Garden of Eden Escorts

Ok, here it goes-- Prices


Indy reviewer
May 15, 2003
Well said Ashley!

Ashley Dupree said:
Why do you feel like you being ripped off when you have no intention of pay that rate or visit them? Let them list what they charge and if they cant get price then they drop it. Escort service is not price fix like other product or service and escort are not union like OC Transpo. They take chance on what they think they can get and some guy will always take up on offer. I don't think boycott will work either. Maybe you have certain people here you could band together but in end of day people decide what they pay. I would love to drive nice car and could get money to pay for and forget about living in house. I dont want to. WHy? Not in my budget. But I dont go to person in parking and get mad at them for driving mercede. Not everyone agree about your price complaint. Sure economy not so good but people still pay for what they think is fair. TErb guy are just one group of customer for Sp. I think you fail to realize this.

So all this really dont have anything to do with price of sp? I wont be mean spirit here... why not try and figure out your issue with women first before taking it out on sp and her price. Spend money and see counciller instead. This isnt about price it about how you feel like woman manipulate or rip you off. Seem like prostitute always good target to take your anger out on.

You hit the nail on the head Ashley -
I think Mable has something he wants to get off his chest. He wants to derail his own thread and instead rant about ladies being disrespectful of men and then demanding (or extorting?) money. Hmmm - Mable, I think you've confused a business proposal with your own relationship issues. You're also using Terb as your own platform to spread a rather distasteful message. I encourage you to stop this and seek professional advice.


New member
Nov 4, 2006
Okay...enough. Most of you here are definitely better contributors to the board. My 2 cents is limited. However, let's just break this down quickly. You don't like the rates. Fine. You feel insulted by the rates and worry that it will affect other SP's rates if the community rewards those that ask for, what you consider to be, inflated prices. I get that, I really do. I would not want to be put into a situation where I have to pay a higher rate than the service deserves. I don't like it with cars, business, labour or even pizza delivery. But that's not the point at all! What it seems like is that you'd prefer to remove the potential risk of paying too much on a service that does not satisfy. The solution is simple: Don't. Don't go to SP's that you don't already know, don't go to SP's that you haven't researched extensively; and for God's sake, don't go to one that is out of your price range! I would really hate to be your stock broker, real estate agent or lawyer! You want a guarantee!

The SP's out there are entitled to charge what they will. Anyone with a modicum of empathy can understand that. Everyone has a price. What's yours? I bet it's too high. You like yourself too much and don't have enough sense to understand that others are allowed to like themselves too.

Let's face it. This hobby is not suited for the minimum wage earner. They have enough to worry about without moaning about an SP's rates. You either have it or you don't. End of story.

By the way...I'm drunk. But it's on overpriced booze!


New member
Nov 4, 2006
Mabel. From what I can see you're a solid contributor here. So let me revise my comments above. You agree that the ladies can charge what they like...etc. You asked that we don't comment on that. So my apologies for stating the obvious.

As for a "visceral" reaction to it? No. You seem to have forgotten that "SP's" are also PEOPLE! People do what they want. I'm sorry that they don't do what "Mabel" wants them to do. So the simple answer to your original post is "no"; I don't feel insulted. Just as they should not feel insulted that I don't think they're worth the 4-bills. If you're losing sleep over this, you need to get back in the really, real world and assess your situation.


Nov 8, 2005
Hi Mable, why don't you start posting in the Toronto threads:) . I like your controversial approach to things---lol.

In Toronto, we have a couple of sps who charge $700. This is for 2 hours. No one hour minimum allowed.

When I first joined Terb, I used to say how can sps get away with charging this much money etc? A lot of threads were written on these particular sps.

I soon realized that it was a waste of time arguing sp rates. Obviously, enough guys in Toronto can afford to pay these rates or these sps wouldn't still be in business.

I've never been to Ottawa but would like to visit someday. More of you Ottawa guys should start posting in the Toronto threads.

All the best----Squash


Nov 9, 2004
Under the bed
I have seen as many $300+ SPs as $200- ones. maybe it's my mindset but I have never had a $300+ experience that I have regretted. I have regretted at least half of my $200- experiences.

I know the reason why. Ambience is a great part of it. And, I don't intentionally use this word in a crass manner, ... "Service".


Almost Done.
Jul 10, 2006
squash500 said:
In Toronto, we have a couple of sps who charge $700. This is for 2 hours. No one hour minimum allowed.
This whole thing started with one of the ladies in question going on tour to Ottawa...


