No Domestic Bombings - the reason:


New member
Jul 7, 2002
Bin Laden's sole purpose for 911 was to involve the US directly in the middle east. The Americans make easy targets and their occupation angers the arabs. Eventually the "terrorists" feel that
the pro-western governments of the Arab states will be overthrown by popular uprisings and the US, alienated from it's allies, will be forced to pull out.

Guerilla warfare is cheap and devastating to the enemy. It's how the Americans won in 1776 and Israel won control of Palestine.
One man's terrorist is another's freedom fighter.

The western world is hooked on cheap energy. In order to keep the Western economies humming, it's governments have constantly intervened in the middle east to keep the oil flowing.
This fight will go on for a long time.


New member
Aug 31, 2003
Israel did not win the control of Palestine from Guerilla warfare.

The UN (read the US & Britain) after WWII created the state of Israel.

Mr. K

"I'm lovin' it!"
Sep 26, 2003
Durham Region
Actually, it was terrorist activity in the then British-held area lead by a little known Nobel Peace winner named Menachem Begin, that helped to force the creation of the State of Israel.

This really is a case of one man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter.

And the axiom that the winner's write the history!

Goober Mcfly

Retired. -ish
Oct 26, 2001
IANAP, but didn't Israel take control of Palestine after the Six Days War? The "State of Israel" was actually agreed upon by all parties, wasn't it?


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Goober Mcfly said:
IANAP, but didn't Israel take control of Palestine after the Six Days War? The "State of Israel" was actually agreed upon by all parties, wasn't it?
As I recall

After the WWIII The League of Nations established a Jewish Homeland.

Goober Mcfly

Retired. -ish
Oct 26, 2001
Yes, but that didn't include Palestine. That was the "spoils of war" which is the whole bone of contention, being that the Israelis are putting settlers into occupied land. Which is contrary to international law.

</got his history from Tom Clancy novels>


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
Goober Mcfly said:
Yes, but that didn't include Palestine. That was the "spoils of war" which is the whole bone of contention, being that the Israelis are putting settlers into occupied land. Which is contrary to international law.

</got his history from Tom Clancy novels>

seems to me that war began long before the 60's


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
I was actually refering to ISSAC and ISHMAEL


The Balance of Opposites
Jan 17, 2004
Wasn't it a piece by piece acquistion?

The Israelis started with terrorist/guerilla tactics and eventually moved on to more conventional military means.
With each major conflict they took a greater control of Palestine. And with each conflict the Palestinians were forced off their lands.

The cycle of hate in that region is just unbelievable.


Still Horny, Horny, Horny
Oct 12, 2002
We went from bombings to the state of Israel.

The reason there aren't any American bombings going on is that the original purpose of the attack is complete, and the US is in the Mid-East. Believe me. If they wanted to bomb any part of the US, they could find a way. (Not that I'm condoning it). The US military couldn't be in the Mid-East without a reason. The US is in the Mid East for these reasons:

Keep China & Russia away from the oil, and to keep control from the Euro's (He who controls the money, controls the world).

Keep a military presence where the Americans think they need one. Right by Iran/India/Pakistan/China/Korea. A war in Asia gets hit from both sides (East and West).

Israel. For the simple reason that no one else will really stick up for these people. Hell. I'm a Leb and one of my closest friends is Jewish. Even I say bomb them all and start over. Or better yet, open up a bunch of strip/mp/sp clubs and get these fuckers laid. Release that anger!


New member
Mar 17, 2003
There aren't more bombings on American soil because it's damn hard for the terrorists to do it. Period.


New member
Aug 20, 2003
Ranger68 said:
There aren't more bombings on American soil because it's damn hard for the terrorists to do it. Period.

Really Timothy McVigh didn't seem to have a problem.

Don't get complacent.


not your average John!
Feb 9, 2004
papasmerf said:
As I recall

After the WWIII The League of Nations established a Jewish Homeland.
WWIII? Man I need to lay off the dope, I didn't even notice!


