Not getting caught hobbying, YOUR tips, tricks, good advice put it here for everyone.


Aug 8, 2011
Turn off notifications for messages on your phone. That way when your phone is idle a “hey baby” text won’t pop up on your lock screen. Also notify your favourite ladies that if they want to tell you they are available they must send a blank text. Or a text with just a period. Have them saved as some random corporation. For example if you save me as MCart Inc. that lets you know that Melissa Carter is messaging you but to anyone else looking at your phone it looks like a company messaging you. Have 3 passwords you can remember and interchange them once or twice a month so no one knows what your phone password is.
I wanted to suggest this too, but forgot. Well done! Glad to see ladies out there mindful of this.


Well-known member
May 13, 2013
Physical Evidence.

Socks. When you take them off, put them inside your shoes immediately, before they touch the floor, so you don't pick up hairs etc. I would also suggest you put the correct sock in the correct shoe, because if I were a suspicious wife I would make a small yet noticeable marking on one sock so I could see if they miracululously changed feet during the day! And always make sure you do not accidentally put it back on inside out!

Belt - if you went to work shirt tucked in, make sure its still tucked in.

Underwear. Sperm / oil stains.

1) Try to take a piss afterwards before you put underwear back on.
2) If not or there's oil, put a tissue/TP around your penis to keep it away from underwear.
3) Of course not inside out!
4) All else fails, when you get home, take it off, wash it in hot water with soap, wring it dry like you've never wrung anything dry before, and put it back on. It should dry off completely from body heat in 4 hours or so.
5) Even that fails, go in the bathroom, wipe your butthole all over it where the butthole is, tell her you had diarrhea.

Shirt = not inside out obviously, same number of buttons as before.

Breath. Make sure you don't have pussy juice all over the exterior of your lips face. Wash your face, brush, coffee.

Clothes in general - watch out for hairs! Long blond hairs have no business on you if your wife has short dark hair. Get a lint roller. Or just a roll of tape of any kind, and use it.

CAR - if you ever have her in your car, vacuum it out, or go to a pro place where they do the interior. If anything still there it was the girl that cleaned the interior I guess.

Dashcam. Disconnect it when going anywhere incriminating. Otherwise it leaves a perfect record.

Wallet - if you leave with a particular combination of bills in your wallet, its not good enough to come back with the same value, you need the same bills, in case your wallet is being searched, so take out what you need from an ATM at the same time.

Cards etc. Anyone at a spa or whatever gives you a card, NEVER LET IT LEAVE YOUR HAND.

Throw it away, but never ever ever temporarily leave it somewhere in your car.

Do NOT rely on your memory!

Location. Avoid your local area! Or any area near to where someone you know lives. If you are really paranoid, when going in to a place be taking something that could be construed as a valid reason. Perhaps your career supports that. Or make up a kijiji ad that you are going to see a guy about his guitar for sale.

To be continued.....
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Connoisseur of life's pleasures
Sep 15, 2019
Request that an SP refrain from perfumes etc... (most do anyway thankfully) and ask that they use unscented products in their incall showers. Some of the flowery stuff can stay on your skin for hours.


Well-known member
Apr 24, 2018
The phone tips remind me of a story from 10 or more years ago about a woman who was cheating on her husband and had a secret phone with Rogers who also provided the family bundle. One day a too keen Rogers rep realized she could save money by bundling the other phone with the family plan and did this on their own without asking! Sure enough husband opens the monthly statement and makes quite the discovery. They divorced and the wife sued Rogers for "wrecking her marriage". I think they settled out of court. So never have your secret phone with the same provider as your regular stuff.


Connoisseur of life's pleasures
Sep 15, 2019
A game of golf has become a great explanation for an outing lately. It takes several hours and your phone‘s ringer is off, buried in the bag or left in the car in case you miss a call or text from home.
A quick spray of OFF before you come in the house is an explainable stink, it covers up any unexpected aromas, and you have a logical reason for a shower.


Sep 5, 2022
No recent updates on here... shame. Some good points mentioned. My 2 cents:

- Be really busy. Have a life! Opportunities will present themselves and it will just blend right in to your routine.

- The gas spilled on the hands is golden. I would take it a step further and buy a red plastic gas can and fill it up with gas and store it in your basement as part of your emergency stockpile. Having gas on hand at home is great too. Every year you dump it into the car and fill it back up. And oops, I spilled it on my hands. It's hard not to.

- Drive an old car w/o the stupid GPS thing in there. This solves a ton of problems.

- Be a handy guy. Collect garbage in your garage/house. It creates more excuses and reasons to go out and be busy with your projects.

- Get off social media. No facebook, no IG, no twitter. Who needs that shit anyways? It wasn't created for you, it was created to use you. Being off these platforms has liberated me.

- Use the face recognition on the phone and conveniently forget the password when asked for it while you're away. This works once.

Best thing to do is create a business in the field.


