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Ok, here it goes-- Prices


New member
Feb 26, 2004
Supply and demand... agreed... but no pussy on the planet is worth $400 per hour.

At least not to me.


If all of don't understand then you're not being clear

maxer900 said:
Supply and demand... agreed... but no pussy on the planet is worth $400 per hour.

At least not to me.
Agreed, given my current situation I would not pay 400. But if I had the cash to burn I'd do it. And lots of guys in this town do. But for 400 I would expect more than just "pussy". For guys only looking to bust a nut I can see your point.

Mable, I think we see your point. You think SP prices have creeped upward and wonder how many guys think it is a trend and don't like it. And you're looking for solutions on how to reverse the trend. And you're also looking for cohorts to try to make a difference. Ain't gonna happen as I stated b4, several times. Now matter how many times you try to re-state your position it's apparent what your goal is.

This constant whining probably doesn't help make the ones here want to stay. You've heard how one negative can outweigh many positives right? You can do way more harm than good with your vendetta. Enjoy what you feel comfortable paying and stop hurting chances for visiting escorts to want to come here. Please. Pretty please.


New member
Sep 18, 2006
I think nobody answered one of Mable's question: are we regarded as idiots by those who are charging $300 and more?
I would not pay the price of a Ferrari for a Taurus. The problem is that a lot SPs think they are 'Ferraris' but once you pay and 'test' them you find out they weren't 'Ferraris', and then you rightfully start whining...


Nov 3, 2001
small town
I have occasionaly paid a premium price but have not found any consistent co-relation between price and the quality of my experience.
I think some of us pay more because it makes us feel like a high-roller, even though the service may not be better than average. We all want to think we are important sometimes, and spending $400.00 per hour for what we think of as exclusivity, may do it for us.
Personally I am satisfied to look at those charging average prices and choosing carefully among them. Then if the experience turns out to be only average I don't feel I have been a sucker.
If others want to spend more, that is for them to decide.


"The Gatekeeper"
Aug 29, 2006
Read the original post and now this one.

Looks to me like the OP is jealous. What other reason could get someone so hopped up about people making more money than him.

Time to move on.


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
Agree with most here. I feel neither offended nor played for a fool by a couple hi priced escorts. I play within my price comfort zone and there are plenty in the biz in that zone. I don think the hi priced ones are insulting us - they merely are looking for a more "exclusive" clientele - for lack of a better term- and they seem to do ok with that.


New member
Sep 23, 2008
No SP posts her price thinking about you, it's not about you so don't take ti so personally?

I have hit on hard times lattley and have had to draw a line in the sand at 300-400 the ladies that charge $200 will let me spend 2 hours with them...

There are some great ladies in Ottawa for $200 fantastic actually and I am very satisfied, is it the real deal 700-800 experience ... nope, and when I can get back to that level I will. Are there some posers out there charging to much, hell ya and they drop off pretty fast (I have paid $200 sometimes and felt ripped off). Are there some ladies that are severely undervalued yes there are!! Amy and Soccermum to name 2!! Soccermum is worth $300 for what she provides to me, and Amy is the real deal was in her new jacuzzi suite and she is 99% there to being a $1000 girl, just a bit of wardrobe and she is there (several of us are working on that!) And you can grab her for $200!!! (BTW if you have not seen these 2 yet you have rocks in your head!)

In life there are victims who complain all the time, and there are leaders who go out and do, the statements about being insulted by high priced ladies and about women don't say nice things about guys are victim statements.

It's pretty easy to sit and complain, however I choose to be happy and settle for what I can get, and lately it has been stupendous!

If you think Ottawa Prices are crazy have a look in Calgary and Edmonton, then consider yourself lucky.

One thing that will make a huge difference to the price is if you can persuade about 100 more ladies to enter the trade, so the challenge to you Mable if you really want to do something about the price is to start hustling every pretty girl you see into becoming an SP!!! I know I have tried to do my part and have turned out a few ladies over the years :) Hell lets not leave it all up to Mable if we all get one lady a year to add her name to the list of available SP's in Ottawa we will have the price = to Montreal in no time!

Mable said:
The alternative is to not see them. Radio Shack makes a good point!!!!

I grew up with a mother and a few sisters, all older. I used to listen to their rants and those of their girlfriends. Boy did they disrespect men!!!!!!!! Why? Because we are so easily manipulated. As the old saying goes, " a stif prik knows no conscience" or maybe it should be a stif prik has no brains. I do not know. But I do know what many women think of men and it is not a good thing. Another saying, "a woman can outsmart a man any day of the week." Well yes because a man thinks with the small head. An there are not any brains in that. So, I guess I am getting to why I feel offended. These women are playing us for the fools I used to here about when I was growing up. Nothing has changed. It is up to men to wisen up and not fall into the old traps.

I appreciate the comments made here; they have been thoughtful and appropriate.

