After many years of POF
1.Don't be a pig in your first contact- Alot of men put on their pornovision glasses when you respond to ladies on that site.Be nice, but not"I love walks on the beach and braiding your hair" nice.A segment of the women on there have awesome bullshit meters and another segment will peg you as a sucker and a chump.
2.Be brutally honest - When they ask if your looking to get laid...say yes.One of my fav lines to give is"every guy is and the ones that aren't are lying to you.It's the other stuff that seperates us."You just showed honesty, humour, and piqued her interest in one sentence.I rarely do not get a response back from that.
3.Some of those profiles are fake as shit.If you see some goddess with pics from all over the world.She's A) a pro B).someone who works for POF.It has long been rumoured he has "chat trade workers" similiar to phone line girls who are there to chat up the guys.I believe this.
4.ALWAYS tell them your new on there.If you say it's been three months they imagine you fucking a different girl every night and your DOA.If your new your fresh and unjaded.
5.Keep your shirt on.It'll turn off anyone of any substance, sterotype you as pussy hungry, and attract somethings you wouldn;t fuck on your worst day.
6.Play hard to get sometimes......there are alot of women who get constant messages and if are an eager beaver you look needy.After first contact..pick a few....and ignore them a bit.....they see you online.Do it a few times.Trust me after 50 messages of guys asking for head she's going to recognize the handle that was not doing that.
7.Women plays games on there.If they come on strongly sexual....many times it's too weed out the potential man whores.Stay cool and ask to take it slow.One tactic I used was that with on line dating you can never be sure of the person until you meet them.They can relate to that and they may want to "prove themselves" to put YOU at may get an invite where the hunter becomes the hunted
There's a bunch more tactics but that's off the top of my head.I had fun for years on there.Like any fishing, take the right bait and reel them in.