Oriental update


New member
Feb 6, 2006
AX_matic said:
Speaking of familiar faces, I dropped by Collonade and saw Jenny, who started with Yumi on St. Joe, then was at Bronson a bit. Chipmunk cheeks, glasses, smart, businesslike. Great hard massage! I had almost forgotten what that's like, with all the mediocre massage I've been getting lately. Amazing slim hard body and perfect little headlights. I had the standard finish with a view of the hills with a little braille reading. Sweet and can't beat that price.

Might repeat.
just curious....where is collonade
sorry, just found it thanks...


New member
Mar 5, 2007
TT now has someone working for her who looks like a guy. No joke. Face seriously like a dude and kind of thickset body. Got out of there fast.


New member
Feb 12, 2006
AX_matic said:
Mina is now at Gloucester and Bank.
I just went to 176 Gloucester and had a 30 min massage with Mina. I had heard of Mina when she was working at ABC, but hadn't had the chance to meet her. This was also my first time at 176 Gloucester.

For those who haven't had the pleasure...
Mina is young, thin, small but very firm/perky breasts, basically an amazing body and a really cute face in my opinion.
Really good english, and very friendly. Conversation was limited until I asked her about ABC...then she really opened up. She took a 1 week vacation, and it sounds like she was let go because she didn't make it back in time for the following weekend.

Massage was okay, but the highlight was the finish. I really like how she cuddled with me on the table, almost a kind of body slide. Asked for nude, but kept thong on.


Coco at Jade

Decided to try this place since gmuoo said they do better than TingTing's as my body was needing some straightening out after seeing JJ last week.

Was greeted at the door by an older slender woman, not really attractive, who showed me my room .... in the room was a very large (tall, big boned, not really fat) asian girl who I hoped was only changing the sheets as her looks were kinda scary .... luckily I was right but the slender older not-so-pretty one returned for the rub. She was dressed in jeans and I just got a kind of vibe that there may be no extras .... no biggie as I was there for the rub.

Turns out the girl was Coco ... now there's been a few Cocos but this is the one that unexpectedly (and unasked) probes uranus during the finish (see? there was extra!) and in a very good way. After she started the finish I decided to test the waters a bit (bet you weren't expecting that) and my original idea about Coco being no fun was wrong, she allowed some roaming and actually got into it ... enough so that the finish was actually quite strong in comparison to the normal fare.

As for the rub itself, she was pretty good ..... but not as good as TT (but way better than TT's Cynthia, but then anyone would be) and not even close to Lucy/Mary/Cathy. While this is a limited sampling of Jade's girls I have to disagree so far ..... for my aching bones I would have been better off with TT or Lucy .... but Coco wasn't bad with the surprise finish to boot! I'd repeat but if you're looking for eye candy Coco isn't your girl ........ and I can't recommend her for prostate massage as she doesn't do a real deep probing, just deep enough to make it interesting :D


New member
Mar 5, 2007
slurp said:
As for the rub itself, she was pretty good ..... but not as good as TT (but way better than TT's Cynthia
I just booked some time with Cynthia. Wondering if I should cancel, if her massage is bad. Karen and Cindy were bad enough at TT's. Cynthia looks really cute, but if the massage is bad and nothing is to be had extras-wise, maybe I'll stay away.

Of course I've had some surprise hits with TT's girls in the past, but in general its just the ok massage. You don't recommend?


I do not

AX_matic said:
I just booked some time with Cynthia. Wondering if I should cancel, if her massage is bad. Karen and Cindy were bad enough at TT's. Cynthia looks really cute, but if the massage is bad and nothing is to be had extras-wise, maybe I'll stay away.

Of course I've had some surprise hits with TT's girls in the past, but in general its just the ok massage. You don't recommend?
Here's my review from 3 or 4 weeks ago :

After a rough week I found my poor aching body wanted a really good massage. Not caring about a finish I decided to go to Ting Ting's place as I always got the kinks worked out in the past. I digress to explain the no release part .... the previous night I had seen C and then after dinner decided to see another friend for a nightcap BJ. So no, I haven't given up sex *lol*

Girl on phone says 4 girls working and recommends Cynthia. Not knowing her (had only seen TT) I said sure. Got there, took a shower and Cynthia comes in the room .... very cute early 20s student. I had pointed to the sign when I came in and told her I wanted 90 min therapeutic massage so she knew before the shower. She explains that she will rub a bit first without oil and then use oil. I told her that was fine, that I really ached all over and she could do as she pleased, just to get the soreness out.

It all started fine, she asked several times if it was good and I told her yes. Lots of small talk (her english is above average for asian MP) about her background and school and whatever ... very pleasant. She started on the back, then the legs and ass. I started drifting off as it was very relaxing. At times she gave it to me harder (I wish!) and all was fine but after the second go round on the back and legs with oil I figured she do the front of my legs and neck and the rest. Instead she makes another round of my back and legs ... and another .... finally she starts removing the oil with tissues ..... this actually is more of a massage thru the tissue which also absorbs oil. Very slow and deliberate ....... must have been 15-20 min just on the tissue massage. I was starting to become uncomfortable after lying on my stomach all this time.

