Massage Adagio

OMG, That's an SP I've seen 6 times!


New member
Jul 12, 2003
I once saw a dancer I knew from The Brass Rail when I was walking along Bloor Street one afternoon, and neither of us were with anyone else, (she was walking her dog). She approached me with a big smile, threw her arms around me, and gave me a big kiss on the lips. I would not have done the same, but I didn't object. We talked on the sidewalk for a couple of minutes, then continued on our ways. I've never seen her since.


old timer
Nov 14, 2005
Happened to me at MY BANK :fear: Wondered if it was my money she was depositing LOL.. We looked at each other, smirk on both our faces, I gave a little nod, we just moved on...


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
I've run into clients many places restaurants , ribfest , my other work place ... I act like never seen them , & I expect the same
worst one was, running into clients at church , then later asked me what was doing there..... like they had more a right to be there then I
The priest? (j/k)


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Happened to me at MY BANK :fear: Wondered if it was my money she was depositing LOL.. We looked at each other, smirk on both our faces, I gave a little nod, we just moved on...
I think it was Dapper Don who said an SP who arrived at his outcall was a bank teller he knew!

(I have all kinds of fantasies with all the female bank tellers I know - wish that happened to me).
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Jan 11, 2011
It happened to me once too... At the local grocery store! I saw a dancer that I used to frequent the VIP room with. We both had our kids with us, just smiled at each other and kept walking. Man I wish she was still dancing...


Oct 1, 2004
Durham Region
Years ago in the VIP of Bunnies, two knuckles deep in a dancer and she says my name and highschool I went about awkward....but she played it cool and you know what they say...."Cash is King." Later at a highschool reunion we both saw eachother and picked up as though that episode never happened, since our SO's were there. No worries at all.
Dec 11, 2008
Mississauga Base location
Contemplating going to church again soon... Can you recommend one? (Like your's!:eyebrows:LOL)
@ church?!? Well I shouldn't be surprised. I was heavily involved with my church at one time, even considered the look at me. Trolling TERB. Discretion and the art of detachment from ones hobby go hand in hand I think. It only takes one stupid remark to ruin someones life, or hurt their partners feelings, which isn't fair. Then again, hobbying away from your own turf would be smart also!
The priest? (j/k)

Come guys , my escort life and private life are very different and if any one every see me in a public place . I aspect the same respect don't make notice of me nor would I of you .
GPIDEAL I have had clients that are minsters of the church , there human too and get horny
What goes on in my Bed stay's in my bed ~~~~what ever bed I'm in -lol


Active member
Mar 29, 2010
The priest? (j/k)
It happened to me in the reverse. A client came to my door. He was a client in my other business (at that time) but didn't recognize me as I was gartered, and corsetted and had lost a large amount of weight, and was more platinum since he had last seen me. His mother in law was my boss and it was just a matter of time before he put two and two toghether. My heart started to flutter and I knew I had to keep my cool so I told him I thought he was a cop and I wanted him gone instantly. I kicked him out in a nano-second before he could recognize me. He then called me from his car and pleaded with me but I told him he was LE as far as I was concerned and never to come back. I had met his wife and knew the family. It was a close call and I have a fear of someone from my past walking in and recognizing me. Has that happened to any escorts? I still have a good rep from that business and can't afford for people to know. Huge fear.


Active member
Mar 29, 2010
Seems a little mean.
I'm sure the guy wouldn't want to outed either... you could have just invited him in and said, "hey,I'm not comfortable with this..." I'm sure most guys would respect this.
Not with his having his mother in law as my boss. It was wayyyyyyyyyyy to close for comfort and the only remedy was to kick him out before he identified me as cruel as it may seem. I had to protect my anonymity first. Besides he belongs to an omerta type group and I don't want to be known within that circle and don't trust he would keep confidences regarding me. All of my warning bells were going off to get him out. I have to trust my gut instincts in this business. I clearly did not want him to know who I was.
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