But what if long hair is cultural or religious? Sikhs wear long hair for religion and Muslims wear beards because the prophets did and it is cultural with native Americans and black men wearing braids
I could oppose wearing suits and short hair as that puts me into a cultural group I do not feel I am part of IE corporate America, evangelical groups.
As far as telling Lamoriello to join another team get real - pro sports are at, the very least, an oligopoly that drafts you without your permission and players had to fight for a union so the teams have to forgo their rights to demand workers behave like they want them to
This is irrelevant for this thread. Duclair signed with the Islanders as a free agent. Clearly the Islanders have a team image that they want to project to their fan base, and that image is crafted by Lamoriello, with the approval of those to whom he is accountable.
There is a tendency, especially among the young, to think that they do not need to conform to rules with which they do not personally agree. This could be something like owning an un-neutered pitbull dog in an apartment building, or having to ask customers if they would like to have a hot apple pie with their happy meal. All too often, someone will appease anyone who complains or protests, just to shut them up.
Some people deny the toddler a chocolate bar at the grocery checkout counter, even if the child throws a tantrum. When parents cave in to the young drama kings and queens, those behaviors often continue into adulthood, when chronological age is used to make that distinction.
Surprising so many brothers in football or any sport actually, have dreads, or braids or whatever they are called, down to their shoulders. Looks uncomfortable and kind of risky.
Anyone who carries the ball in football is a fool if they have long dreads hanging out of the back of their helmets. Many defenders will gladly take the fifteen yard penalty associated with tackling an opponent by the hair.