New member
Mar 17, 2003
Oh, exactly how hard was it for Mr. McVeigh? How many others, of his ilk, have been apprehended in the process? How long did it take him? At how many points was he almost caught? ... Do you have the answers to ANY of these questions? Because, if not .......
I'm not even really sure what you mean by "Timothy McVigh didn't seem to have a problem."

booboobear, don't you think there are THOUSANDS, MILLIONS even, of people who'd like to commit terrorist acts on American soil? Why don't they do it? You think they all, individually, comply with some hidden agenda?? Some secret agreement between terrorist cells, organizations, and just-plain pissed off fanatics that they curtail their activities for some higher plan???

I'm not advocating complacency, I'm not sure where you got that from. The fact is that it's hard to do, BECAUSE people aren't complacent. However, it is a fact that it's DAMN difficult.

I reiterate: There aren't more bombings on American soil because it's damn hard for terrorists to do it.


Jan 15, 2004
Israel was established after world war 2 and it was agreed to by all parties, and terrorists are one thing the israelis have never ever been. Yes one man's terrorist is another's freedom fighter, but israel has never initiated conflict, ever. Furthermore, when every surrounding country has tried to destroy tiny Israel, they retaliated with awesome force, all the while minimizing to the full degree the chance of death of innocent people.

The surrounding countries tried to wipe out israel in a surprise attack on the jewish hold day, and the israeli army bombed the living hell out of egypts miltary and could have easilly kept going but they stopped, and now the countries want their land back.

The palestinians have been kicked the fuck out of even their brother muslim's countries, if they support palestinians so much why do they boot them out of their country (Syria, Lebanon).


New member
Mar 17, 2003
Smilty, you're wrong.
First, you're wrong about agreement "by all parties". The Arab nations certainly didn't agree to this division of land.
Second, you're wrong about the Israelis never having been terrorists. Look up the IZL - the Irgun Zvai Leumi. They were enemies of both the Arabs arrayed against them AND the British. Or, try the Stern Gang.
I think some history research is in order.


New member
Aug 20, 2003
Ranger68 said:
Oh, exactly how hard was it for Mr. McVeigh? How many others, of his ilk, have been apprehended in the process? Because, if not .......
I'm not even really sure what you mean by "Timothy McVigh didn't seem to have a problem."

You think they all, individually, comply with some hidden agenda?? Some secret agreement between terrorist cells, organizations, and just-plain pissed off fanatics that they curtail their activities for some higher plan???

I'm not advocating complacency, I'm not sure where you got that from.

I reiterate: There aren't more bombings on American soil because it's damn hard for terrorists to do it.

The bottom line is Timothy McVeigh succeded , hard or not and if he can then others can . Maybe complacent is the wrong word naive might be better . Like I said how hard would it be for a terrorist to obtain several sticks of dynamite and blow up a few subway trains. How about derailing several trains , all it takes is a piece of metal on the tracks . Is this hard ?

Maybe the reason is several top terrorists have been caught or just maybe they don't have to bother because now they are killing americans at will in Iraq. Just think they are on home ground and can blend in afterwards.

Trust me if they really wanted to bomb some building in the U.S. they could. Maybe you have a reason why you think they couldn't obtain dynamite, if so let me know. I really don't think you know what their plans are.

Always be vigilant and don't be smug thinking it is so hard.


New member
Oct 22, 2002
42.55.65N 78.43.73W
booboobear said:
The bottom line is Timothy McVeigh succeded , hard or not and if he can then others can . Maybe complacent is the wrong word naive might be better . Like I said how hard would it be for a terrorist to obtain several sticks of dynamite and blow up a few subway trains. How about derailing several trains , all it takes is a piece of metal on the tracks . Is this hard ?

Maybe the reason is several top terrorists have been caught or just maybe they don't have to bother because now they are killing americans at will in Iraq. Just think they are on home ground and can blend in afterwards.

Trust me if they really wanted to bomb some building in the U.S. they could. Maybe you have a reason why you think they couldn't obtain dynamite, if so let me know. I really don't think you know what their plans are.

Always be vigilant and don't be smug thinking it is so hard.

I am confused by the bile and anger in your post.

You seem disappointed.

My question is why??????
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