
O.P.P. "speeding" trick


New member
Apr 10, 2006
The officer will always trump up the speed. If you're doing 110, they'll say you were doing 125. If you say no I was going no faster than 110 the officer will nail you for the 110 and it will hold up in court. Just say you don't believe him/her and you want to see the reading, if they say they can't for your safety, ask to see it at a safer location. By now you'll usually be let off, if not and he/she doesn't let you see the reading and gives you a ticket do a couple of things: note the weather to use in court, note whether there are any other officers in the car, note the exact location where the "infraction" occurred and where you were pulled over.
From here just look on the internet for ticket fighting is so easy to get out of tickets. Thanks internet!!!!

Cinema Face

New member
Mar 1, 2003
The Middle Kingdom
That sucks getting pulled over. At least he was good enuf to let u go.

Technically, a cop and pull u over for doing 1 km over the speed limit. I once got a ticket for doing 57 km in a 50. It depends on the circumstances and the cop.

Another time, I passed a cop who was doing exactly the speed limit. He just honked at me and pointed to his speedometer to tell me to slow down.

A cop doesn't need to use a radar gun. They can follow u and use their own speedo to determine you're speed. I don't know if you were following him, whether that would stand up in court.

Typically, 19 km over is pretty safe.

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
leftorium007 said:
Just say you don't believe him/her and you want to see the reading, if they say they can't for your safety, ask to see it at a safer location. By now you'll usually be let off...
Or had the book thrown at you for every possible charge you can be nailed with. :rolleyes:

If you're getting charged for 9 km/hour over, you were probably being a dick and deserved it. Unless the cop was having a really bad day.
Keebler Elf said:
Or had the book thrown at you for every possible charge you can be nailed with. :rolleyes:

If you're getting charged for 9 km/hour over, you were probably being a dick and deserved it. Unless the cop was having a really bad day.
Could be bad day, or could be quota time..... yes it does exist, got LE friends who have confirmed it.


Well-known member
May 25, 2002

NEVER admit that you were speeding - this is a "confession" and you will have no recourse if charged. Always say something like "gee officer I don't think I was going that fast".... and if ticketed - always fight it.

Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
DistantVoyeur said:
Could be bad day, or could be quota time..... yes it does exist, got LE friends who have confirmed it.
So? If you're not acting like a dick, chances are the cop won't bother ticketing you for 9 over and will instead nab one of the hundreds of people speeding at much more excessive speeds.

The point is, don't act like a dick and chances are you'll be let off. I'm always respectful towards officers and I always get better treatment. If I was stupid enough to say something like "show me the radar gun", then I'd be getting exactly what I deserved when I get a ticket for 9 over.

Regardless, if you're not speeding, you're not getting ticketed.


New member
Feb 15, 2004
one more thing...if you get caught speeding...lets say 110 in a 100 zone, and the cop reduces it to 110...don't try to fight the reduced charge. The ticket is marked as having been reduced at the time ti was issued...



Ex-Escort Driver
May 8, 2004
thompo69 said:
No, they don't. They are under no obligation to show you the radar reading.
Its the Law, they are NOT requied to show you how they catch you. Read the rules of the road...... Yes they can give you a ticket for 1khm above the speed limit, they can also give you a ticket for going to slow as well. Rule of thumb but its not made of stone.. On city roads they usually set the radar at 16khm above speed limit and hwy is set at 19khm above speed limit. The 407 has got a bad rap for speeders and they are now cracking down on the 407 which means keep it below 15khm over the speed limit. The 407 complained about too many speeders, so now the OPP has to enforce it harder... This is what i have learned from a few OPP'ers..

Hope this helps...


New member
Sep 6, 2004
the only problem with obeying the law is that when I take the 407, doing 100 on the right-most lane, I'm still being tailgated, honked or high-beamed.

the same goes with DVP. 90 kph - zero tolerance. Everybody is driving around 110+, I was doing slightly less than 110 , but I was the only one stopped by the cop. Good thing a friend of mine was video taping me while I was driving (even secretly taped the cop while he talked to me) so when I brought the tape to court, the judge can clearly see that the other cars are slowly passing my car which is a proof that I was actually driving slower than the rest of the traffic but the cop didn't catch the rest of them. I got off scott free.


