Allure Massage

Ok, here it goes-- Prices


Active member
Sep 20, 2004
This is a stand alone thread. I want to discuss prices. I have been admonished for this in the past. I do however think it is a viable subject. I am not referring to any specific lady and am not interested in the standard harping. If you have nothing positive to say then say nothing.

I have been forseeing for years that the rates would eventually go absolutely crazy. There are at least 2 ladies now advertizing for upcoming trips to Ottawa asking $400/hr. In my view this is absolutely nuts. What do you think? Please no ass-hole comments. And no pedestrian comments either. Use your imaginations and intelligence and provide meaningful responses. I for one think this is just out of hand. Yes, yes, yes the girl can charge what she likes blah, blah. Please. Do not comment on this.

I am interested in how you feel. Am I the only one who has a visceral negative reaction? Am I the only one who feels insulted? Am I the only one who thinks this is crazy? Do none of you feel like you are being played for idiots? (Man)ipulated? Holy Christ!!

I have been accused of hijacking threads because my comments were imbedded in an already existing thread about a lady. This is a stand alone thread regarding pricing referring to no specific woman. Sheik, I hope this is alright. Yes , I have read the stickys and think I am in comformance with policy.

Gentlemen, please comment. If you disagree with me ( and in fact am the only one who feels this way) then ok. So be it. Just do not be rude. If the majority of you think this (pricing) is ok, I will never speak of it again.


New member
Apr 1, 2007
I don't think a discussion about pricing is necessarily out of line, subject to the rules of the board. But this is a privately-run board; the owner and mods can allow, or delete, as they see fit. They don't have to give us reasons. It's not a democracy.

To your question: How do I feel when I see rates like you've mentioned ($400+/hr)?

Truthfully, I don't feel anything about it at all. I can't, and won't, speak for anyone else, but I see no reason to feel insulted or played for a fool. That sort of price is, simply put, too much. Can I afford it? Yes. But I choose not to pay that rate.

The girls can charge as they please. I have a choice about whether to pay for their services or not. At that rate, I choose not to.


New member
Jun 19, 2008
I think $400 an hour is too much.

An sp with rates that high makes herself exclusive to a pretty small market. Maybe she feels more comfortable with a limited clientele? Maybe she sees 1 client a day, or less.

You do have to consider that 5 clients @ $400/h is less wear and tear on the body and mind than 10 @ $200/h.

Of course no touring SP is going to see 1 client a day, they are trying to make a quick killing.

Of course there is no law that says lower cost SP's have to see more clients, but at the end of the day, it is all about the money.

I know you don't want to hear it, but SP's are free to set their own rates and the only thing that you can do is pay it, or choose not to see her.


Active member
Sep 20, 2004
Thank you for your response. Very meaningful.

But let me ask something further. Although exorbitant rates exist in every jurisdiction, they seem to be not anywhere as frequent as in Ottawa. Toronto, and esecially Montreal have very competitive rates. Why do you think sp's come to Ottawa with a view to gouge?


New member
Jun 19, 2008
Because there is nowhere near as much choice or quality in Ottawa as there is in Montreal.

In short...because they can.


Retired Perv
Apr 3, 2007
Rates as in prices of any commodity are set by the vendor and are set according to what the market will bear.

This is the age old supply and demand question with the added goody of quality.

If business goes up/down as a result of the rates/prices then they are adjusted up or down.

We as the consumers indirectly affect the rate/price by consuming or not consuming the goods.

I am neither being positive or negative to your thread, just adding the facts as I see them and the facts that have been seen for hundreds of years of barter for goods and services.


Active member
Sep 20, 2004
The alternative is to not see them. Radio Shack makes a good point!!!!

I grew up with a mother and a few sisters, all older. I used to listen to their rants and those of their girlfriends. Boy did they disrespect men!!!!!!!! Why? Because we are so easily manipulated. As the old saying goes, " a stif prik knows no conscience" or maybe it should be a stif prik has no brains. I do not know. But I do know what many women think of men and it is not a good thing. Another saying, "a woman can outsmart a man any day of the week." Well yes because a man thinks with the small head. An there are not any brains in that. So, I guess I am getting to why I feel offended. These women are playing us for the fools I used to here about when I was growing up. Nothing has changed. It is up to men to wisen up and not fall into the old traps.

I appreciate the comments made here; they have been thoughtful and appropriate.


Active member
Mar 10, 2006
Well, I dont live in Ottawa anymore, living in Vancouver, and to be quite honest, yes, $400 is alot, but it could be worse. Out here at least, you can get laid for $60, or you can spend well over $1000 per hour, but it depends on what you want. Do you want to see someone who has had 12 guys before you, all of which are very price sensitive, and probably more active in the scene, or do someone who sees maybe 2-3 guys per day?

on a side note... the banks seem to charge whatever they see fit... so why not everyone else?

I could care less personally about those women who are charging exorbant amounts of money, as chances are I would never see them to begin with. I dont see their services as being that different than any other SP's out there, except for the fact that they are selective on who they see.

I would love to see prices come down, and in fact out west they are. With this current economic situation, more and more of the "higher end" Sp's have been dropping their prices, not by $20, but by $50 increments. It will hit you guys too, dont know if thats a good or a bad thing, but it will.

