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Need Advice- Unfotunate chain of events

Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
Terb can be a harsh place...but sometimes brutal honesty is best.


Active member
Oct 5, 2008
Oh and any girls that make me wait immediately get cancelled on and blocked. Same with agencies, 5 mins past my booking time and I’m not in the elevator, goodbye, appointment cancelled. Not dealing with double booking and cum on lips that they haven’t wiped off yet

Burner phone makes this easy


Oct 4, 2011
You’re actually a moron

1) you use etransfer, leaving a trail, ruining your anonymity, lmao . Do you transfer your drug dealers too?
2) you don’t use a burner phone/text app to book dirty hookers. Do you also use this same phone for work? Lmao
3) you paid for 2 hours and didn’t even get off. Lmao.. just when I though it couldn’t get any worse.. if it were me I would tell the pimp he can suck my dick. But oh yea... you didn’t take advice #2 above

You should rethink this hobby. In a few years with these habits you’re going to end up in jail / outed to your entire family by an opportunistic hooker

Smarten up dude. Same goes for everyone on this board
Harsh words but you are right . I fucked up royally


Oct 4, 2011
Terb can be a harsh place...but sometimes brutal honesty is best.

You are right but sometimes that’s what a person needs . I think it’s time for a break from this and if I have deal with futur consequences then that’s on me and my stupidity .

Thanks all for the kind maybe some harsh words , but they all are appreciated . I am still in shock and scared as hell now .


Jan 16, 2004
Paradise by the dashboard light.
Anyway I wasn’t given the email and told that we can do it when I get there . Not thinking much of it at time I said ok.
fuck me upside down and slap my face. this fiasco sounds too bad to be true. You had me on the first paragraph. you knowing it would take about an hour for e-transfer, that's eating in on their time



Just Trying To Help
Apr 15, 2008
Southwest Ontario
Harsh words but you are right . I fucked up royally
Don't beat yourself up too much ertw, shit happens and it happened to you. Move on from this but learn from it as well. Not the end of the world.


Active member
Oct 5, 2008
Harsh words but you are right . I fucked up royally
I’m a harsh guy... but take my advice above and it will save you lots of money and headaches in the future

What you said about the pimp infuriates me. Wish I could have had a word with that low life poor scum bag instead


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
It seems odd a SP who charges as much as $800
has a pimp. That kind of rate is for an upscale SP.


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
It was 800 for a 2h duo. So 200/hr /girl.

My advice echoes that provided by others.
1. If you absolutely must maintain discretion in this hobby, don’t use you personal email, cell, or provide bank info, unless you know the SP very well or are absolutely sure that they are totally above board, by extensive reviews err or personal references. Even then, a slip up or a misunderstanding that creates bad feelings could be a problem.
2. An 800 session, is a huge cash outlay, so I’d avoid booking such a session with someone unknown to you, unless they are a very well reviewed, well known independent. If you are interested in the duo, maybe see one of them solo first for the hour. It’s too much to risk if things go sideways.
3. Always pay cash.

I have always made an effort to keep six degrees of separation between my hobby life and real life. No personal or work email (separate hobby email, only view on web browser, no app on phone), no personal cell (pay and go “burner” phone or text app) never pay with etransfer or credit card and no outcalls to home. Create some rules for yourself in this hobby based on your own tolerance of risk, and never compromise them.
You learned a hard lesson. We all have had situations where we got hustled, or at least had a near miss. Think with your big head always, no matter how horny you are. Don’t beat yourself up too much, you decided to cut your losses here and move on. Hopefully that is the end of it.


Well-known member
Who the fuck are these “well reviewed” women? Sounds like low rent leolist women to me based on your posts.
Post the names or offer them up to whomever PM's you
This fucking pimp needs a good tuning up.


Active member
Feb 25, 2017
I have always made an effort to keep six degrees of separation between my hobby life and real life. No personal or work email (separate hobby email, only view on web browser, no app on phone), no personal cell (pay and go “burner” phone or text app) never pay with etransfer or credit card and no outcalls to home. Create some rules for yourself in this hobby based on your own tolerance of risk, and never compromise them.
You learned a hard lesson. We all have had situations where we got hustled, or at least had a near miss. Think with your big head always, no matter how horny you are. Don’t beat yourself up too much, you decided to cut your losses here and move on. Hopefully that is the end of it.