New member
Jul 6, 2003
monkeychan said:
the only problem with obeying the law is that when I take the 407, doing 100 on the right-most lane, I'm still being tailgated, honked or high-beamed.
The average speed on the 407 is around 120KM on the right lane and around 140KM on the left lane depending on the time of the day. I get honked even doing 110KM on the right lane.


New member
Sep 6, 2004
Cosmic said:
The average speed on the 407 is around 120KM on the right lane and around 140KM on the left lane depending on the time of the day. I get honked even doing 110KM on the right lane.
exactly, how the OPP (or anybody) expect anybody to obey the speed limit. Especially when the speed limit is ridiculously low. The 407, IIRC, was designed to be driven up to 160 kph SAFELY, so why the 100 kph limit? Put the limit to 140 kph and be done with it.

On the other hand, DVP 90 kph should be around 110 kph.

Both with zero tolerance, of course.


Jul 25, 2005
So the officer walks up to my car - he's young. Huffs out "going pretty fast there eh?"

I bit my tongue. But when he told me I had passed him at 120 I had to speak up.


Sounds more like he was trying to get you to say something sufficiently incriminating that would be enough to lay the ticket.

When you didn't, he had little choice but to run your license and eventually conclude there wasn't enough to do anything.
SPQR said:
They do have Radars euipment than can monitor you in motion as long as you are directly infront or behind the vehicle.
As far as I know, OPP nor QPP do not have the moving radars.

It's commonly use by NY, MA, TX, & CA troopers. I got napped few times as they're going in opposing direction. Since then, I learn to hide behind others' radar shadow, much info. on web.

Must've been a slow night for 407 young dude to play such game to meet quota.


Jun 3, 2002
monkeychan said:
exactly, how the OPP (or anybody) expect anybody to obey the speed limit. Especially when the speed limit is ridiculously low. The 407, IIRC, was designed to be driven up to 160 kph SAFELY, so why the 100 kph limit? Put the limit to 140 kph and be done with it.

On the other hand, DVP 90 kph should be around 110 kph.

Both with zero tolerance, of course.
Road design means nothing if the drivers don't have the skill to drive even at the more modest speeds.

Far too few drivers have even basic skills of defensive driving, skid control or accident avoidance. And that's the ridiculous part.


New member
Sep 10, 2001
2SOON JR said:
probably the cop was hitting on ur or something ?

I've done that tons of times to the cops, its always better to pass them as they'll be sure not to pull you over. There is some kind of stupid mentality behind that, i don't get it either. Speedtraps r something different, but IMO always pass the cop if he is doing 120 or so
Just like it's always better to run away and put your hand in your pocket when a cop pulls a gun:rolleyes:


New member
Sep 6, 2004
Meesh said:
Far too few drivers have even basic skills of defensive driving, skid control or accident avoidance. And that's the ridiculous part.
People like that should not get their driver's license to begin with. This way at least 50% of the drivers will be taken off the road. That'll solve the traffic problem too :p


Jun 3, 2002
monkeychan said:
People like that should not get their driver's license to begin with. This way at least 50% of the drivers will be taken off the road. That'll solve the traffic problem too :p
I totally agree (except I suspect that your percentage is far too low!)


New member
Sep 6, 2004
bavarian said:
#3 then of course you could always drive the speed limit, just stay outa the fast lane.
That goese back to the problem of being taligated, honked and high-beamed
when I'm doing 100 in a 100 zone on the most right lane at 407 (or even 401 for that matter), or the same thing goes when I'm doing 90 on the rightmost lane at DVP where it's supposed to be 90 kph zone with zero tolerance.

Quite unfortunate, really, when people who wants to obey the rule get shafted.


Winner of TIE's FIFA Cup
Jun 1, 2006
sorely said:
Just like it's always better to run away and put your hand in your pocket when a cop pulls a gun:rolleyes:
trust me, being nice to a cop doesn't do anything,

with over 7 tickets that i've received in 4 years of driving i've learned how cops r and i play with their mind.

and ya i took all my cases to the court and I won them.

if u act like u following the law infront of them , they'll nail you for sure.

let me tell give you an example. My car is lowered to the ground, a cop pulled over once besides me and complimented me on the car and i asked him if its ok am lowered, he said ya don't worry if we pull you and let u go without a ticket with a warning means we were just playing around. He asked me what else i had done to it, and i sped infront of him as soon as the lights turned green.

Now if he wanted he could have nailed me for a ticket.

like i said play with their mind
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