Club Dynasty

No Domestic Bombings - the reason:


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Oct 13, 2001
Heather Elite
Ranger68 said:
I reiterate: There aren't more bombings on American soil because it's damn hard for terrorists to do it.
I hardly think that's the reason. Besides Timothy McVeigh, i offer as evidence.....the beltway sniper, the ohio sniper, columbine, the Unabomber, the anthrax/ricin mailer, and the Atlanta Olympics bomber. Granted, that doesn't address the issue of getting into the country to begin with, but with the borders as porous as they are the fact of the matter is, if and when terrorists want to cause damage, doing so won't be too awfully difficult.


New member
Aug 20, 2003
papasmerf said:
I am confused by the bile and anger in your post.

You seem disappointed.

My question is why??????

I am confused that you see anger and bile in my posts. Please see Ranger 68's posts my replies were to him.

He seems to feel it would be hard for terrorists to bomb or commit some act of terror in the U.S . I do not for reasons I stated . To see disappointment in my replies , what can I say,
it shows I suppose that people can interpret what you write and twist it anyway they want.

Disappointed , ridiculous .
Greatful they don't , definitely.

Think they can , absoloutely.

I hope this is a little clearer.
P.S before 9/11 millions would have thought it impossible .


Jul 16, 2003
Smilty said:
Israel was established after world war 2 and it was agreed to by all parties, and terrorists are one thing the israelis have never ever been. Yes one man's terrorist is another's freedom fighter, but israel has never initiated conflict, ever. Furthermore, when every surrounding country has tried to destroy tiny Israel, they retaliated with awesome force, all the while minimizing to the full degree the chance of death of innocent people.

The surrounding countries tried to wipe out israel in a surprise attack on the jewish hold day, and the israeli army bombed the living hell out of egypts miltary and could have easilly kept going but they stopped, and now the countries want their land back.

The palestinians have been kicked the fuck out of even their brother muslim's countries, if they support palestinians so much why do they boot them out of their country (Syria, Leban
Sorry, but this is the dumbest comment I have ever heard on this subject. First: the creation of Isreal was not agreed upon by all sides, the Palestinians certainly didn't agree to give up their homeland.

Second: Isreal never initiated conflict? Where the hell have you been living. Isreali forces have often "responded" to bombings by obliterating Palestinian neighbourhoods (I'm sure there are many innocents who get hurt during these "retaliations"). Palestinian refugee camps in Lebanon were raided and all were killed, including women and children. So much for minimizing the chance of death to innocent people.

Palestinians have been kicked off of their own land. Land for which they could produce deeds. The creation of Isreal should not have included the nullification of legal deeds. Perhpas you need to buy a home, pay for it and then have it taken from you so you can feel what these people feel.

Suicide bombings in protest are wrong. Killing is not the right solution. But to sit back and say that Isreal is 100% right and that the Palestinians got what they deserved is just plain stupid.


New member
Mar 17, 2003
booboobear said:
The bottom line is Timothy McVeigh succeded , hard or not and if he can then others can . Maybe complacent is the wrong word naive might be better . Like I said how hard would it be for a terrorist to obtain several sticks of dynamite and blow up a few subway trains. How about derailing several trains , all it takes is a piece of metal on the tracks . Is this hard ?
I think *you're* the one whose naive.

Then why haven't these things happened? Okay - here's an exercise. You try to find out where and how you can purchase "several sticks of dynamite", then tell me how you're going to "blow up a few subway trains".
Yes, Timothy McVeigh succeeded. So? That doesn't make it easy to do what he did.
And, it's MUCH harder to derail trains than "a piece of metal on the tracks".

booboobear said:
Maybe the reason is several top terrorists have been caught or just maybe they don't have to bother because now they are killing americans at will in Iraq. Just think they are on home ground and can blend in afterwards.
How come others don't step in? Surely, as I said, there are THOUSANDS of people, from all kinds of different organizations, or just individuals (like McVeigh) willing to commit acts of terrorism against the USA. People who aren't involved in Iraq. Hmmm ? ....

booboobear said:
Trust me if they really wanted to bomb some building in the U.S. they could. Maybe you have a reason why you think they couldn't obtain dynamite, if so let me know. I really don't think you know what their plans are.
I don't trust you, and you're wrong.
As I said, tell me where and how you'd buy dynamite, then what you'd do with it. By the way, a few sticks of dynamite aren't going to do very much. Still, I'm interested where you think you'd buy it.

booboobear said:
Always be vigilant and don't be smug thinking it is so hard.
It is hard. Again, I'm not advising complacency. But, it's MUCH MUCH harder than you think it is to pull off a terrorist act in the United States.