So I figure it'll be time to do the rest of me and she says "time up". I turn around and look at the clock and she was right, in fact we went @ 95 min, 5 min over. She asks if I was satisfied and I just gave her a dumb look and she left the room so I could dress. She got her answer when I gave her $100 for the 90 min "therapeutic" massage. Can't remember the last time I ever went to an MP and didn't give a tip, this may be the first. No effin way I'm tipping her for a half-assed 90 min rub after telling her how sore I was and in need of a good massage .... and her not touching my neck, arms, hands, feet etc. At least with TT I'd get teased ...... when I got dressed I discovered some oil on the jewels, for the life of me I couldn't figure how that got there, she never got close.

I walked out in disbelief that I had been to TT's and gotten such rotten service. Shoulda went to see my girl Lucy (Mary/Cathy) down the street, at least I would have gotten a really good complete & thorough massage for the same price and release too!

Live and learn ...... from reading posts here about TT's girls I thought they all did a pretty decent massage. Not Cynthia ....... I have serious doubts about returning to TT after this

Let us know what happens if you see her .......


All about the fun!
Jun 28, 2005
Slurp....buddy.......you were almost falling alseep....well maybe you did...and she did tease you a bit.....no response.....she goes back to what she called a massage...

Maybe you are getting numb....hahahahaha


May 17, 2005
Anyone tried 323 Somerset - Ocean Spa?

How about this one too?????
GRAND OPENING 613-680-0132 Oriental Beautiful & Young Aromaforce relaxation treatment No private calls by appt. only

Lucy from Jade is still missing in action and may not return to the MP scene according to the grapevine. TingTing wanted to recruit her but I strongly recommended against it - low pay and the end of happy ending service. Her massage skills and service are just too good to be stuck in a place like TingTing's to tell you the truth. When you call Jade, they will sometimes say she is here but then do the B&S when you arrive.


antlerman said:
Slurp....buddy.......you were almost falling alseep....well maybe you did...and she did tease you a bit.....no response.....she goes back to what she called a massage...

Maybe you are getting numb....hahahahaha
yeah! and maybe I came all over the place and she licked it all up b4 I woke up ..... better yet maybe it was a bbbjtcimsw ..... or she collected it to send off to a sperm bank (to bad I'm shooting blanks) ..... or perhaps she just left the room for a while and returned just b4 I woke up and put a lil oil on my nuts so I'd think she actually touched em ..... or just maybe her service sucked and I won't ever return to see her *lol*

how bout you go give her a shot and let us know what happened? And tell her slurp said he's sorry he didn't leave a tip :rolleyes:


Jan 19, 2003
slurp said:
Turns out the girl was Coco ...
I'm quite taken with Coco although I'm not sure why. She's not particularly pretty. She speaks no English. And she's always remained encumbered by clothing (although I probably wouldn't want to see what's underneath)

But I find her service and attitude are first class and her massage is heavenly. I've seen her a number of times now. Although mostly the service is good, the time before last she left the room a couple of times and cut the massage a bit short. At the end she seemed embarrassed and distressed that the service wasn't up to scratch. I didn't see her for a while and when I went back, she gave me an extra extra long massage and I was totally melted by the time I left.

The last time I went to Jade, Coco wasn't there and I ended up seeing Lilly, a late 30's early 40's type, with biggish boobs and does a decent massage and finish - somewhat similar to Coco's style but lacking finesse- and speaks reasonable English. I didn't enjoy it all that much. She was a noisy breather which I found really distracting.


May 17, 2005
CoCo's massage is all right. Wait till you try Jenny's but no extra from her ... usualy CoCo comes in for the last 10 minutes ... Lucy's massage is amazing and fun too ... too bad she is gone .... Mei and Honey are all right too ...


Bluenose said:
I'm quite taken with Coco although I'm not sure why. She's not particularly pretty. She speaks no English. And she's always remained encumbered by clothing (although I probably wouldn't want to see what's underneath)

But I find her service and attitude are first class and her massage is heavenly. I've seen her a number of times now.
I agree that Coco has a certain sweetness and attraction about her. As for her english, when I was leaving I gave her a tip and asked if she was happy. She looked puzzled and I was thinking "uhoh, she expected more". Then she points to herself, smiles and says "me Coco". I grabbed her and gave her a big hug and kissed the top of her head ............ :cool:


Jul 24, 2006
Ocean Spa 323 Somerset

Tried last week at Ocean Spa 323 Somerset at O'Connor. Jasmine late 30's Asian She has very good massage skills and finish. Quiet studio for now looking to build client base. She's about 5'2-5'4 130lbs with long curly hair and very attentive and pleasant.


May 17, 2005
Is it the same Jasmine that used to be at Lyla/Lamora??? According to the grapevine, that's her.

Winstoncup said:
Tried last week at Ocean Spa 323 Somerset at O'Connor. Jasmine late 30's Asian She has very good massage skills and finish. Quiet studio for now looking to build client base. She's about 5'2-5'4 130lbs with long curly hair and very attentive and pleasant.
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