At $400 a pop though, yea, I could probably find better options out there, in fact I could probably find a duo at that rate. But you as the consumer, have that choice. The only reason they are charging that is 'cause some people will spend it. And they wont be for too much longer.

(kinda felt like one of those RMR rants...)

herelookin (pt2)

New member
Jan 4, 2008
For me they can charge what they want... it is my choice whether to avail myself to their services...

And when they do ask if they should make a trip to Ottawa (with their prices) if I am not inclined to make an appointment then I keep silent. I really do not think the aim of their question is a "yes / no" thing... they just want to see if there is an interest (read... yes responses).

There are plenty of things in life that I cannot afford and this just seems to be another extension of life.

So, I try to keep in "my price range" and enjoy what I can... leave the others whom can afford the more expensive...

Used to be my 2 cents worth but... what the heck... from now on I'm charging 5 cents ;>)


Relocated Member
Aug 19, 2001
Ottawa, On
The problem with prices is that they all go up together, you would think it was collusion. When a girl provides really good service and is attractive, she starts to raise her prices to maximise her income. More power to her.

But what happens is the next girl comes along, sees the higher price that the girls who have established that they are worth it charge and think that because they are similarly equipped, they can charge the same price. Along comes Joe Pooner, who plunks down his $300 and gets a $100 experience. Understandedly, he is pissed and comes on sights like this one and calls out all the girls charging higer prices assuming they are all the same.

One thing this recession will do is sort the wheat from the chaff. The girls who are worth three and four hundred will continue to do well or even better as the client seeks to get better value for his dollar. And the pretenders will see their incomes reduced.

I have already started to notice a trend to more specials which is usually a prelude to general drop in prices. This will benefit both the clients and the premium SPs, who will see fewer pretenders trying to play in the big leagues. Budget conscious clients will also notice an increase in the availability of budget type experiences along with lower expectations which those girls will be able to meet resultng in more satisfied people generally.


And you wonder why they don't want to come here

This has been all said before. If guys weren't paying the higher prices they wouldn't charge them. Since the clients on Terb and other review boards make up a small percentage of the higher end escort customers a concerted effort here will have minimal effect on prices.

Face it, this is the nation's capital and there's lots of high rollers who can easily afford the high end girls. They'll never see this thread and would probably care less if they did. And if the girls can charge those high rates and make a go of it, why would they want to lower them for any reason? And why do any of us think we have the right to ask them to?

As one who has actively pursued out of town girls to visit here I think all this talk of trying to get girls to lower rates is self defeating. They see the threads and they don't want to come here because they feel we're cheap. They can get their rate in other cities without all the bellyaching. That means there's less competition so the few high end escorts who do come here will charge more. So what was accomplished?

There's lots of good talented girls available locally in the $160 to $250/hr range. No matter what you try to do to band together and get girls to lower prices it won't work. We aren't a significant percentage of their business so it's not affecting them. It's more likely to piss em off and drive them away. Then we can go back to crying that no one will visit here.

If you can afford the high end girls, great. I think more would be accomplished by just not seeing the girls out of your price range and keeping quiet about it. The market dictates prices as in all businesses, see the girls in your range.

I can see where a girl would feel it's demeaning to her for someone to try to tell her what to charge for such a personal service. Be gentlemen and let things sort themselves out and have fun as best you can with what you can afford. There's enough choice for everyone.

And so no one is confused ..... I am NOT a high roller and can't generally afford high end escorts. But I don't begrudge those who can and do.


Feb 14, 2004
I don't have a problem with a lady that charges $400/hr.
I read the descriptions and there are quite a number who can clearly write interesting sentences, and aren't just pretty faces/bodies. I've noticed that they do charge more. I could never pay $400/hr --- in part because I'm just not interested in 1 hour.

I have paid $400, even $600 for multiple hours, but it's very difficult to do that if you haven't met at all before... a lady that charges $400/2 hours (minimum) is a just a $200/hr lady that wants longer appointments. The problem is that you don't want to risk that much money when it might be obvious within ten minutes that you aren't compatible. I would suggest such ladies either have "introductionary" rates, offer to have 15 minute coffee, or cheapest, use email/IM/telephone to better get to know people.

I don't mind if the 1hr rates stays at $200. I wouldn't mind if the multiple hour, or overnight rates came down.

I think the top-end rates will stay the same: the very rich remain rich.
The mid-end rates will come down a bit as people get a bit poorer and the number of ladies who aren't between hits of drugs goes up a bit.
Unfortunately, I think there will be an expansion of very inexpensive "girls" appearing at the low-end. Perhaps they will be street-walkers, but I suspect that won't be permitted. They also won't be strippers, because the champagne rooms are too public now... This won't be good for anyone.


Almost Done.
Jul 10, 2006
CapitalGuy said:
What kind of name is Mable? What guy calls himself Mable?
6'6" , 500lb black man.



Active member
Sep 20, 2004
There have been many good replies. Even those who try to belittle me , I thank them.. It is too late for me to respond. I have just come off a business trip and am tired. But I will repond. And to shiek as well. This misandry (anyone understand that word?) is palitable. And to date no-one has understood what I am getting at. Cheers.
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