Well-known member
Oct 3, 2021
Well wolfs I do have a funny story to share. I’m a GC back when I was married about 4,5 years ago I had an appointment in a condo. The unit next to the unit I went to talk with a prospective client was used from an agency for Incalls. So while I’m at the meeting we were checking one of the bedrooms and I guess the bedroom next door was next to that bedroom so I was hearing stuff and my clients did tell me that something “weird” is happening next door every day. one story short after about 40 mins or so I’m ready to leave and as I come out at the same time my father in-law was just coming out and the door closing behind him. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE” ? He screamed. The face he made and how awkward he was it was just the funniest thing ever and it became even funnier when a year later and when I separated with my wife I started doing the same thing and everything clicked in cause for the longest time I was assuming he was cheating. Never said a word to my wife. I knew he had a miserable marriage and so I let him do he’s thing.
Bottom line is you can have all the safety measure in place, you can be more careful than a CIA spy but…. One day you will bump onto someone you know and then good luck!


A voice of common sense.
Sep 15, 2008
I'm single so it isn't really an issue for me.

My advice is if you're going to an incall at a hotel, just walk in like you're supposed to be there. For all the staff knows, you checked in when they weren't on shift.

For condos with concierge's, same thing, 99.9% of the time, if you've been buzzed in, security won't look up from what they're doing. Or, the lady may tell you to just tell them, "I'm here to see Jane in suite 123".

It's never been an issue for me but if I'm ever stopped while I'm leaving, I'll just say we have reservations but my "friend" either hadn't finished getting ready or had to deal with a minor afterhours work emergency and I'm going ahead to make sure we don't lose our table.

And whatever you do, don't be like the one brain trust member who waited in the incall's vestibule raising all sorts of suspicion from security.

Unless the apartment building or condo you're meeting the provider in is in the middle of nowhere and you get down early, find a way to kill some time. Grab a coffee, wander the neighborhood etc.


Well-known member
Jan 20, 2022
Yes the pro ladies need to refrain from videocassette leaving materials like perfume, lipstick, glitter, giving hickeys, etc.

Also, your Google location can track you. Or, throw a real monkey wrench into those who might track by leaving it on and park at some nearby legit place like a Tims then turn off the location tracker. Then walk 5-10 mins to the call. Make sure to buy something from there for your cover story. If you were there an hour say had a coffee and donut then had to take a dump but it got more you had to hang near the bathroom as you were afraid you weren't done and were gonna crap your pants. Then walk back to Tims and turn it on again, so it shows same location.


Well-known member
Oct 22, 2017
Offer to do all the grocery shopping. Go to Walmart and Home Depot a lot. They all give you cash back. So yeah honey, inflation is really killing us. Remember to destroy the receipts.

Take your own soap and shampoo. If you don't and she has stuff that has different scent then tell your SO you were in a bathroom at the pub or at the office and they changed the hand soap.

Go visit your SPs on the outbound leg of your day. Leave home and then go and get fucked, do your errands or the gym or whatever and then come home. Do not work and then get fucked right before coming home.

Divorce your wife. Leave your SO. Then you never have an issue.
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Well-known member
Feb 20, 2004
GTA & Thereabouts...
- Be really busy. Have a life! Opportunities will present themselves and it will just blend right in to your routine.
Don't do this! 🤪 I'm so busy with work and extracurricular activities that I can't find the time to see a SP!!!
- The gas spilled on the hands is golden. I would take it a step further and buy a red plastic gas can and fill it up with gas and store it in your basement as part of your emergency stockpile. Having gas on hand at home is great too. Every year you dump it into the car and fill it back up. And oops, I spilled it on my hands. It's hard not to.
This is my move. I have 7 gas cans in my garage for various fuel mixing purposes.
- Drive an old car w/o the stupid GPS thing in there. This solves a ton of problems.
This is me also. On the same hand, I have no idea what my wife is up to! 😂
- Be a handy guy. Collect garbage in your garage/house. It creates more excuses and reasons to go out and be busy with your projects.
Meh... Being handy has my wife expecting results!
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Aug 3, 2021
If you have an android phone, there is an app already installed called, "secure folder" - it is essentially a phone within your phone and you can use any apps like twitter, chrome, note pad, etc. that is totally seperate from your main phone. It is password protected and you can change the name of the app and icon picture. I have mine labelled as "Adobe Acrobat".

I use it to keep all the contacts of my favourite SPs, twitter that I use to follow my fav SPs, browsing on chrome etc. Game changer in my opinion! 🙂


Feb 15, 2013
I'm not going to bother reading four pages. If it hasn't been said, the best thing I suggest is instead of sneaking around like a child slipping out their bedroom window, break up with whoever you're with, then do whatever you want and whoever you want as a free man.
And while you’re at it, stop being poor, snap out of that depression, quit your boring job and follow your passion!


Well-known member
May 13, 2013
In terms of hobbying in your local community, if you want to not be observed there are two things to deal with: your car, and you.

The car is actually the harder part, particularly if your car is unusual or you have a vanity plate. So where you park it is key.

If you are parking somewhere (i.e. a hotel parking lot) where you have NO business being, then park it near the back preferably in between two mini vans. Or park down a side street. You were going there to look at something someone was selling on kijiji. Better though to be stuffed into a big bunch of other vehicles then off by itself.

As for your appearance, it is not the body that is the problem, it is the head/face. Keep something with a hoodie in the trunk, then throw it one. Masks care very useful still.
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