New member
Mar 17, 2003
Ickabod said:
I hardly think that's the reason. Besides Timothy McVeigh, i offer as evidence.....the beltway sniper, the ohio sniper, columbine, the Unabomber, the anthrax/ricin mailer, and the Atlanta Olympics bomber. Granted, that doesn't address the issue of getting into the country to begin with, but with the borders as porous as they are the fact of the matter is, if and when terrorists want to cause damage, doing so won't be too awfully difficult.
You're offering snipers? As terrorist acts? These are pretty paltry.
I'm talking about big operations, like 9/11 or McVeigh - booboo was talking about "blowing up buildings" and subway trains. The Unabomber doesn't even show up on radar ....

Again, do you doubt that there are plenty of folks who would LOVE to cause harm to America, on American soil? If so, why aren't there bombings every day? ..... Hell, why aren't there snipers shooting on a daily or weekly basis, rather than one every few years? (Though this isn't really the crux of my argument.)


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Oct 13, 2001
Heather Elite
Ranger68 said:
You're offering snipers? As terrorist acts? These are pretty paltry.
Obviously, you didn't have to put a tank of gas in your car in DC when that was going on. They killed as many people as your garden variety suicide bomber in Israel usually does. Columbine can't exactly be called "paltry". Nor can the Atlanta Olympics bombing. Hi jacking 3 planes and flying them into buildings isn't their only option.

Again, do you doubt that there are plenty of folks who would LOVE to cause harm to America, on American soil? If so, why aren't there bombings every day?
Dunno. Can't even begin to guess. And unlike some people in this country, i don't pretend to have this whole terrorism thing figured out. I will suggest, however, that their agenda isn't something as simple as killing 20 or 25 Americans at a pop. They could do that daily, simply by walking to their nearest Mcdonalds with a semi automatic.

..... Hell, why aren't there snipers shooting on a daily or weekly basis, rather than one every few years? (Though this isn't really the crux of my argument.)
The why's or why nots to that question really don't lend themselves to your argument that it's too difficult.


New member
Mar 17, 2003
Ickabod said:
Obviously, you didn't have to put a tank of gas in your car in DC when that was going on. They killed as many people as your garden variety suicide bomber in Israel usually does. Columbine can't exactly be called "paltry". Nor can the Atlanta Olympics bombing. Hi jacking 3 planes and flying them into buildings isn't their only option.
But, the fact remains, these weren't *terrorist* acts. They were criminal acts perpetrated by lunatics with no clear goal or political agenda. And, I'd say, this was a damn difficult thing to do and evade capture for so long, as well. Or, why aren't Islamic militants doing things like this all the time?

And, alas, no disrespect intended, but both Columbine and the Atlanta Olympics bombing were PALTRY acts of violence, if you look more broadly than just what you see on CNN. Shocking to the American public, but really very minor affairs.

Ickabod said:
Dunno. Can't even begin to guess. And unlike some people in this country, i don't pretend to have this whole terrorism thing figured out. I will suggest, however, that their agenda isn't something as simple as killing 20 or 25 Americans at a pop. They could do that daily, simply by walking to their nearest Mcdonalds with a semi automatic.
They don't, because it's hard for them to get into the country, once they do it's hard for them to obtain semi-automatic weaponry (say what you want about the ease of obtaining weapons in the States), or that maybe those smart enough to do these things aren't necessarily all willing to die for their cause, so they've got to figure out more elaborate methods.

Use Ocham's Razor, people.

You can either conclude that there's some nefarious scheme going on, some tacit understanding between *completely disparate* terrorist organizations not to perpetrate more crimes on American soil, OR you can conclude that it's hard to do these things. The simpler explanation is most often the correct one.


