to happen in Canada .

Just look at how many Liberal MP's were voted in just from the GTA alone . Yes , most of these migrants will be moving to the large cities . LOL . Where did you think that they might go . Elliot Lake . Be careful what you wish for people .

Yes the big bad Harper is gone and behind him are 25,000 migrants ( this year alone ) who will want to change our lives to accommodate them . Well done Canada !!! Can't wait for the show to start over here . Soon it will be illegal to say Merry Christmas because we don't want to offend anyone do we .


Mar 12, 2004
Didn't take long

Some of you Storm Front types turn on your t.v. and see how many of the security forces look Arab/North African in origin then have a hot bowl of shut the fuck up.
You mean taking in and protecting the people who are fleeing all this stuff in their home country?

Is because the French are, quote the terrorist supporters here,..."are bombing their country",...???

And there they are now,...right on time.



Well-known member
Nov 25, 2005
DOn't worry guys, our new defence minister says we don;t need to fear ISIS, all is well


Mar 31, 2009
Elliot Lake
I spent my early childhood in Northern Ontario. I think I might return back north when I retire. Sell my million dollar house plus in Toronto and buy a much larger property in the north for 1/3 the price. The only problem are these "weekend warriors" from the big city with their guns (more likely shoot themselves than wild game), ATV's (that smash into trees) and snowmobiles that crash through the lake ice.

France has closed its borders. First time in living memory. Some people are saying this attack is very similar to the Mumbai attack.



Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
I spent my early childhood in Northern Ontario. I think I might return back north when I retire. Sell my million dollar house plus in Toronto and buy a much larger property in the north for 1/3 the price. The only problem are these "weekend warriors" from the big city with their guns (more likely shoot themselves than wild game), ATV's (that smash into trees) and snowmobiles that crash through the lake ice.

France has closed its borders. First time in living memory. Some people are saying this attack is very similar to the Mumbai attack.


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau today issued the following statement after learning of a number of terrorist attacks in Paris, France, as well as the taking of hostages:

“I am shocked and saddened that so many people have been killed and injured today in a number of terrorist attacks in Paris, France, and that many others are being held hostage.

“As the situation continues to unfold, Sophie and I join all Canadians in extending our deepest condolences to the families and friends of those killed. It is our sincere hope that the hostages are freed unharmed as soon as possible. We also wish a speedy recovery to all those who have been injured.

“Canada stands with France at this dark time and offers all possible assistance. We will continue to work closely with the international community to help prevent these terrible, senseless acts.

“Our thoughts and prayers are with the people of France and we mourn their loss.”

- See more at:


Mar 31, 2009
Is because the French are, quote the terrorist supporters here,..."are bombing their country",...???
Truth be told. They are bombing their own countries (see Syria, Lebanon, Pakistan, Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, etc.). Or, do some people think that Islamic State is now a legitimate country?

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Interesting to see how many people are now dissing Trudeau because he wants to bring in 25,000 migrants this year alone . Every one just hated Harper and were going on about how he wasn't bringing in these migrants fast enough . The good people of Canada gave the Liberals a clear majority . You knew what Trudeau was going to do . Now the good people are complaining and saying that this type of garbage is going to happen in Canada .

Just look at how many Liberal MP's were voted in just from the GTA alone . Yes , most of these migrants will be moving to the large cities . LOL . Where did you think that they might go . Elliot Lake . Be careful what you wish for people .

Yes the big bad Harper is gone and behind him are 25,000 migrants ( this year alone ) who will want to change our lives to accommodate them . Well done Canada !!! Can't wait for the show to start over here . Soon it will be illegal to say Merry Christmas because we don't want to offend anyone do we .
I voted for Justin because I despised Harper that much. I never agreed with Justin's notion of opening the doors to unrestricted immigration (and you can read that in the various posts I have made on TERB). Despite my disagreement with Justin on the Islamic migrants, I still voted for him. Why? Because he was a better choice than Harper. I suspect that there are a great many Canadians who feel exactly like I do.

I do not then and I do not now support unregulated immigration into Canada of refugees, or migrants or whatever whose fundamental core values are so diametrically opposed to ours. Simply put, the two cultures are incompatible.

No-one in the early 1940 would have advocated accepting Nazis into Canada. Their values were not our values. I do not understand how people think that accepting Islamo Fascists into Canada in 2015 is any different than accepting Nazi fascists in 1942. Canadian society simply is not compatible with extremism and intolerance. (yes, yes, I'm sure some will say that I'm intolerant. Not really. I'm a very live and let live kind of secular guy. I just have a real hard time with those who are not.)


Active member
Jan 22, 2011
Obama spoke well over 1.5hr ago.

Justin is having his mani/pedi while his aides help him rehearse for the bigshow at 8:30. smh


Mar 31, 2009
Did the terrorists time this attack after the Canadian election? Frankly, I don't think anybody outside Canada has any respect for our new PM.


Never Been Justly Banned
Jan 10, 2002
I voted for Justin because I despised Harper that much. I never agreed with Justin's notion of opening the doors to unrestricted immigration (and you can read that in the various posts I have made on TERB). Despite my disagreement with Justin on the Islamic migrants, I still voted for him. Why? Because he was a better choice than Harper. I suspect that there are a great many Canadians who feel exactly like I do.

I do not then and I do not now support unregulated immigration into Canada of refugees, or migrants or whatever whose fundamental core values are so diametrically opposed to ours. Simply put, the two cultures are incompatible.

No-one in the early 1940 would have advocated accepting Nazis into Canada. Their values were not our values. I do not understand how people think that accepting Islamo Fascists into Canada in 2015 is any different than accepting Nazi fascists in 1942. Canadian society simply is not compatible with extremism and intolerance. (yes, yes, I'm sure some will say that I'm intolerant. Not really. I'm a very live and let live kind of secular guy. I just have a real hard time with those who are not.)
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