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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2017


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2017
One-Third Of Ukraine's Power Stations Destroyed As WHO Warns Of "Brutal" Winter Ahead
TUESDAY, OCT 18, 2022 -
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky announced Tuesday that up to one-third of all power stations have been attacked by Russian missile and drone strikes over the past week, causing "massive blackouts across the country."
He called these ongoing strikes against energy infrastructure "terrorist attacks" and said this means there's "No space left for negotiations with Putin’s regime," according a tweet.
For more than a week Russia has stepped up an aerial bombardment campaign against dozens of cities and towns which has included widespread use of suicide drones. Ukraine and its Western backers suspect these are Iranian-made drones, cause the EU to threaten new sanctions against Tehran on Tuesday.

Zelensky said in a separate social media post that Russian forces act "insidiously – kills civilians, hits housing, infrastructure," according to a Telegram statement. "Due to the Russian missile terror in some cities and regions of Ukraine, energy workers have to limit the supply of electricity so that the entire system works stably."

The Hill on Tuesday wrote of some the latest strikes, "The city of Zhytomyr, which is west of the capital Kyiv, lost power after a double missile strike targeted an energy facility on Tuesday." The report observed further that "In Kyiv, missile strikes damaged two power facilities and on Monday the city was bombarded by waves of exploding suicide drones."

Ukraine's second largest city of Kharkiv, which sits near the Russian border, was also hit in a major attack on its energy infrastructure. This has threatened the power grid in a city with a pre-war population of nearly 1.5 million. Reuters has called it a "deliberate campaign to destroy electricity and water facilities before winter."

The two Russian regions of Belgorod and Kursk have meanwhile said their populations have been terrorized by shelling attacks from the Ukrainian side of the border. "Train traffic in the Belgorod region was temporarily brought to a halt after shelling struck a railway station and damaged the railroad tracks, the region’s Governor Vyacheslav Gladkov wrote on his official Telegram channel," The Moscow Times reports.

"One man was wounded by shrapnel in his legs and two villages experienced power outages, he added," the publication said. "In the Kursk region, Governor Roman Starovoit reported that Ukraine shelled the villages of Tetkino and Popovo-Lezhachi, also bringing power outages to the region."

These new waves of Russian attacks on Ukraine's energy come amid a World Health Organization (WHO) warning for Ukraine and perhaps even all of Europe:

WHO Regional Director for Europe Hans Henri P. Kluge said at the media briefing that the organization is working to anticipate and prepare for the challenges of the approaching “brutal” winter in its humanitarian response to Russia’s war on the country.
Kluge remarked that risk of COVID-19, frostbite, hypothermia, pneumonia, stroke and heart attack will likely increase among Ukrainians who are living “precariously,” whether in substandard shelters, without access to heating or by regularly moving to different locations.

"The destruction of houses and lack of access to fuel or electricity due to damaged infrastructure could become a matter of life or death if people are unable to heat their homes," Kluge emphasized.

Despite billions of dollars in humanitarian aid continuing to flow to Kiev from Western allied governments, the degradation of infrastructure could still take years to fix, especially amid threatening war-time conditions and logistical challenges of getting parts to make rapid fixes.

PS. Nothing compared to the waste of billions thrown into this frozen wasteland and getting thousands of deaths in return.
How's that ROI sounds like? Inhumane? Thats who the globalists are. This war is stupid!!!
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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2017
Actually closer to 50% of power stations destroyed now. 30% was as of Oct 11.

Go download telegram and follow :




Great Strategy:
1. Blow up the Nord Stream pipeline.
2. Try to Blow up the Crimea Bridge.
3. Expect no Blowback.

You know in Vietnam, the North Vietnsmese weren't interested in negotiations until Nixon started sending the B52 Bombers to Hanoi, then their Tune changed. You can expect to see the same from the UkNazis.

Russia's new commanding general "Armageddon" said recently that the Russians aren't going to fight an insurgency there and waste Russian lives doing that. He said they have the technical means and troops to get Ukraine to totally surrender and that's exactly what they're going to do. The Russian missile attacks are only going to increase at this point

They can stay warm by burning the pallets of cash we're (USA, Canada, EU, UK, Saudi , sending to Zelensky
With no power, no water, no transportation, no entertainment, how long will Zelensky before the people of Kyiv overthrow him?

Russian drones from Iran causing havoc on Ukraine's military

Zelensky was asking for drones, now he is getting them!

