See if you can extricate your circa 1940s Football Basics for Beginners hardcover amidst all that betting paraphernalia.I know you didn't explicitly say that. However, when somebody lists factors of why they like a certain team, they are implying that Vegas didn't consider that factor enough. Hence the implication is that they know more than Vegas. And also keep in mind that Vegas considers more factors that we didn't even know existed and probably has actuaries and algorithms. This not just you but any other bettor, and all the "experts" on TV, radio, blogs, newspapers etc. etc. Nobody can top Vegas, nobody. I'm sure that they do make mistakes but to try and pick them out prior to Sunday is a damn tough task.
That's part of my point. Vegas doesn't fuck around. They can't afford to make mistakes. There's too much money and careers and livelihoods at a stake. IMO, the only way somebody can get a leg up on Vegas is if somebody has some very significant inside info that even Vegas doesn't know about. It has to be a family member or a very close friend of a player who has leaked some info to them.
I did this for over 20 years but stopped at least 10 years ago, so the numbers I've quoted may be off a bit and I added parameters to look at along the way so some are a smaller sample size.
However, I still have my notebook at the bottom of a drawer somewhere. I shall retrieve it at some point and give you all the results I came up with.
You guys kill me.
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NFL 20244 Regular Season BETTING THREAD.
And move it the Lotto and Gaming Forum.