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Pakistani Gang of 20 Jailed for Raping Vulnerable Girls


Mar 27, 2016
This keeps happening often in Europe, every so often we hear about these Pakistani grooming gangs. It happened in Germany too, but in GB it happens much more often. Pictures on link.

Huddersfield grooming: Twenty guilty of campaign of rape and abuse

The men were convicted of more than 120 offences against 15 girls.
Victims were plied with drink and drugs and then "used and abused at will" in a seven-year "campaign of rape and abuse" between 2004 and 2011.

At Leeds Crown Court, the ringleader, Amere Singh Dhaliwal, 35, was jailed for life with a minimum of 18 years.
Other members of the gang were jailed for between five and 18 years but the court heard many perpetrators have never been identified.
Details of the men's convictions and sentences can only now be published after reporting restrictions on a series of trials were partially lifted.

During the three trials, jurors heard how the men - who are all British Asians mainly of Pakistani heritage - preyed on young, vulnerable girls, one of whom was described as having the mental age of a seven-year-old.
The men, all from Yorkshire, went by nicknames including "Dracula" - which Nahman Mohammed was known as.

Mohammed Imran Ibrar was known as "Bully", Abdul Rehman was nicknamed "Beastie", while Nasarat Hussain was known as "Nurse".
Jailing 16 of the men earlier this year, Judge Geoffrey Marson QC said: "The way you treated these girls defies understanding; this abuse was vile and wicked.
"As cases of sexual abuse with which the courts have to deal, this case comes top of the scale."

As married father-of-two Dhaliwal was sentenced, the judge told him: "The extent and gravity of your offending far exceeds anything which I have previously encountered.
"Children's lives have been ruined and families profoundly affected by seeing their children, over months and years, out of control, having been groomed by you and other members of your gang."
In May, the former leader of the English Defence League Tommy Robinson was arrested for reporting on the case live on Facebook during the second of the trials.

He was jailed for contempt of court but his conviction was quashed because of a number of procedural errors. He faces a fresh hearing in relation to the alleged breach.
Such was the men's hold over the girls, one mother said her child cracked her head jumping from a first-floor balcony at their home in order to get out after they ordered her to meet them.

The girl later told police: "Every time I went out something bad happened. I risked my life every time. I was a mess."
Another victim, who only escaped the abuse when her family had to move following a house fire, said: "It was the best thing I ever did, and that's bad saying that burning your house down is the best thing you ever did."


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Err, the ringleader was Sikh.......

The case is a notorious and well known one in England and the Far Right has been parading around about it for about a year. There have been other cases where Whites have groomed young girls for sexual exploitation. "Oddly enough", these haven't been publicized by the Far Right.the case has been made part of the propaganda campaign against Muslims that Far Right elements in Britain are pursuing.

The other thing to note is that the social workers and community residents who blew the whistle on this criminal gang and involved the police - at the clear risk of their own lives - were....... Muslim.


Mar 27, 2016
Err, the ringleader was Sikh.......

The case is a notorious and well known one in England and the Far Right has been parading around about it for about a year. There have been other cases where Whites have groomed young girls for sexual exploitation. "Oddly enough", these haven't been publicized by the Far Right.

It's all part of the hate campaign against Muslims.

The other thing to note is that the social workers and community residents who blew the whistle on this criminal gang and involved the police - at the clear risk of their own lives - were....... Muslim.
Says nothing about Muslims, you're obsessed. Source is the BBC :rofl:


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Says nothing about Muslims, you're obsessed.

It's a notorious case in England and has been front page news for months. Much of the controversy is - not so much the crimes, which are horrendous - but the continual attempts to milk the case for publicity and racist propaganda by Golding, Robinson and others to assist their own anti Muslim hate campaigns.

You should keep up with the UK news on a continuing basis and not simply post the stuff that comes up in your Alt right news feed.



Mar 27, 2016

It's a notorious case in England and has been front page news for months. Much of the controversy is - not so much the crimes, which are horrendous - but the continual attempts to milk the case for publicity and racist propaganda by Golding, Robinson and others to assist their own anti Muslim hate campaigns.

You should keep up with the UK news on a continuing basis and not simply post the stuff that comes up in your Alt right news feed.

Again says nothing about Muslims, this happens often in GB its no secret. I'm not surprised you would want to sweep it under the carpet and minimize it .


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Again says nothing about Muslims, this happens often in GB its no secret. I'm not surprised you would want to sweep it under the carpet and minimize it .

No one wants to "sweep it under the carpet and minimize it". The cops did a great job. So did the prosecutors. The case took months to try. It's one of the major cases in recent British legal history. And the judge slammed the accused with mega jail terms. And then all the UK news outlets covered it today. It's all over Twitter. No one sympathizes with the criminals. Everyone is glad they went down.

If that is "sweeping it under the carpet and minimizing it", I am confused.

