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Oriental update


New member
Sep 7, 2003
softtouch99 said:
The new girl at 386 turns out to be MINA whom I had seen at Jasmin's, so I did have a great session with her but she is only there until Wednesday, then its back to china for two months.

BTW the prefix to hide your # with Bell is *76.
Pretty sure that's *67 for Bell. Also works for Virgin phones, since they use the Bell system.

Mina is great. She'll be missed.

I called Bronson tonight to ask about their lineup, but the "receptionist" decided to be cute about who's there. No names. Just "three beautiful young girl". Yeah, I never heard that one before. Anyone got any info on the staff? Worth going for?


New member
Oct 12, 2004
What? Dyslexia! Who, em?

BTW, called last night to say goodby to MINA but the girl in charge (not melissa) says they never heard of MINA. What up with that??


New member
Sep 7, 2003
Jenny in charge

softtouch99 said:
What? Dyslexia! Who, em?

BTW, called last night to say goodby to MINA but the girl in charge (not melissa) says they never heard of MINA. What up with that??
Jenny (once of 177 St. Joe, with Yumi) seems to be in charge there now. That should be a big improvement.


May 17, 2005
Which place are you talking about?

... sorry, just want to be clear, is this 386 Bank (at James) you are talking about?

There seems to be some confusion about the door fee. ST99 was sure Melissa took $65 from him but Cathy only asked $60 from me when I was there. How much did you pay for the door fee if it is 386 Bank you are talking about???

And is this Jenny called Jenny at 386 now????


axiomatic said:
Jenny (once of 177 St. Joe, with Yumi) seems to be in charge there now. That should be a big improvement.


New member
Sep 7, 2003

gmuoo said:
... sorry, just want to be clear, is this 386 Bank (at James) you are talking about?

There seems to be some confusion about the door fee. ST99 was sure Melissa took $65 from him but Cathy only asked $60 from me when I was there. How much did you pay for the door fee if it is 386 Bank you are talking about???

And is this Jenny called Jenny at 386 now????

I was talking about Bronson near Somerset, where Mina used to work. I haven't been to Bank/James for a while.


New member
Feb 2, 2005
May at Bank & Laurier - 155 Bank or something
Nice round face from China. Slim body lots of cuddling with a nice finish after an excellent 1 hour massage.
She seemed pretty young and quiet but great massage with a pretty good finish which is what I was after.


Feb 4, 2004
9 st antoine in gatineau met ANNA OR Some similar name lousy sage one of the worst I`VE HAD in many years $40 for 30 min then she stole the change from $50 what is this comming to? lousy service then she wants a tip ..this is on my don`t go list


Apr 3, 2006
huh? you gave her two twenties and a ten and expected change? It wouldn't have been too big an assumption on her part that you were giving her a ten dollar tip. Is there more to the story?


May 17, 2005
Unfortunately, most Asiains are like this. The first time I saw TingTing (371 Somerset) for an one hour - $65. Gave her $80 and she just took it. Of course, her one hour is always like 45-50 minutes because the number of times that she goes in and out and answers the phone is just unbelievable. I gave her $150 once for an 2 hour ($120) appt. Same thing. Just took it, smiled at u and saw you out of the door as quickly as she could. Again 2 hour is like 1.5 hour (probably less for that time). It is that bad!!! Would have been fine if she actually gave me a 2-hour massage but 1.5 hour of light massage for $150 was just ridiculous. The most unprofessional MA - no doubt about that.

And on top of that, her massage is way (and I do mean WAY WAY) overrated by many folks here. Her other girls' (Karen and Kate) massage skills are actually below average at best.


TT musn't like you gmuoo

gmuoo said:
Unfortunately, most Asiains are like this. The first time I saw TingTing (371 Somerset) for an one hour - $65. Gave her $80 and she just took it. Of course, her one hour is always like 45-50 minutes because the number of times that she goes in and out and answers the phone is just unbelievable. I gave her $150 once for an 2 hour ($120) appt. Same thing. Just took it, smiled at u and saw you out of the door as quickly as she could. Again 2 hour is like 1.5 hour (probably less for that time). It is that bad!!! Would have been fine if she actually gave me a 2-hour massage but 1.5 hour of light massage for $150 was just ridiculous. The most unprofessional MA - no doubt about that.

And on top of that, her massage is way (and I do mean WAY WAY) overrated by many folks here. Her other girls' (Karen and Kate) massage skills are actually below average at best.
I've seen TT 3 times and each time she had to leave the room for some reason or the other for @ 5 min each time. Everytime when she was done I looked at the clock and it was AT LEAST 5 min past the hour, once 15 min past.

Her massage was more erotic and less theraputic with each visit (but never a finish) so can't dispute your take on her massage skills .... whenever I refer to TT quality (like I did in a post earler today) I refer to my 1st theraputic visit.

As for the money thing, 1st time TT was going to give me change until I told her to keep it .... last 2 times I gave her the fee plus tip but as usual with most girls told her I didn't want change. Sounds like she knows you can afford it *lol*

The only time I recall having money kept when I expected it back (think there's been another, can't remember for sure) was at 328 Bronson when I gave Melissa $70 for the room fee and she didn't give me my $5 back's one thing for the MA to get a tip but no reason the manager deserves one unless she's done some sort of favour ..... it was in my very first review of 328 and I would never have gone back except Jasmine asked me to do her a favour and take her phone # to Alice ..... plus Alice was cute and giggly and had legs way up to this cute lil ass .... awww, you guys don't need to hear all that again! :rolleyes:


May 17, 2005
... that is a good question and I am not sure if i have the answer ... maybe my deep desire to get some sleep in between downtown meetings ... maybe my patience and my forgiving nature .... I used to go to VIP for 3 browns+ each time for sometimes really bad services ... but somehow I kept on going back ....

JPsoHot said:

No offence, but if you know all this BS and short-changing always happens with her why do you keep going back??? :confused:


New member
Oct 12, 2004
Sorry Gmuoo I gotta agree with Slurp. The telephone thing with TingTing is annoying but with me she always more than made up the time. She always gave me the right change and allowed me to determine the tip after. The prices are marked at the entrance and in each room but it's $65 for relaxation and $75 for theraputic and believe me there's a big difference in the massage.
I did have the opportunity to help TingTing to get certified notarized transcripts (from the Chinese embassy) of her multi-year training in Bejing and her two year practise at a rehab hospital there.
I know that this may not guarentee that you will enjoy the massage but at least she's not lying about her training.

And yeah, sure this sounds like a SH___ but I wouldn't be happy if someone gets dissed perhaps because the extras are not there.


May 17, 2005
I don't think she lies about her training at all. If she focus and does her stuff without being interrupted for 5-10 times every time, her massage is not too bad but it is very light.

It really depends on the day or night on how many calls and how many people come in. 5 min being away is pretty well guaranteed each time. She always says I will give you extra time too ... she does but what she gives you back is 5 minutes (max) on sometimes 25-30 minutes of lost time ... sometimes it is really ridiculous that she has to go between rooms because the customer wants her to finish the massage that Kate or Karen starts ... the problem is she thinks she is only gone for 5-8 minutes but in fact more like 20-25 minutes ... if there is another guy shows up near the end, you can pretty well guarnatee you won't even get the 5 minutes extra.

As for the tips, it is one thing if I want to leave a tip because of outstanding services ... I don't mind the tip amount that much ... but it is another when the service and professionalism is not there at all and the tip is just taken and not given.

softtouch99 said:
Sorry Gmuoo I gotta agree with Slurp. The telephone thing with TingTing is annoying but with me she always more than made up the time. She always gave me the right change and allowed me to determine the tip after. The prices are marked at the entrance and in each room but it's $65 for relaxation and $75 for theraputic and believe me there's a big difference in the massage.
I did have the opportunity to help TingTing to get certified notarized transcripts (from the Chinese embassy) of her multi-year training in Bejing and her two year practise at a rehab hospital there.
I know that this may not guarentee that you will enjoy the massage but at least she's not lying about her training.