Active member
Aug 16, 2007

Why is there so much anger? Do you want to pay more? Do you think the girls are going to think you are sweet for siding with them?

Just don't pay it. If you don't want to pay, you can't play! I think it would be nice if more people agreed and would boycott sp's that charge too much (whatever that maybe in this case)

Just keep reading the reviews and decide from there.


Student of the master
Mar 20, 2006

I can understand not wanting to pay "too much" and I can understand feeling uneasy if some girls can charge more because that may lead to all girls charging more.

But you lose me when you start acting as if you are being tricked or taken advantage of. To me, that would only be true if you were mislead regarding the cost (which isn't possible since you know what it is up front) or mislead regarding the services (which happens, but then give a bad review and never repeat).

Ashley Dupree

New member
May 15, 2008
Mable said:
It is impossible to respond to the responses. Most of you are either incoherent or drunk. Hunter 001 has something going and Shiek, although lost in anger, may have a point. Not so sure. Can you clarify?
Sorry my english not to good. I lest try and think most can see point I make.


New member
Jun 3, 2007
I don't typically post often and am usually a "Lurker" as I see the slang goes. But while reading most forums they all tend to have trends toward one path or another. Sometimes the path is good, sometimes bad, sometimes blah, whatever.

This one has basically gone bad. I will refrain from classifying it as it is all over the place in the neutral to negativity to name calling to frustration.

I will comment, however, and that is, and I believe the frustrated people understand this most. Everything in life, every single thing, is about perspective.

If you took, for example, the worst problem that you have ever happened to overcome in your entire life, for many people they all have their stories. Compare that to someone in some areas of Africa or the Middle East and they would probably be cheering if that was their worst problem.

Alternatively, take the best accomplishment you have ever made. You are probably very proud of that accomplishment. But compare it to becoming President, or Prime Minister, or a Multi-Billionaire and it may not appear so spectacular from >their< perspective.

All of this blathering above by myself applies to pricing, cars, houses, life memories, and any number of status symbols we like to measure ourselves by.

I'll stop there cause I think I have summed it up.


Nov 18, 2005
Pricing in this market is just like any other market. It's not always just what the market can bear. Several other legitimate factors go into any pricing structure:
  • perceived quality
  • "cost" inputs to the provider
  • price as a filter to reduce/exclude access to specific demographics
  • and so forth

I don't have a problem with some people asking more than I can afford/am-willing-to-pay. I also don't have a problem with Rolls-Royce selling automobiles at whatever they charge these days. It's their right; it defines their product and service; the only person that has a right to judge their pricing decisions is the provider themself.

The rest of us, the consumers, will decide to take up a service on the whole weird combination of factors that go into our buying decisions. That, too, is no one's business but our own.


Feb 4, 2004
consumer rights

Provider`s can charge whatever they want! But consumer`s can report on boards like terb if they recieved the service they paid for,in their OPINION as they were the one paying, and they are the ones who determine if the service is worth the price ,not the provider!IMHO:p


Active member
Sep 20, 2004

As usual, Slurp, you are a classy guy. I agree with you. Let's just let it go. I would have responded sooner but have been incapacitated.


Active member
Sep 20, 2004
I started this thread so I think I should finish it. Many of you have provided very insightful remarks and for the most part have been respectful even though you disagree with me. Thanks to Squash and jKg76 and others for your responses.

In the end game I suppose I got answers to what I asked for -- does anyone feel like I do? I got my answer -- basically not:)

I really had no idea there would be a firestorm reaction to my question. Some of you have inferentially made ad hominem attacks toward me. That's ok. I never run from a fight but I promised Slurp to let it go and I will.


Indy reviewer
May 15, 2003

Mable said:
I started this thread so I think I should finish it. Many of you have provided very insightful remarks and for the most part have been respectful even though you disagree with me. Thanks to Squash and jKg76 and others for your responses.

In the end game I suppose I got answers to what I asked for -- does anyone feel like I do? I got my answer -- basically not:)

I really had no idea there would be a firestorm reaction to my question. Some of you have inferentially made ad hominem attacks toward me. That's ok. I never run from a fight but I promised Slurp to let it go and I will.
Good deal Mable - when are you going to provide some reviews of some of the ladies ?


Active member
Sep 20, 2004
Well Jabba, hopefully soon. As you may know I don't Hobby much in this town but interesting prospects are coming. So I may well partake. I will also be in Toronto in March on business. There are many ladies I would like to see there. Let's see, how many can I see in a 4 day period and still work? I am a morning man, perhaps a nooner and then one for a nightcap???:D
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts