I do not
AX_matic said:
I just booked some time with Cynthia. Wondering if I should cancel, if her massage is bad. Karen and Cindy were bad enough at TT's. Cynthia looks really cute, but if the massage is bad and nothing is to be had extras-wise, maybe I'll stay away.
Of course I've had some surprise hits with TT's girls in the past, but in general its just the ok massage. You don't recommend?
Here's my review from 3 or 4 weeks ago :
After a rough week I found my poor aching body wanted a really good massage. Not caring about a finish I decided to go to Ting Ting's place as I always got the kinks worked out in the past. I digress to explain the no release part .... the previous night I had seen C and then after dinner decided to see another friend for a nightcap BJ. So no, I haven't given up sex *lol*
Girl on phone says 4 girls working and recommends Cynthia. Not knowing her (had only seen TT) I said sure. Got there, took a shower and Cynthia comes in the room .... very cute early 20s student. I had pointed to the sign when I came in and told her I wanted 90 min therapeutic massage so she knew before the shower. She explains that she will rub a bit first without oil and then use oil. I told her that was fine, that I really ached all over and she could do as she pleased, just to get the soreness out.
It all started fine, she asked several times if it was good and I told her yes. Lots of small talk (her english is above average for asian MP) about her background and school and whatever ... very pleasant. She started on the back, then the legs and ass. I started drifting off as it was very relaxing. At times she gave it to me harder (I wish!) and all was fine but after the second go round on the back and legs with oil I figured she do the front of my legs and neck and the rest. Instead she makes another round of my back and legs ... and another .... finally she starts removing the oil with tissues ..... this actually is more of a massage thru the tissue which also absorbs oil. Very slow and deliberate ....... must have been 15-20 min just on the tissue massage. I was starting to become uncomfortable after lying on my stomach all this time.
So I figure it'll be time to do the rest of me and she says "time up". I turn around and look at the clock and she was right, in fact we went @ 95 min, 5 min over. She asks if I was satisfied and I just gave her a dumb look and she left the room so I could dress. She got her answer when I gave her $100 for the 90 min "therapeutic" massage. Can't remember the last time I ever went to an MP and didn't give a tip, this may be the first. No effin way I'm tipping her for a half-assed 90 min rub after telling her how sore I was and in need of a good massage .... and her not touching my neck, arms, hands, feet etc. At least with TT I'd get teased ...... when I got dressed I discovered some oil on the jewels, for the life of me I couldn't figure how that got there, she never got close.
I walked out in disbelief that I had been to TT's and gotten such rotten service. Shoulda went to see my girl Lucy (Mary/Cathy) down the street, at least I would have gotten a really good complete & thorough massage for the same price and release too!
Live and learn ...... from reading posts here about TT's girls I thought they all did a pretty decent massage. Not Cynthia ....... I have serious doubts about returning to TT after this
Let us know what happens if you see her .......