Active member
Jan 19, 2004
I have to agree with Slurp and softtouch99 about Ting Ting. She sometimes leaves but always apologises, in and out. She always makes it up at the end by adding more time, and it seemed more than sufficient to me. I always give her extra money, but always tell her to keep it all. She's most grateful for that. Please check the two rates: relaxation and therapeutic; there could have been a misunderstanding. Better to agree on the price beforehand. She's honest and she'll get the change, especially if you say that you don't have change. I think that her training is mostly in acupuncture. Maybe she's more into acupressure than the more common swedish type massage. But she's got the ability to find your problem areas. Tell her you want it hard; I have, and it was. Again, maybe confusion over therapeutic and relaxation. Finally, she's always taken her time seeing me out, and never booted me out.


May 17, 2005
What am I supposed to say or do when she apologizes that she has to stop for another time??? Don't let her go out??? I don't think that will work though because she is going to do it anyway. My point is that she is very unprofessional and had nothing to do whether she apologizes each time she is in and out or not. It may be OK to go out once or maybe even twice but being out three, four, five, ... or even nine times in one session is definitely unprofessional - there is no debate about that in my mind.

It is just UNPROFESSIONAL no matter how many times she apologizes. The point is being professional or not professional for the fairly high hourly rate she charges on a light massage and not on whether she apologizes and whether I accept her apology or not. She should not have done it in the first place to me or to anyone of you!!!!

You paid for the time so the attention and focus should be solely on you. An important good part of a massage is the rhythm. If she is interrupted so many times, how could a good rhythm be built up and it takes time to build up a good rhythm so you can really relax and enjoy. She usually came back into the room without knowing where she left off just like when she thought she was only gone for 5 minutes but in fact for 20 or 25. I don't care what training she has. If she does not put her mind into it and focus on the massage itself, the massage can't be that good no matter what her training level is.

It was the light relaxation massage I had each time - no doubt about that either. When I said I was seen out as quickly as possible, she stood in the doorway watching you down the stairs as usual but there is a level of genuinenesses or the lack of you can feel that she wanted you out so she could take care of her next customer standing in line who actually took up my unused time. I really feel that she is too concerned about the money aspect of the business and not on customer satisfaction.

I really have nothing against TingTing. I am just doing my job by sharing my experiences as I am sure I am not the only one out there unless most of you take the 30 minute option most of the time..


Active member
Jan 19, 2004
I think this is a communications issue. If you felt strongly about it, why didn't you tell her about it? Especially about the extra cash she thinks is a tip. It would have been a good time to tactfully insist on having it back, and mentionning about too much waiting. Knowing her a little, she would have been a little embarrased, but wouldn't have done it again. I thought you may have been afraid of hurting her feelings by complaining, and hence burning your bridges; but what do you have to lose? After all you've said about her, are you really planning to go back? I don't doubt about what you're saying, but I get the impression that there''s a little bit of lack of chemistry between you two. It happens...


May 17, 2005
Not sure if there is a communication issue there either. Knowing her, I think she will continue to answer the phone and the door and still similed at you afterwards :) .

I just think that is in her nature and mindset. You can't really teach or change someone's traits overnight. She knows about all these too as we did talk about it. Did that make her change? NO! She even questioned Wendy why she did not pick up the phone when she called in to check on the weekend. Wendy told her she's with a customer and that she had answered the phone way too many times already. She was not happy about that at all as she thought she was going to lose more customers. It is in her blood to seek the next customer to make more money even though it may mean short-changing some of her existing customers. She does not see that she will be losing existing customers this way.

The problem is really less severe with her MAs. Wendy and Karen actually ignores the phone sometimes when they're with me on the weekend.

As for Chemistry, TingTing, all her MAs and I get along fine which is why I have always gone back desipte she is being unprofessional all the time. When it comes to the tips, I don't mind about it at all when it is given but not when it is taken with no incentive to find the change, especally after a very poor serviced session.
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