New member
Aug 20, 2003
Ranger68 said:

I don't trust you, and you're wrong.
As I said, tell me where and how you'd buy dynamite, then what you'd do with it. By the way, a few sticks of dynamite aren't going to do very much. Still, I'm interested where you think you'd buy it.


You really are naive aren't you .

Ok How to be a terrorist. Y ou have a gun easy enough in hte U.S , you go to construction site where dynamite is stored you shoot any guard in the head no questions asked.
You take a few cases of dynamite not a few sticks .
Suitcases in subway car with lets say 100 sticks of dynamite , enough carnage for you.

Really you are something else , if you want to believe you are so safe feel free.

Oh and by the way here in canada to boys around 16 or 17 years old derailed a train with a piece of metal or wood so don't say it is not possible.


New member
Mar 17, 2003
No, booboobear, I think *you're* the one who's naive. Or maybe just paranoid.

Yeah, okay, that's a nice bunch of presumptions you've made there! LOL
- first off, you've gotten into the states in the first place - not as easy as you think
- somehow, you've gotten a gun - again, not as easy as you think
- you go to a construction site - yeah, every construction site has *CASES OF DYNAMITE* lying around LOL
- you manage to shoot a guard in the head and get away - yeah, no possibility for failure there - I suppose nobody's looking for you when they've realized you've stolen all that dynamite, or looking for people that match your description walking around with suitcases LOL
- then you get on a subway - oh, I assume you're a suicide bomber, right?, otherwise you'd need some way to detonate all that - not easy to do - and I suppose nobody notices the fact that you've left the train leaving a few suitcases behind LOL

That's a long, thin line, my friend.

Oh and by the way just because something was done once doesn't mean it's easy - whether it's derailing a train or flying planes into buildings.

And, while we're at it, dynamite isn't really much of an explosive, pal.

Too much. LOL ....

Hey, if you want to walk around looking over your shoulder all day, be my guest. Paranoia 101.

The Shake

Winner (with a capital W)
Feb 3, 2004
Smilty said:
Israel was established after world war 2 and it was agreed to by all parties, and terrorists are one thing the israelis have never ever been. Yes one man's terrorist is another's freedom fighter, but israel has never initiated conflict, ever. Furthermore, when every surrounding country has tried to destroy tiny Israel, they retaliated with awesome force, all the while minimizing to the full degree the chance of death of innocent people.

If that's the case, can you please explain what happened in Lod and Ramla during the 1948 war?

I support Israel's right to exist and defend itself, but such comments as above demonstrate a massive ignorance of history.


New member
Apr 29, 2002
dynamite isn't much of an explosive, however, if placed in the right (wrong) spot...

The Shake

Winner (with a capital W)
Feb 3, 2004
Ranger68 said:
- you go to a construction site - yeah, every construction site has *CASES OF DYNAMITE* lying around LOL
Sure they do - brown wooden crates with TNT written in big black letters.

Didn't watching Roadrunner cartoons teach you anything? ;)


New member
Mar 17, 2003
LOL Oh, yeah, I forgot about that. ;)

Hey, how 'bout dropping anvils on people from cliff-tops?! Whoa, I hope THAT doesn't start happening! *glancing up nervously*

If anyone get's on a subway train with me carrying anything that says Acme, I'm gettin' off at the next stop.

(Seriously, two things: dynamite isn't TNT; also, *one* stick of dynamite, even in the wrong spot, isn't likely to do too much of anything. You'll notice that, in demolitions, they use *bucketloads* of dynamite, and that only does the job *after* they've carved up the weight bearing structures something awful.)


New member
Aug 20, 2003
Ranger68 said:
Yeah, okay, that's a nice bunch of presumptions you've made there! LOL
- first off, you've gotten into the states in the first place - not as easy as you think
- somehow, you've gotten a gun - again, not as easy as you think
- you go to a construction site - yeah, every construction site has *CASES OF DYNAMITE* lying around LOL
- you manage to shoot a guard in the head and get away - yeah, no possibility for failure there - I suppose nobody's looking for you That's a long, thin line, my friend.

Oh and by the way just because something was done once doesn't mean it's easy - , pal.

I'm not making presumptions i'm telling you haw it's done , one way only there are many more.

