Oakville teacher wears huge prosthetic breasts to shop class


Well-known member
Aug 10, 2010
We’ll see what happens. These board members seem to be digging in their heals pretty hard, though. I assume that there must be other less vocal people who are supporting them; there’s no way they are doing this on their own?
This is Levitt's NP column, that the HDSB totally ignored.


Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
This is Levitt's NP column, that the HDSB totally ignored.

Yes…I remember reading that. The legal advice received by the board was the complete opposite so…I dunno.

I assume the board is doing this because they genuinely believe they are handling this in the way that best protects them from civil liability. I am sure they would love it if Busty Lemieux would just go away on her own, and I believe she will be leaving the board at the end of this academic year- 3 more months. So the board is just gonna run the clock and wait for her to leave on her own.

It looks to me like the board is just going through this process to appease these protesters…but they have no intention of actually doing anything…and the protesters know this…and the board knows that the protesters know this and they give zero fucks and are basically giving them the middle finger and letting them know that bomb threats are not going to change their decision.
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Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
At this point, do we even know if Busty Lemieux is teaching at that school? She had been off work for some time due to a foot injury but was videoed back in the school hobbling around in a walking cast a couple of weeks ago. So is she back teaching now? For all we know she may just be at home on medical leave for the rest of this semester?


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
“Following numerous threats to Oakville Trafalgar High School, we echo the statement made last week by Education Minister Stephen Lecce, the HDSB has abdicated its responsibility by failing to put the interests and safety of students first.”

Wow…so these 3 Conservative MPP‘s are literally aligning themselves with people who make bomb threats. I know you believe in that kinda thing, Mitch, but frankly I find this frightening. They are letting the board know that the bomb threats are justified and that if they don’t do as they are told there will be more of them. Trudeau’s concerns about the Conservatives’ aligning themselves with Far Right terror groups are well founded.
What's totally messed up is that the kids at that school no longer feel safe because of right winger threats over this one likely trans teacher.
Its not the teacher that's making life miserable for the kids, its the people threatening trans and LGBTQ people.



Active member
Jun 6, 2020
At this point, do we even know if Busty Lemieux is teaching at that school? She had been off work for some time due to a foot injury but was videoed back in the school hobbling around in a walking cast a couple of weeks ago. So is she back teaching now? For all we know she may just be at home on medical leave for the rest of this semester?
She? You have zero credibilty.

Dutch Oven

Well-known member
Feb 12, 2019
I dont agree with the prison part or taking their kids away, but look at the grooming going on.


Most parents are too busy to even keep tabs on what their children view or do on the internet or who they have contact with outside of the home. It is bewildering that a parent would take the time and effort to take their children to an event like this. Talk about misplaced priorities!

Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
Busty Lemieux put on paid home leave. No longer teaching at Oakville Trafalgar High School!!

The Sun article is asserting that it was the picture taken of Lemieux as a man and the letter from Stephen Lecce that led to her being placed on medical leave but they don’t have any proof of that.

Lemieux had been off work for awhile due to the foot injury; I suspect the medical leave has more to do with that but it’s impossible to know bc neither the school nor Lemieux are going to tell us.

Anyway…all’s well that ends well. All the anti-trans activists and their Right Wing friends in parliament will need to find new targets for their bomb threats.
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Master of Disaster
Jun 10, 2008
This whole story is bonkers. I don't think anyone on the left or right thinks what this individual is doing is appropriate. Are they intentionally trying to fuck with the board as some sort of right-wing stunt? Were they close to being fired previously and jumped on this identity to avoid dismissal by making the board second guess the potential of a human rights tribunal? And the board....As Levitt accurately put it, the board can insist on appropriate dress in the classroom....

Now, according to the Star, the board is bringing in outside help:

The whole
situation is so bizarre, I don't even know what is real or bullshit.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015


Well-known member
Jan 31, 2014
This whole story is bonkers. I don't think anyone on the left or right thinks what this individual is doing is appropriate. Are they intentionally trying to fuck with the board as some sort of right-wing stunt? Were they close to being fired previously and jumped on this identity to avoid dismissal by making the board second guess the potential of a human rights tribunal? And the board....As Levitt accurately put it, the board can insist on appropriate dress in the classroom....

Now, according to the Star, the board is bringing in outside help:

The whole
situation is so bizarre, I don't even know what is real or bullshit.
And what's the dress code gonna do? All Boobs has to say is that it's a body image issue and the Board will fold. That's why he is still being paid because firing him opens up the Board to the wrongful dismissal suit and discrimination charges. They don't want to set the precedent of firing someone claiming to be trans.
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