Wow, it may be time for 'Addicted2Sex' to change his username to 'Addicted2Terrorism/Ethnic Cleansing/Stalinism.
He cheers and chortles, he satiates and gorges himself on the massive Russian state terror campaign targeting civilians and civilian infrastructure worthy of the envy of Stalin, massive war crimes on a butchering industrial scale. Russia, can't win militarily so they resort to unleashing barbarism upon civilians and guess what, 'Addcited2Terrorism/Ethnic Cleansing/Stalinism goes "all orgasmic, blood lust, banshee'.
My, oh my, oh my. It takes a special kinda troll to bathe, frollick and infuse his soul in the spilled blood of a campaign of state terrorism, ethnic cleansing and Stalinism on an industrial scale.