You seem to think it's hard , well keep on thinking that way.

First of all there are already people in the U.S who would do this don't forget they blew up a part of the WTC before 9/11. Do you live in some different worls , getting a gun in the U.S. not easy , depending on the state some don't even have a waiting period.

And as far as shooting a guard and people looking for me , ever heard of disguises and if the guard is dead who's looking.

And oh dynamites not much of an explosive , well go sit in a subway car and i'll leave behind 2 suitcases with 50 sticks each with nails and detonate as soon as i step off ( i think terrorists know how to detonate remotely ) . I think the dynamite is good enough to blow you and everyone else in the car to pieces.


New member
Mar 17, 2003
Like I said, booboo, keep living in paranoia.

9/11 was two and a half years ago.
OK City almost nine years ago.
WTC was almost eleven years ago.

Although these events were obviously dire and tragic, they really aren't happening with any great frequency, on a global scale. You'll notice that in Russia, for example, or Israel, *big* terrorist undertakings happen WAAAAY more often.

Be happy you live where you do, and not where you are much more vulnerable due to lax security or geographical factors.

But, by all means, keep living in fear of the ease with which terrorists know their business and can come and go as they please and do whatever they like whenever they like.

I choose to live my life, thanks.


New member
Mar 17, 2003
I'm not saying there won't ever be another big terrorist attack - just that, in the USA, it's hard to organize these things, takes a long time, requires plenty of expertise and funding, and there are always MANY points where a "lucky break" can ruin the whole thing.

I absolutely agree that it's only a matter of time, Pallydin. I absolutely *disagree* with any notion that there's some other underlying reason why there aren't more of these atrocities on US soil.


not your average John!
Feb 9, 2004
You're not seeing alot of domestic bombings because the U.S. has made it very difficult to get into the country. The small fry terrorists don't have a chance. The bigger more organized organizations are another story. They will take their time and setup an incident with some impact. They're not going to waste their time with little stuff. Terrorists who are good at their jobs are a lot like corporations. They will consider the investment and risk, balanced against the possible profit (effect). The higher the investment and risk, the bigger the profit (effect) required.

This is what the U.S. wants to happen. Bigger projects take longer to setup and more coordination and people. This makes them easier to track and therefore easier to catch.

Regarding how difficult it is to smuggle terrorists and equipment into the country, just look at how much illegal drugs enter America every day! That's not the difficult part. The difficult part is getting the terrorists and equipment into position for the actual operation.


New member
Aug 20, 2003
Ranger68 said:
LOL Oh, yeah, I forgot about that. ;)

(Seriously, two things: dynamite isn't TNT; also, *one* stick of dynamite, even in the wrong spot, isn't likely to do too much of anything. .)

You see , that's your problem you ignore what people say. I said a suitcase of dynamite , who said 1 stick . If you can't get the basics right don't comment.


New member
Aug 20, 2003
Ranger68 said:
9/11 was two and a half years ago.
OK City almost nine years ago.
WTC was almost eleven years ago.

Although these events were obviously dire and tragic, they really aren't happening with any great frequency, on a global scale.
I choose to live my life, thanks.

Let me make it quite clear I live in Canada and I have no fear of terrorism in Canada, so let's stop with the paranoia remarks.

I don't care how long ago these events happened the fact is it is not as hard as you think to commit acts of terror in the U.S .

Another example , how " hard" would it be to sink the Staten Island ferry . Hard is a relative term , I don't think people who want to committ acts of terror stop to say gee this is hard so i won't do it.

AGAIN I DON'T FEAR THESE EVENTS ( I KNOW I'M YELLING ) but i have all along just replied to your comments that it is so hard to commit acts of terror.


New member
Aug 20, 2003
Ranger68 said:
I'm not saying there won't ever be another big terrorist attack - just that, in the USA, it's hard to organize these things, takes a long time,
I absolutely agree that it's only a matter of time, Pallydin. I absolutely *disagree* with any notion that there's some other underlying reason why there aren't more of these atrocities on US soil.
You seem to be changing your tune , you made it sound like it wouldn't happen because it was hard. So now your viewpoint is it will happen so much for the fact that is hard.
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