And yes, this happens a lot in GB. Usually with white guy running the gangs. They get arrested, prosecuted and jailed too.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Says nothing about Muslims, you're obsessed. Source is the BBC :rofl:
Your thread title says "Pakistani" implying that they are all "Muslims". However, the only one jailed for life is a "Sikh". Clearly the article states that the perpetrators are "mainly" of Pakistani origin not all of them are Pakistani. So not all of them are "Pakistani". Next time get your facts straight!! Anyway, all these individuals should be jailed and the keys just thrown away. The source is the BBC but your thread heading is very remote from the BBC Heading:

"Huddersfield grooming: Twenty guilty of campaign of rape and abuse"

So fake misleading thread title!!:rolleyes:


Mar 27, 2016
Your thread title says "Pakistani" implying that they are all "Muslims". So fake misleading thread title!!:rolleyes:
I see, for you Pakistanis means Muslims LOL That's because you don't know that in Pakistan there are other religions,(millions) sorry can't help it if you're simple.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
I see, for you Pakistanis means Muslims LOL That's because you don't know that in Pakistan there are other religions,(millions) sorry can't help it if you're simple.

Zaibetter - Aside from Dhaliwal (the Sikh), the names you posted in your article were: Mohammed, Mohammed, Hussain and Abdul.

These aren't Muslim names, are they?

You post anti Muslim stuff continually, several times a day. It would be disingenuous to pretend that this wasn't yet another anti Muslim post from you. Aside from the fact, that the case is a well know British Far Right focus point in its own anti Muslim campaign and has been publicized as such every day for several months.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
I see, for you Pakistanis means Muslims LOL That's because you don't know that in Pakistan there are other religions,(millions) sorry can't help it if you're simple.
Again you cannot comprehend that they were not all Pakistanis as you claim that they are. The leader was a Sikh. Even the BBC title mentions nothing about Pakistanis - do they?? So why a misleading thread about a "Pakistani gang" when it was not considered to be Pakistani by your own source?? Where do you get the notion that it was "Pakistani"??


New member
Feb 18, 2013
OK if we want to get technical here, It’s violent brown racists united by their shared skin colour targeting 12 year old white girls for torture and rape.


Mar 27, 2016
Again you cannot comprehend that they were not all Pakistanis as you claim that they are. The leader was a Sikh. Even the BBC title mentions nothing about Pakistanis - do they?? So why a misleading thread about a "Pakistani gang" when it was not considered to be Pakistani by your own source?? Where do you get the notion that it was "Pakistani"??
Again you show yourself to be simple as there are Sikhs in Pakistan. Can't help you, you need to learn about other peoples cultures and religions instead of talking without any knowledge.


Mar 27, 2016

Zaibetter - Aside from Dhaliwal (the Sikh), the names you posted in your article were: Mohammed, Mohammed, Hussain and Abdul.

These aren't Muslim names, are they?

You post anti Muslim stuff continually, several times a day. It would be disingenuous to pretend that this wasn't yet another anti Muslim post from you. Aside from the fact, that the case is a well know British Far Right focus point in its own anti Muslim campaign and has been publicized as such every day for several months.
I can't help it if you and Sherlock make your own conclusions. Also, I don't post anti Muslim several times a day, I don't post anti Muslim ...I'm not anti Muslim that's slanderous and you better learn that racism and false accusations are not welcome on this Forum.


New member
Feb 18, 2013
We all know Ogre loves this kind of stuff and fully supports mass murder and mass gang rape against Europeans, worshiping and kissing the feet of the ones who commit these disgusting crimes.


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
OK if we want to get technical here, It’s violent brown racists united by their shared skin colour targeting 12 year old white girls for torture and rape.
Does it say that they targeted just "12 year old White Girls"? There are a number of Sikh girls that were targeted by such gangs in the UK as well. By the way they are considered to be "Asian" gangs in the UK if you want to be "Technical".


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Again you show yourself to be simple as there are Sikhs in Pakistan. Can't help you, you need to learn about other peoples cultures and religions instead of talking without any knowledge.
I know more about you regarding Geography, History and Cultures. Show us where it states that the two Sikhs that were convicted were originally from "Pakistan", as you are impyling that they are a "Pakistani gang"? You are confused or just displaying your anti-Muslim bias!!


Mar 27, 2016
I know more about you regarding Geography, History and Cultures. Show us where it states that the two Sikhs that were convicted were originally from "Pakistan", as you are impyling that they are a "Pakistani gang"? You are confused or just displaying your anti-Muslim bias!!
LOL More assumptions from you, read the article again, nowhere I said that they are originally from Pakistan and I still said nothing about Muslims like you insist. But if you know so much about other cultures, how come you didn't know that there are Sikhs in Pakistan. :rofl:


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Another thread where Z accidentally praises a Muslim government for prosecuting disgusting criminals.
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