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Out-of-town cops reaped millions for G20 work


not banned
Mar 2, 2004
Somewhere but not here.
There is no way the Toronto Police force had resources to pay for the officers needed so what would you have them do? Officers were brought in from across the country to help. Those officers should get paid and since this work was on top of thier regular job whiy should they not get OT. They worked OT they should get paid for OT. Would you work for free?

Not saying they did everything they could to avoid OT but if your blaming anyone blame the government. The police officers were just doing the job they were hired to do.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
There is no way the Toronto Police force had resources to pay for the officers needed so what would you have them do? Officers were brought in from across the country to help. Those officers should get paid and since this work was on top of thier regular job whiy should they not get OT. They worked OT they should get paid for OT. Would you work for free?

Not saying they did everything they could to avoid OT but if your blaming anyone blame the government. The police officers were just doing the job they were hired to do.
Your reasoning's good if the only way for the G20 to acquire cops was to 'subcontract' with other police services as they did. The fiasco that resulted suggests that they should have looked hard at other models that might have offered better command and control. They could have advertised and done deals individually with officers for example, meaning that the OT and vacation pay issues with their back-home services would be theirs to sort out, not the G20's. And it might have alerted them earlier to the need for effective street-level supervision, which clearly did not come automatically with the subcontracts. Not even from our own TPS.

But we should also note that the RCMP who 'ran' this schlemozzle (from Barrie) are proudly reportinng they estimated hiring costs higher than this, and so to them this represents good management and fiscal resonsibility. In spite of the mess that we're still cleaning up.


Active member
Oct 19, 2002
This pay is nothing special. for example: montreal cops who billed over 2 grand for 1 days work. they came with little notice, travel is paid, work is paid. weekend. 2 grand isn't even 100 bucks an hour. you show me another professional who will drop everything and work for that price. if one accepts that this level of security was required, the 7 or 8 million spent is nothing.

really, all this is smoke. 1 billion was spent. on what?


Jun 6, 2009

There is something wrong with our system when we are heavily taxed (in my opinion taxes are a legalized form of theft like a mafia) and the politicians and public servants splurge on spending.

Why the heck was G20 in Toronto anyway? There is no accountability!
Of course there's accountability. That why we found out. There was a paper trial. The RCMP and the PMO wear this one. The time for accountability was election day, but I guess we didn't think it wasn't that bad because Canadian gave them a majority.

Taxes are like mafia theft? Do you know Markvee? So you want no taxes? Take a slow deep breath.

As for the G20 in Toronto, we agree; purely a Harper ego trip, but hey, we voted him back in.


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
Let's be accurate; he and his guys successfully targetted the ridings they could influence to get a Commons majority. In terms of what 'we, the electorate did', we voted pretty much as we have the last times out. Basically two outta three preferring onter than Harper.

He's back in, and we voted; that is how it works. But we did not vote him back in, not if you're talking what we like, want, prefer or approve.


Jun 6, 2009
Let's be accurate; he and his guys successfully targetted the ridings they could influence to get a Commons majority. In terms of what 'we, the electorate did', we voted pretty much as we have the last times out. Basically two outta three preferring onter than Harper.

He's back in, and we voted; that is how it works. But we did not vote him back in, not if you're talking what we like, want, prefer or approve.
OJ, an old argument, please! Until you and others like you get the system changed, that's the one 'we' have. it was masterful campaign and it wasn't even close.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
If it was not for the assholes who were hell bent on burning my city down, we would not have needed all the extra muscle.

The cops were there to do a job - they did it as requested, they get paid. That's how the deal works.

It's too bad that in 1987 when the G7 met in Toronto the security bill was 8 million dollars and 23 years later, it's over a billion. The problem doesn't lay with the cops, it lays with the idiots who think it's fun to vandalize, destroy, burn and attack.

That said, in the future, no more summits in Canada. Rent the Queen Mary 2 for a month, surround it with ships from member navies, and have the summit meetings in the middle of the Atlantic. Let all the assholes who have nothing better to do than destroy things swim out to the middle of the ocean in shark infested waters.


Active member
May 25, 2002
If it was not for the assholes who were hell bent on burning my city down, we would not have needed all the extra muscle.

The cops were there to do a job - they did it as requested, they get paid. That's how the deal works.

It's too bad that in 1987 when the G7 met in Toronto the security bill was 8 million dollars and 23 years later, it's over a billion. The problem doesn't lay with the cops, it lays with the idiots who think it's fun to vandalize, destroy, burn and attack.

That said, in the future, no more summits in Canada. Rent the Queen Mary 2 for a month, surround it with ships from member navies, and have the summit meetings in the middle of the Atlantic. Let all the assholes who have nothing better to do than destroy things swim out to the middle of the ocean in shark infested waters.
no one but cops themselves were assholes

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
no one but cops themselves were assholes
Yeah, it was the cops I saw burning cars, smashing store fronts, vandalizing, wearing black hoods and bandanas to hide their faces.

The crazies are lucky this isn't most other countries in the world and they would have been shot with lead bullets.



Active member
Oct 28, 2007
they allow some ones car to get destroyed and they burn a cop car. but they break some ones arm in queens park.. makes sense


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
Yeah, it was the cops I saw burning cars, smashing store fronts, vandalizing, wearing black hoods and bandanas to hide their faces.
Be real captain.

We all know that the asshole cops set this car on fire and when these helpful young men saw there were no firemen nearby, they started jumping on the car to put the fire out. They only wore the bandanas because they didn't want to breath in the smoke in their attempt to protect other people's propery.


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
whether or not the G20 "terrorists" did or did not do anything or whether or not the cops were assholes has nothing to do with whether cops were overpaid and whether the security forces were well managed.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
You know what's really pathetic is that this was a year ago and the Canadian media keeps pounding it to death.

Let it fucking go already.


New member
Aug 10, 2009
Relocating February 1, 2012
You know what's really pathetic is that this was a year ago and the Canadian media keeps pounding it to death.

Let it fucking go already.
Exactly, it's time to cry about something else!
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