Physical Evidence.
Socks. When you take them off, put them inside your shoes immediately, before they touch the floor, so you don't pick up hairs etc. I would also suggest you put the correct sock in the correct shoe, because if I were a suspicious wife I would make a small yet noticeable marking on one sock so I could see if they miracululously changed feet during the day! And always make sure you do not accidentally put it back on inside out!
Belt - if you went to work shirt tucked in, make sure its still tucked in.
Underwear. Sperm / oil stains.
1) Try to take a piss afterwards before you put underwear back on.
2) If not or there's oil, put a tissue/TP around your penis to keep it away from underwear.
3) Of course not inside out!
4) All else fails, when you get home, take it off, wash it in hot water with soap, wring it dry like you've never wrung anything dry before, and put it back on. It should dry off completely from body heat in 4 hours or so.
5) Even that fails, go in the bathroom, wipe your butthole all over it where the butthole is, tell her you had diarrhea.
Shirt = not inside out obviously, same number of buttons as before.
Breath. Make sure you don't have pussy juice all over the exterior of your lips face. Wash your face, brush, coffee.
Clothes in general - watch out for hairs! Long blond hairs have no business on you if your wife has short dark hair. Get a lint roller. Or just a roll of tape of any kind, and use it.
CAR - if you ever have her in your car, vacuum it out, or go to a pro place where they do the interior. If anything still there it was the girl that cleaned the interior I guess.
Dashcam. Disconnect it when going anywhere incriminating. Otherwise it leaves a perfect record.
Wallet - if you leave with a particular combination of bills in your wallet, its not good enough to come back with the same value, you need the same bills, in case your wallet is being searched, so take out what you need from an ATM at the same time.
Cards etc. Anyone at a spa or whatever gives you a card, NEVER LET IT LEAVE YOUR HAND.
Throw it away, but never ever ever temporarily leave it somewhere in your car.
Do NOT rely on your memory!
Location. Avoid your local area! Or any area near to where someone you know lives. If you are really paranoid, when going in to a place be taking something that could be construed as a valid reason. Perhaps your career supports that. Or make up a kijiji ad that you are going to see a guy about his guitar for sale.
To be continued.....