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Owning a corporation and revenue canada


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
i am not a lawyer but if you spend money from a trust and dont replace it- it sounds like theft to me. i think he is lucky they havent charged him with that
If he doesn't replace those trust funds, yes. Breach of trust is a misuse of funds or misappropriation.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010

Do not call the Dio Guradi crooks. They're even bigger criminals! If you want a good tax lawyer # just PM me.

I'd start with a dissolution of your existing Corp. and starting a new one.
I don't think a dissolution is the answer since CRA has the power to pierce the corporate veil and attack directors.

I do agree though that there may be better or more reasonable tax lawyers around. I knew of a brilliant one that I heard at a seminar but unfortunately, he has since passed on.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Here is my final plea of events.
My discussion with the team leader at revenue canada was not successful. They have declined our proposal again.
RC demands are as follows:
1. They will accept personal security
2. They will accept posible security on the corps assets.
3. Lastly , a letter of credit from the bank.
The above will not be obtainable for the full amount.

I truly understand the problem is my fault, however, if or when RC comes and takes over the receivables. It is the vendors can will be suffering and thats what ive been stressing to RC. They want there money and i will go down along with apprx. 15 vendors. Thats what i disagree to.

Any last comments or advise would be greatly appreciated.
Can you not get a term loan with your bank? Bridge financing?


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
4tees, unless you work in the healthcare system and see how primary care is delivered, I would recommend restraining yourself from making gross assumptions.

There are a number of studies in the US showing that the ER and primary care system is inundated with patients/parents who come in for minor problems. Parents nowadays are highly over-protective about their child's welfare and bring their child in for the smallest issue and my answer is "There is nothing wrong, it is just an acute issue that will pass". A simple $5 or $10 co-pay would limit unnecessary appointments. This is not only true for kids but also seniors who see their primary physician just because they are lonely. Why would a physician only put one repeat rather than 2 or 3?? - this allows them to make easy money by just prescribing a simple rx which takes 1 minute.

These are just a few possible cost saving measures that can be implemented.

There are also a number of other issues such as unionized nurses and auxillary staff who account for the bulk of our healthcare costs. ANY type of efficiency that could be implemented is always met with resistance due to affecting people's check books. A lot of duties performed by nurses can be performed by PSW's who are paid less.

These resources that are wasted can be utilized for patients who need cancer treatment who are on wait-lists or funding expensive drugs for rare disorders or increasing funding of long-term care homes to deliver a higher quality of care.

My point is that that MY money is being stolen to be redistributed in a manner that is not efficient and is wasteful. The netherlands has a system like the US where you are mandated to buy a healthcare policy and their system works fine. The issue is choice and I have little choice in how my healthcare is delivered in this country.

Why am I forced to give my money to the Mafiosa-government to do whatever they want. Our government is in debt and we are going to be in greece's position in the future with our future liabilities like CPP and healthcare.

A great politician who is advocating for a libertarian platform is Ron Paul.
Rocco, Canada is in far better shape than most countries in the world, and I doubt we will end up like Greece.

CPP is a minimal pension plan. Many companies don't offer their employees pension plans unless you're part of a union. CPP isn't great but if employers/employees weren't subject to a mandatory plan, there wouldn't be any if left up to employers. I'm no unionist, nor do I have one at work, but there are many employers out there who don't give a shit about cultivating a happy workforce and who just wanna exploit them.
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Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
The point of this little diatribe is that we as Canadians lack any self analysis or criticism of our own systems.
Or when we do criticize something, we get a lazy comeback like "if you don't like it, you're free to leave the country."
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