Listen to this wise man

black booty lover

Well-known member
Oct 21, 2007
Not what you want to hear, but you owe them for 4 hours of companionship. That's 2 hours pay to each girl, if you go to a lawyer and you make him wait 2 hours, he will charge you two hours.

You book a therapist for 1 hour, you show up 45 minutes late, you get 15 minute session and pay the full hour.

They gave you their time, and cash in hand would have prevented the situation that took place.
But it was her fault for entering the wrong password.

White Sands

Jul 5, 2008
I call bullshit on getting the password wrong, twice. That and arriving late from ‘dinner’ at the start of your time. I agree that their names should be posted. Not cool to have the pimp threaten you.


Active member
Mar 10, 2010
The password was entered wrong twice? It was deliberately done. I would pay one hour each


May 29, 2002
code for "sorry. can't talk right now. got somebody else's balls slapping against my chin."

Wow.. that stark reality rather lets the air out of the fantasy aspect.. lol


Well-known member
Jun 12, 2010
Oh man people are stupid, nowhere does it say she got the password wrong twice. Keyboard warriors gonna go tune up the pimp lol. That's what pimps do, collect unpaid money.

You said you always paid with cash before but couldn't find your card, but you originally said you a etransfer often. You are 100% at fault, who doesn't pay cash in this hobby? If they were late you could have cancelled, maybe they were hungry and wanted to feel full for a 2 hour appt.

And who cares if they have clients just beforehand, it's their fucking job. You deserved to pay the full amount and a call from the pimp. Hate pimps all you want, they do have a job description. Plus if you paid in full, what are you worried about?


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2005

What a joke about comparing an SP and a lawyer in this case as someone did above. As if you arrive for an appointment with a lawyer and he says, "Sorry, I'm going for lunch now. See you whenever I get back."
SPs didn't charge him for going to dinner. Afterwards He willingly waited then went up to meet them and took up their time. Their business is companionship and they charge you for their time.

Now, I was all for paying, until OP got the call from the pimp. At that time I would tell him to go fuck himself, and wouldn't pay shit.

If the piece of shit wants to spend some time with me. I gladly meet him, beat the shit out of him and then charge him by calling the cops. I love pieces of shit like that.

Now if I got some dude that calls me all calm, polite and respectful. I would fucking pay right away, apologies and make it clear that it's a mistake that will never be repeated again.

Never, get into a fight with a calm guy, they can always handle themselves.


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2009
Yep got a call for the pimp. I just paid . Hopefully I don’t get bothered by th again that’s my biggest fear . I really need to look into app/burner . I am shaking right now , as this has never happened and the consequences are extremely serious.
Well, you don't get any sympathy for me. You just showed the pimp and the two ladies that they can extort people, which means they'll likely do it again to someone else. Or to you again.

Getting back to who's at fault here, I'd say mostly them. You normally do the email transfer before the session, but they for some reason refused. That's their fuck-up. They also kept you waiting half an hour beyond the appointed time. Again, their fuck-up. I don't consider not bringing the whole thing in cash to be your fuck-up. Stupid, but not to blame here. While I'd never use e-transfer in this industry myself, it has apparently worked fine for your before. Having to wait for the e-transfer email to come in was their fuck-up, and should never have cut into your time. Her screwing up the password is her fuck-up, and the additional wait for the second email should never have cut into your time. You got 15 minutes of play from what was supposed to be a 120-minute session. That's 1/8 of the time, should be 1/8 of the money. I would have just left them with the $100.

Now, that assumes that what you said is completely accurate. Did she really enter the incorrect password or did you give her the wrong password? Why did the bank block the second transfer? If either of those were your fault, you owe them a lot more than $100.


Well-known member
May 3, 2014
Did you check your account to make sure no transfer happened? Some will scam by pretending they put in bad password etc. Sorry to hear about your experience. In the heat of the moment hard to think as clear as we'd like.
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