No, you’re missing a subtle point here. A person is more than a body; the body is just a container for a person. A person owns their body just like they own their car. They are free to decorate their bodies just as they are free to decorate their cars. Others are free to judge them for their choice of decorations.
I’m not missing anything. That is your opinion. I think comparing person’s body to a car is devaluing the person. That is my opinion. Sorry but as someone whose body has created, carried and produced a life form - it is a little more then just a container for a person.
A body and a car are not equal for comparison in any way, shape or form. No matter how you try to make it appear that they are, they simply are not. That is just the facts.
However - I never said don’t make opinions about people’s tattoos. So let’s be clear here. I have said from post one the OP can do what he wants. Except get her to remove them of course.
So judge all you want - but you can also be judged for your type of judgment of others. So don’t be surprised when people call you shallow or other things for hating someone’s tattoos so much. I’m not saying you personally BTW. Just to be clear about that as well.