People are waiting for a coup in Russia that will depose Putin- but it’s a lot more likely we’ll see something happen to Zelensky
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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2017
Drones from Iran, artillery shells from North Korea, tanks from the 1960s, armor plating from cardboard boxes, and soldiers from prisons.
How does blowing up those gazprom pipelines and that bridge work out for Biden and his Zelinksky friend?

But but but the Russians blew up their own multi billion dollar infrastructure.
Natural gas pipelines are used to generate heat and electricity. But Ukrainian power stations are used to generate heat and electricity.

I have to admit, shock and awe of the chess game and judo bounceback moves made by Putin.

We are clearly stuck with a team of arrogant Terb amateurs & mainstream media who didnt see this coming …

People just don't get it ...

Energy and fuel are necessities of a military machine so they cannot be left intact.

Same for bridges and transport infrastructure.

The goal is too get the enemy to submit or be conquered and anything goes to achieve this.
The first thing the US did when it invaded Iraq was bomb its infrastructure. Now it Russia turn their version shock and awe on a Urkraine Infrastructure which Russia do it on shoe string budget with drones and it very effective!

Why spend millions of dollars on misses where you can accomplish the same things with hundreds of Iranian drone which fly very slow and not easy to shoot down.

Congratulations, you just spent tens of thousands of dollars to shoot down 4 tiny 800 dollar drones for each AA system you have.
The problem with a lot of these drones is speed. They go so slow, that radar has a hard time with them.

They are also small engined and well cooled and do not have enough of a heat signature for stingers or most IR manpads.
And if you shot one Iranian drone down it costs a few hundreds of dollars vs hundreds of thousands dollar per missiles
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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2017
It finally dawned on some eggheads what a marauding pack of el-cheapo attack drones can be capable of. Now I would like to expand your thinking a little. You can see what happens when you send 5-6. OR worse yet 5-6 to decoy the AA missiles then Kalibers behind.

But what happens when you start seeing waves of 100? That still cost less than some single missiles. Oh my.

"Over the past 7 days, 22 countries have submitted requests for the purchase of Iranian drones."

This was announced by the senior adviser to the Supreme Commander of the Iranian Armed Forces.

But what happens when you start seeing waves of 100?"
Right now, Russia is merely 'probing'.

This is just getting started. Try eating 100 fuel air loaded drones.
Until something effective defense comes along, every tiny country in the world can now launch a stand off cruise missile type attack to defend itself,
I seem to think the Persians started a revolution and a great equalizer in a way.

lawnmower engined long range hard to shoot down "precision" munitions.

poor man's cruise missiles while our Block V tomahawks cost millions. Sure our missiles have ECM and ECCM and all of this cool stuff in them but you could send 100 kamikaze drones for cheaper and there's literally no air defense out there that can stop them all.

Slip a few big ones in every once in a while for the bang.
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Well-known member
Mar 3, 2017
The cold winter that Putin hopes will break European will is the same winter that will turn ill-equipped, ill-trained, ill-supplied, and demoralized Russian troops into popsicles.


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2017
It finally dawned on some eggheads what a marauding pack of el-cheapo attack drones can be capable of. Now I would like to expand your thinking a little. You can see what happens when you send 5-6. OR worse yet 5-6 to decoy the AA missiles then Kalibers behind.

But what happens when you start seeing waves of 100? That still cost less than some single missiles. Oh my.

"Over the past 7 days, 22 countries have submitted requests for the purchase of Iranian drones."

This was announced by the senior adviser to the Supreme Commander of the Iranian Armed Forces.
2 months ago you were talking big about the Russian wonder weapon known as hypersonic missiles which costs 100 million each, now you are all about staying on budget.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2017
Iran is under sanctions.
in exchange for these drones, the nations desiring to purchase them will help iran circumvent the sanctions
this will include semiconductors and other guidance components which will make these missiles even more capable.
everyone is now realizing that the future is not bazillion $ cruise missiles and high tech drones with hellfires. it's in cheap stuff that cannot be shot down effectively and can fly autonomously to its target
lower the RCS of the 138 and make it quieter and the things will be up your ass before you even realize they're coming

Amazing what long-range drones could do to the energy infrastructure of, say, Germany for example.


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2017
2 months ago you were talking big about the Russian wonder weapon known as hypersonic missiles which costs 100 million each, now you are all about staying on budget.
Hypersonic missile is primarily to fighting a nuclear war.
Russia is adapting and changing strategy with the new russia general armaggdoon using IranIan drone.
They are also small engined and well cooled and do not have enough of a heat signature for stingers or most IR manpads.
Also they were losing to NATO weapon superioty Used by the Urkanine… like HIMARS weapons.

So now Russia have now taken their gloves off … with the appoint of new general araggadoom.
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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2017
Wait until a battalion size units consisting of 80-120 drones per...and field multiple battalions.

It seems the drone is to the 21st century what the tank was to the 20th...for now anyway, until effective countermeasures come along.
Nazi freeze 2.0 coming!
Russia still has experience from WW2, and if they can neutralize the electric infrastructure there is no way I see Ukraine be able to sustain attacks. Next up would be for Russia to completely destroy the energy infrastructure of Ukraine by limiting supply of oil and gas - that would be a complete surrender by Ukraine imo.
Russia could then just march into Kiev with knife and forks only.

. Russia has been doing this non-stop for what, a week now?

Ukies themselves said 40% of their energy infrastructure is gone and you know it's much higher than that. if Surovikin keeps this going for another couple of weeks Ukraine will find themselves back in the middle ages. Even Elon's starlink is not working anymore.

No electricity, water & comm. And winter is literally coming.

Is Russia running out of missiles again?
There's not many trolls and Twatter Uke flag useful idiots here today to tell us how their failure to understand Russian objectives meant the Russians were losing, or their interpretation of Russian restraint was taken as Ukrainian might.

Now that all the Russian speaking Ukrainians are part of Russia ( 4 part they annex) . The gloves are off, they are going to send what's left of Ukraine back to the dark ages.

They are using Iranian weapons.

Russia's conventional military has been an absolute embarrassment and they are getting destroyed.
They were woefully antiquated and unprepared.
However, their strength is in their partnerships (India, China, Iran), natural resources, and unconventional weapons. Dark days ahead.

Dark days for the west!

USA could have been allied with Russia, but because of the Democratic Party ( Russia collusion hoax spew by democratic, neocon ) they pushed Russia allied with fucking communist China. I hate fucking China! China is the real threat not Russia.
USA allied with Russia, they both become unbeatable!
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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2017
Things must be going swimmingly for the troll posts to multiple so much.
I gather the retreat from Kherson must be on foot.
Frankfooter everything is Russia troll when it things don’t go your way. Still believe the climate change bullshits! Yeah climate change cause kids to get fats!! You don’t understand military strategy or you don’t play chess at all ! There more then one way to accomplish your objective. Shock & Awe.. that what Russia doing now with Iranian drone and how many Russian lives you going to lose with that!!
When you losing a battle you have to adapt and change strategy.

PS. Weren’t we just told that Russia had no control of Ukrainian airspace and that all the missiles and drones were being shot down?
PPS. Really cant undrstand why anyone would find this surprising. If Zelensky had just honored the Minsk Agreement that he signed, there would be no war.
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Well-known member
Jan 29, 2017
Frankfooter this post is just for you…
By destroying all of those polluting power stations in Ukraine, Russia is fast becoming the global leader in fighting climate change. Let's hope Russia continues to assist Ukraine in becoming a cleaner, greener nation!


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Frankfooter this post is just for you…
By destroying all of those polluting power stations in Ukraine, Russia is fast becoming the global leader in fighting climate change. Let's hope Russia continues to assist Ukraine in becoming a cleaner, greener nation!
Putin is pushing the EU to renewables.
MBS and his power is shrinking.



Well-known member
Jan 29, 2017


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2017
Russia could have defeated Ukraine in a few weeks back in March, and forced an unconditional surrender. If they destroy the electrical grid (lessons from US in Serbia and Iraq), the country is finished and no amount of weapons or money from the USA, EU will make the slightest bit of difference. A modern country cannot survive a Winter as cold as Ukraine, without electricity. The exodus from Ukraine to the West (and East) will cause an enormous crisis throughout Europe.

They could've taken out Zelensky and his apparatus when ever they wanted, but the Russians wanted his - the active head of state of Ukraine signature on a peace deal for legitimacy reasons.

That window is now closed, now begins the "shock n' awe" tactics the "armchair generals" have requested since February. "Armchair generals"- whom from both sides of the conflict have accused Russia for being weak.

PS. Checkmate!
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