Owning a corporation and revenue canada


Senior Turgid Member
Nov 13, 2003
Durham Region, Den of Iniquity


Senior Turgid Member
Nov 13, 2003
Durham Region, Den of Iniquity
Dude, it is people like you that make our country so backward. Why do I get the same reaction from all you liberals, every time I complain about how corrupt our country is.

I vote conservative every election thinking they will get costs and cut government spending but they are worse than the liberals when it comes to fiscal restraint.

As consumer we get hosed by Air Canada (the federal government supports them), Bell/Rogers (CRTC does not let foreign competition come in on an equal playing field), etc etc, the list goes on and on where our government behaves like a mafia extorting money for our citizens by either artificially keeping costs high and taxing us at every avenue.

Pilen's money is going to goto federal caufers to pay for the massive government payroll, their pre-determined pension plans, ridiculous transfer payment to quebec (if they want to seperate let them), stupid single engined f-35 airplanes that are too expensive for what we need - the new f18superhornets will suffice, bailout money to every industry including asbestos, the ludicrous healthcare system where doctors and nurses are not accountable for efficiency.

I would be pissed like Pilen if the CRA is coming after me for money that they are trying to extort. the CRA and our government is a mafia and they are totally behaving like one.
Hey genious, I am not a liberal nor a left-winger. You don't understand that there are laws that must be obeyed and that taxes are necessary for the government and the country to function properly. If the CRA is coming after you, they have a very good reason to do so. Pay up and don't make excuses.

We all benefit from government services. We all have to pay our portion for these services. Where do you think the government gets the money for all the benefits it pays out to the public? The military that protects you and me? The police who protects you and me from criminals? And other important services and functions too numerous to mention here?

Extortion? You have a very distorted, immature and wrong perception of reality and society. Go back to civics class for a refresher. The CRA doesn't go out to cause problems to law abiding citizens, or cause problems to people unless they continue to abuse the system, either willingly or unwillingly.

Massive government payroll? The deficit that we are seeing is due to government assisance to the citizens of the country. Where do you get the impression that the government payrol is in the tens of billions of dollars? In Canada, it is a fact that many, if not most federal employees are paid below the going rate for the same job in the private sector. If you don't have the figures to back up your false claims, then kindly keep your mouth shut.

Kindly shut the fuck up and pay the taxes you legally owe, or get the hell out of this great country and go where such referral of a government 'Mafia' would get you into jail so fast you would wish you could flee to live in Canada.


Active member
Jan 17, 2008
I would try and speak to the CRA rep's manager or their supervisor.

Even if you are in the wrong the CRA should not be blatantly going after your corp to run it into the ground.

If your case is good you can speak to your local federal MP depending.

I have had issues with the both the federal and provincial tax service. Dealing with the federal tax revenue agency is easy, but the provincial tax revenue agency is not nice.

It is generally a negotiation for loan repayment issues. There are a few good tax accountants in the field that have good relations with the CRA and are reputable and wont charge you an arm and a leg.

I personally think taxes are a form of legalized robbery. The money I earn is being STOLEN by a large Mafia corporation (government) to use for what they want.

Why should I pay for the government workers and for projects and corporate welfare and our military where we buy jets we do not need.

I am so sick of paying taxes that I try and trade services nowadays to prevent the need to report earnings to the Government Mafia.

I payed almost 200k in taxes last year which I could have re-invested to buy more equipment or hire more staff.

No one in their right mind would ever invest in Canada which is a joke of a country when it comes to business.
I encounter this kind of thinking on nearly a daily basis, and it is wrongheaded on so many counts. The CRA is actually extremely reasonable in most cases when dealing with delinquent taxpayers. When they start doing things like freezing bank accounts is when a corporation has consistenly neglected to remit funds that it was supposed to be holding in trust.

When you perform a service for $100, and a customer pays you $113....the $13 HST is NOT yours. When you remit it to the government, you are not paying taxes. You're just giving them the money you're holding on their behalf.

When you're employee's pay is $2,000 and you only pay them $1,500. The $500 you kept is NOT yours. Once again, you are holding this money on behalf of the government.

