No Domestic Bombings - the reason:


New member
Aug 1, 2003
There have been a lot of posts speculating on how difficult it would be for terrorists to attack America.

I just need to say that if one is really serious about eliminating terrorism the best way is to opt for total facism.

If however, as I would hope, we are mostly against allowing our current leaders to exert complete and permanent control over every aspect of our lives then we should probably beware of any attempts to attack or limit terrorism that don't simultaneously attempt to address their root causes.



Active member
Aug 17, 2001
cogterb said:
There have been a lot of posts speculating on how difficult it would be for terrorists to attack America.

I just need to say that if one is really serious about eliminating terrorism the best way is to opt for total facism.

If however, as I would hope, we are mostly against allowing our current leaders to exert complete and permanent control over every aspect of our lives then we should probably beware of any attempts to attack or limit terrorism that don't simultaneously attempt to address their root causes.

Hear, Hear! :)


New member
Aug 20, 2003
Ranger68 said:
I think you quite clearly ARE paranoid.

If these events weren't so hard, why aren't more of them happening, hmmm? Three over eleven years? Pshaw.

Please answer my question.

I really don't think you understand the meaning of the word paranoid. I explain to you different plausible scenarios and you say that is being paranoid, no that is an explanation in terror 101.

Maybe the simple fact that there aren't that many terrorists in the U.S . willing to do them. The acts themselves aren't hard, does someone have to do it to prove it's not hard.


New member
Aug 20, 2003
Ranger68 said:
They're hard to pull off. It takes a long time to do these things, to find the right people, to not get caught (and lots of people ARE caught doing these things). I NEVER said these things won't ever happen again. What I've said ALL ALONG is that there aren't more of these because they're hard to do. Not impossible, mind you - hard.

Can you READ?!

Can you think . I don't think terrorists care if they are caught, they blow themselves up get it.

You seem fixated on the word hard. You also don't seem impressed by an act of terror unless it kills what 1000 people.

If 2 terrorists with machine guns were to open fire on a crowd i guess they could kill 100 people easy in 2 minutes. Too hard , I don't think so. Not enough terror , you be the judge.


New member
Aug 20, 2003
joebear said:
you obviously missed the point. The IRA did not resort to domestic bombings in London for a specific reason. The IRA did not want to lose the hardliners and the public support they enjoyed in Northern Ireland. The IRA had the means to bomb in London if they wanted to. The IRA and Sinn Fein work together and together they decided that domestic bombings were against their interests and they were better ways in achieving their goals.

Hey Booboo, Ranger68..........68 refers to his IQ.

Good one . He seems to think there are 2 people posting under different names - Hello

joebear he doesn't want to understand, i and others have given
him examples of several acts of terror which would not be hard but he prefers to live in his own dream world.


New member
Aug 20, 2003
Ranger68 said:
Dude, you really shouldn't talk to yourself. People are starting to wonder. ......

OH, well, two more morons for the ignore list. Well, *one* really. ;)

Now you've really lost it thinking 2 people are one. People on this board will wonder about you.

Peeping Tom

Boil them in Oil
Dec 24, 2002
Hellholes of the earth
9.11 was a brilliant idea, but also a brainfart on the part of al queerda. No doubt, once conceived, bin laden couldn't control the urge to actually do it. With more forethought, it could have been much worse. It did what it was supposed to however.

Why call it a brainfart?

Al queerda's error was in misunderstanding the retribution. Had they been more historically minded, they might have recalled that the US waged world war, even nuked Japan twice, for less than 9.11. Indeed, President Bush was extremely restrained, considering that there were public outrages insisting on a nuclear retribution. The State did react, in a restrained manner, in the regime change there. That was brainfart, Part 1. Part 2 involved long term scrutiny of the ME, resulting in the removal of a certain Sultan, now contained in American jail. Iran is hot on the Axle and very vulnerable due to its new neighbors. Al queerda seems to have lost a few degrees of freedom over there.

It would be relatively easy for another large scale attack. It is entirely another matter to push the US to apply some really serious retribution, to the point of a nuclear house cleaning. That is probably what weighs most on the terrorist mind as of late. Add to that the demonstrated ability of the US to simply click on add / remove State and have the fundamentals over with in a period of ten minutes.


New member
Aug 20, 2003
Re: Brain fart

bbking said:
I like that Peeping Tom - Your right if Bin Laden and his cronies planned that right it could have been more of a disaster for the US had they arranged it so that the first targets where the capital . Can you imagine if Bin Laden attacked Moscow in the early 1970's in the same manner what the response would have been - Bye Bye Taliban. I have to give the US high marks for their controlled reaction.
Actually I question why the u.s response was not stronger , actually i know why it wasn't. The u.s like other nations is afraid of criticism. I think maybe Moscw's reaction would have been more appropriate. Of course knowing Moscow's reaction Bin Laden would not have attempted that kind of terror. Funny how it works.


New member
Aug 20, 2003
Re: Re: Re: Brain fart

bbking said:
. But your right Bin Laden most likely have given it a second thought even if that thought was "how do I get out of here fast" Having to deal with guys like Bin Laden is the price of a free society, I just hope people don't over react to these morons and take away our freedoms.

I hear what you are saying . It's a fine line between maintaining freedoms and trying to fight terrorism.

I think the terrorists know this and use it to their advantage.
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