Ashley Dupree

New member
May 15, 2008
No ofense

Mable said:
Why do we let them?
Why do you feel like you being ripped off when you have no intention of pay that rate or visit them? Let them list what they charge and if they cant get price then they drop it. Escort service is not price fix like other product or service and escort are not union like OC Transpo. They take chance on what they think they can get and some guy will always take up on offer. I don't think boycott will work either. Maybe you have certain people here you could band together but in end of day people decide what they pay. I would love to drive nice car and could get money to pay for and forget about living in house. I dont want to. WHy? Not in my budget. But I dont go to person in parking and get mad at them for driving mercede. Not everyone agree about your price complaint. Sure economy not so good but people still pay for what they think is fair. TErb guy are just one group of customer for Sp. I think you fail to realize this.

Mable said:
The alternative is to not see them. Radio Shack makes a good point!!!!

I grew up with a mother and a few sisters, all older. I used to listen to their rants and those of their girlfriends. Boy did they disrespect men!!!!!!!! Why? Because we are so easily manipulated. As the old saying goes, " a stif prik knows no conscience" or maybe it should be a stif prik has no brains. I do not know. But I do know what many women think of men and it is not a good thing. Another saying, "a woman can outsmart a man any day of the week." Well yes because a man thinks with the small head. An there are not any brains in that. So, I guess I am getting to why I feel offended. These women are playing us for the fools I used to here about when I was growing up. Nothing has changed. It is up to men to wisen up and not fall into the old traps.

I appreciate the comments made here; they have been thoughtful and appropriate.

So all this really dont have anything to do with price of sp? I wont be mean spirit here... why not try and figure out your issue with women first before taking it out on sp and her price. Spend money and see counciller instead. This isnt about price it about how you feel like woman manipulate or rip you off. Seem like prostitute always good target to take your anger out on.


Almost Done.
Jul 10, 2006
mable said:
I grew up with a mother and a few sisters, all older. I used to listen to their rants and those of their girlfriends. Boy did they disrespect men!!!!!!!! Why? Because we are so easily manipulated.

mable said:
These women are playing us for the fools I used to here about when I was growing up. Nothing has changed. It is up to men to wisen up and not fall into the old traps.
Dude you might want to spend the money on therapy and forget about seeing any SP's.

It seems like your view of women has been tainted by some fu**ed interaction between your extended family and yourself. You seem to relate the Sp's rate to conversions you overheard growing up that you interpreted as disrespectful toward men by women.

Your issues seem a lot deeper then what an SP charges. I don't think it will matter what a SP charges, you will still consider the rate disrespectful because she is a women.

I assume that the SP's that you consider "high priced" are not of the following :
  1. Your mother
  2. Your sister
  3. Your sister's friends.

With the assumptions above in place you can't know what "high priced" SP's are thinking because 1) you have never met them (you said you would never pay $xxx), 2) your family members/circle of friends may not be representative of the female population as a whole.

Just something to consider. :D


Active member
Sep 20, 2004
It is impossible to respond to the responses. Most of you are either incoherent or drunk. Hunter 001 has something going and Shiek, although lost in anger, may have a point. Not so sure. Can you clarify?


Active member
Sep 20, 2004
I have received many responses to my questions.. I do not understand why there is so much anger ( Sheik ). Can you explain yourself?


New member
Apr 1, 2007
First of all, I'm neither drunk nor incoherent.

Mable, I don't know you and have never really corresponded with you other than through this thread. And I think I've been direct and respectful.

But - and I say this with the utmost respect - I think it's time to give it a rest. Nothing further can be gained by continuing on with this thread, in this manner.

And that's all I'm gonna say about it.


New member
Sep 23, 2008
backwoods said:
I have been travelling here for years, I have but one comment,

there are very very few true GFE , hot sps in ottawa.
actually - one maybe

If it werent for visiting girls I would never get laid there,

so if its 400 fucking cool because otherwise, Im jerking off:eek:

reality is the local scene is pretty grim.
I have not noticed, I guess they just like me.


"The Gatekeeper"
Aug 29, 2006
"Most of you are either incoherent or drunk."


You've managed to get yourself into an indefensible position.

One more time, I sincerely suggest you just drop it and move on...:)


New member
Sep 23, 2008
Mable said:
It is impossible to respond to the responses. Most of you are either incoherent or drunk. Hunter 001 has something going and Shiek, although lost in anger, may have a point. Not so sure. Can you clarify?

May be confusing drunk with happy?


Active member
Sep 20, 2004
Hey slurp. Comments are appreciated. I have to think abit before I respond.


Mable said:
Hey slurp. Comments are appreciated. I have to think abit before I respond.
Take your time, to be honest I've had about enough on this topic, I'd rather see it fade away as I hate to have prospective visiting SPs keep seeing stuff of this nature. In fact, I wouldn't mind if you decided to delete the whole thing.

Mable, I know you're a good guy and mean well, I've had enough to do with you over the last few years to know that. And you know I've always been a guy who tries to get the most fun for his money. We've exchanged info on some girls who provided excellent service at a rate less than they deserve.

I just don't see how this will ever help in any way. They way we've shared info in the past has worked, let's leave it at that ok?
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