Far be it from me to say whether or not you actually paid thet government over $200,000 last year, but you're point that you could have used this to buy machinery or pay employees is nonsense. If you didn't have to pay the government, that 13% additional you collect on your sales would still be in your customers pocket and the $500 you withheld from your employee you would have to pay to them. The idea that this is your money and the government is taking it from you couldn't be more wrong.

Also, taxes are the price we pay for any number of services in this country from police to health care to military etc. etc. If we think tax rates are too high or the government is wasting our money, we are free to vote for someone who will lower them or failing that to run for office ourselves. Additionally, you always have the option to move to a country with lower taxes, but it seems that the Canadian way of doing things has served this country and its' people quite well to date. Calling Canada a joke to invest in is cleary not true given the amount of investment that gets made in this country. This country is full of people who have made fortunes investing in and running businesses here.

Lastly, to Pilen...there's one of two likely reasons why the CRA rejected your proposal. First, if you had made other proposals in the past and not stuck to them in which case you may be SOL. Second, if your proposal was inadequate. Generally they want to be fully paid back in 8 months or so, however if you're convincing enough they may give you up to a year. It sounds to me however you should reconsider the viability of your business as it appears it may not be profitable which has led to you using the governments funds to pay yourself or your suppliers.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
They are pieces of shit. They have declined my payment proposal. One last call to the team leader on Monday, if that doesnt work if screwed. I worked out to a 25% payback over 6 months.
Now what do i do?
It seems they're taking a hardline with you. That doesn't really make them pieces of shit. It's not like you're a few months in arrears, you're a couple years late on some payments. It seems they've given you up as a lost cause and now want as much as they can get out of you. Is giving them 25% of what you owe them over 6 months plus any new remittances really a viable option for you? From what I've read it doesn't look like it, especially going into the winter months. I'm guessing many of your "in the red" months are between December and March.... What evidence did you give them to make them believe you could actually pay that? Or did you just take them the proposal and hope they'd take your word?


Aug 8, 2005
I provided them with a proposal that would allow the corporation to pay partial arrears, stay current and continue to pay vendors. I have pleaded that there a vendors that will be affected. But, I gues they just want to maximize there return.


New member
Aug 31, 2004
I have a separate account for payroll to remit to the Mafiosa-CRA. I always do that on time and do not have an issue and I agree with most of your sentiment about taking money the government is owed and not remitting.

My issue is i got dinged almost 200K in corporate and personal income taxes. Why should the highest taxable rate be close to 50% when they are bending over backwards to hand out money to corporate welfare and over-payed government employees. Why should these guys in the provincial and federal government take half my money and use it for their own means.

I have no kids, but I still pay close to $20K a year for commercial property tax and a good chunk of it is for schools. My issue is with subsidizing people that do not need subsidizing. If you have kids, you should pay more to put them through school, stop asking me for a handout.

Socialism to the extreme.
Hey genius.....did your parents increase their property taxes when you were going to school? Did you ever realize that maybe the property tax rates reflect your average contribution to education services over your lifetime and not for the 13 years you or your kids actually used the services? Its not pay as you go like hiring an escort. With your line of thinking, the CRA should be going after them because they should have been paying more when you were in school.

Sounds like you have a successful business going but I suppose that all of that success is 100% as a result of you and has nothing to do with Canada as a country and the environment that Canada has developed right? Those billions of dollars that taxpayers pay for the services that makes Canada what it is (good and bad) hasn't had one small benefit to you or your company right. Tell you what hotshot, why don't you take your sorry ass and the money you made in this country and fuck off to Somalia or some other country with no real government and open up shop there. After a month or so you would give your left nut to be able to pay the taxes you are currently paying in exchange for the services you are receiving.

The real problem with people like you is that you don't fully understand the services and environment you are getting here in exchange for the taxes you pay. You just want to whine about how you pay too much. Well either pack up and move somewhere with no / lower taxes or step up and try to get elected to change the system. In any event, most of us are tired of hearing guys like you bitch so either shut the fuck up or do something about it.

End of rant!!


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
The real problem with people like you is that you don't fully understand the services and environment you are getting here in exchange for the taxes you pay. You just want to whine about how you pay too much. Well either pack up and move somewhere with no / lower taxes or step up and try to get elected to change the system. In any event, most of us are tired of hearing guys like you bitch so either shut the fuck up or do something about it.

End of rant!!
Don't waste your rants on him. His whining about paying high taxes, is a thinly veiled brag about how successful he is. nothing more.


Active member
Jan 17, 2008
I provided them with a proposal that would allow the corporation to pay partial arrears, stay current and continue to pay vendors. I have pleaded that there a vendors that will be affected. But, I gues they just want to maximize there return.
I understand it might feel that way, however there are reasons why they're being so aggressive with you. You've been financing your business with their money for most likely at least 3 years now, so they are certainly not in the mood to allow you to repay only 25% over 8 months. Keep in mind, if your vendors are affected, they wont be sympathetetic because they see it as your responsibilty. Have you considered getting a business loan, or a 2nd mortgage on your home? If you haven't I'm sure they've suggested you do that.

If you want, you can PM me with more details of your situation and I can provide you some guidance. I've got some experience working for a company that was in a similar predicament a few years ago and I work closely with a few CA's who are taxation specialists.


Active member
Jan 17, 2008
Dude, are you kidding? Bragging? give me a break. I bet 75% of the terb members make wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy more than i do. I am small feed here.

Slider, i think you do not understand where i am coming from. i am a libertarian and as such i believe everyone (not children) are responsible for their own actions and future.

I think user fees for schools, healthcare etc is a great way to make people more accountable for their actions. This would make people think twice before having children and going to the doctor for a minor problem. I see people having half a dozen kids and are on social assistance and generally are immigrants. They should pay for all the kids they have and for their schooling - why should i be responsible for their welfare?

If I had kids, I would gladly pay user fees. Another example is highways and roads which should have user fees/tolls. Why should someone who takes public transportation pay for a person like me who drives?

The issue is accountability and self-determination which is lacking in our society. The mafiaso-government steals my money and spends it the way they wish with little regard for what the citizens want. I should be able to opt out of paying taxes and just pay user fees for things/services I intend to use (cpp, ei, road taxes/tolls, healthcare)
I think this statement is where most people who are getting upset with your comments take issue. The truth is the vast majority of income taxes paid go to pay for things that most Canadians want our government to provide (police, health care, transit, education, public works).

My opinion is that the libertarians reminds me a lot of communists in that their ideas may sound good in theory but when implemented would be a complete disaster. I would expect to see a lot of "businessmen" along the lines of Crassus in ancient Rome emerge in a truly libertarian society. Take it for what it's worth however, it's just one mans opinion.

As the point of this thread seems to have become a bit sidetracked, I won't be commenting on this subject again.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
Another example is highways and roads which should have user fees/tolls. Why should someone who takes public transportation pay for a person like me who drives?
Interesting point of view. Buses travel on those roads, while subways don't exactly pay for themselves either. Funding all comes out of one big pot. Who's to say who pays more for a service they don't use?


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
They are pieces of shit. They have declined my payment proposal. One last call to the team leader on Monday, if that doesnt work if screwed. I worked out to a 25% payback over 6 months.
Now what do i do?
I provided them with a proposal that would allow the corporation to pay partial arrears, stay current and continue to pay vendors. I have pleaded that there a vendors that will be affected. But, I gues they just want to maximize there return.
I really don't understand your attitude here. Consider if one of your customers was two years late in paying you for multiple projects...would you still do business with them? I think the CRA has shown a decent bit of leniency letting you go on that long. You have collected taxes that are rightfully theirs and spent that money to keep your vendors happy. You've kept money that should have gone to CPP, EI and WSIB as part of your responsibility as an employer. Basically, you've taken out a loan from the Canadian government without their consent. Is it really so surprising the terms aren't in your favour? You're hardly in the position to be calling other people pieces of shit when they've given you years to make good on your accounts.

This should be a humbling experience for you, not cause for anger. Live through it, learn from it, and make good on what you owe.


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
I really don't understand your attitude here. Consider if one of your customers was two years late in paying you for multiple projects...would you still do business with them? I think the CRA has shown a decent bit of leniency letting you go on that long. You have collected taxes that are rightfully theirs and spent that money to keep your vendors happy. You've kept money that should have gone to CPP, EI and WSIB as part of your responsibility as an employer. Basically, you've taken out a loan from the Canadian government without their consent. Is it really so surprising the terms aren't in your favour? You're hardly in the position to be calling other people pieces of shit when they've given you years to make good on your accounts.

This should be a humbling experience for you, not cause for anger. Live through it, learn from it, and make good on what you owe.
he didn't take a loan, he stole trust funds.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
he didn't take a loan, he stole trust funds.
Maybe you can put it that way. I'd say misapplied trust funds. He's in breach of trust. If he absconds or shuts down his business, then he's stolen them. If he's insolvent, then yeah, they could say he stole from CRA.

In any event, when you get demands to comply, you must take them seriously or else.


Aug 8, 2005
Here is my final plea of events.
My discussion with the team leader at revenue canada was not successful. They have declined our proposal again.
RC demands are as follows:
1. They will accept personal security
2. They will accept posible security on the corps assets.
3. Lastly , a letter of credit from the bank.
The above will not be obtainable for the full amount.

I truly understand the problem is my fault, however, if or when RC comes and takes over the receivables. It is the vendors can will be suffering and thats what ive been stressing to RC. They want there money and i will go down along with apprx. 15 vendors. Thats what i disagree to.

Any last comments or advise would be greatly appreciated.


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
Maybe you can put it that way. I'd say misapplied trust funds. He's in breach of trust. If he absconds or shuts down his business, then he's stolen them. If he's insolvent, then yeah, they could say he stole from CRA.

In any event, when you get demands to comply, you must take them seriously or else.
i am not a lawyer but if you spend money from a trust and dont replace it- it sounds like theft to me. i think he is lucky they havent charged him with that


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
he didn't take a loan, he stole trust funds.
Maybe that is a better way of thinking of it.

I truly understand the problem is my fault, however, if or when RC comes and takes over the receivables. It is the vendors can will be suffering and thats what ive been stressing to RC. They want there money and i will go down along with apprx. 15 vendors. Thats what i disagree to.
Well, I guess that's somewhat of a saving grace, that you're concerned for your vendors. I'm guessing they have no idea they're about to write-off a bunch of their receivables. Again though, I'm not exactly sure what the CRA can do to help them. Giving you more time to pay them back has made the situation worse and there's no guarantee that additional time will work out. I'm just glad our company doesn't do something construction related, because I'd hate to see our 90+ file increase.


Active member
Jan 17, 2008
Here is my final plea of events.
My discussion with the team leader at revenue canada was not successful. They have declined our proposal again.
RC demands are as follows:
1. They will accept personal security
2. They will accept posible security on the corps assets.
3. Lastly , a letter of credit from the bank.
The above will not be obtainable for the full amount.

I truly understand the problem is my fault, however, if or when RC comes and takes over the receivables. It is the vendors can will be suffering and thats what ive been stressing to RC. They want there money and i will go down along with apprx. 15 vendors. Thats what i disagree to.

Any last comments or advise would be greatly appreciated.
Tell CRA that one of your vendors is the type that will break your legs if you don't pay him and sound believable. I'm only half joking here...my old boss actually told them this and they released almost $40k of the money they had seized from our account. Of course in his case he actually was worried that might happen.

On a related note, I'm glad I don't work in construction anymore.


Active member
Feb 2, 2002
That's so true. CRA called me up earlier this year to discuss GST collections/remittance. I knew that they would call me eventually and the lady thought that she would have to explain to me that I needed to pay. You could hear her tone of voice that she was expecting to be yelled and cursed at. Well, it turns out that in my situation the gov't owed me money!

We had a really good laugh and she sent out the forms for me to fill out in order to get what was owed to me. It certainly made both my day and hers. Cheques were in the mail 3 weeks after I sent them in.

Try this one. The folks at the CRA are, despite what many say, human beings.
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