Not at all. I do believe that most climate proponents have believe in their positions. Leadership requires balancing many interests and not holding to positions in the face of exigencies that require compromise.
Are there positions climate scientists holding to that require
compromise? I am asking this question in earnest. I have this
presumption of what climate activists meant to tell us that is
world's climate will reach the point of no return if emission is
not capped in a few years according to climate scientists.
If as you said positions of political leaders require compromise
then at least have the decency and integrity of being honest about
the emission target they promised. Say something along the line of
'yes man-made climate change is real but we will be very lucky if
emission by 2030 can be reduced by half.....don't worry we won't be
all is just a matter of time before emission reduced
to later than the end of 2200, I guarantee...'