Need Advice- Unfotunate chain of events


Oct 4, 2011
So I booked a 2 hour duo with these wonderfully ladies (well revered)All was confirmed and good to go . About 2-3 hours before I wanted to confirm as well get the email for etransfer as I like to setup the etransfer befor hand and provide the password when u get there . Sometimes for me etransfer is instant sometimes it can take30-45 mins to go through . Anyway I wasn’t given the email and told that we can do it when I get there . Not thinking much of it at time I said ok.

When I got the location I had to wait an extra 1/2 hour in the parking lot as they went to get Dinner . This is when I think things started going downhill . When I got the room I install gave them $100 and asked for the email to send the remaining $700 . It took 45 mins for the transfer to get to her and I was starting to feel guilty . Anyways we chatted and drank bit of wine . When she got the transfer she was in hurry and entered the password incorrectly getting the transfer blocked . So called my bank got it returned and resent it .at this point it’s over an hour and we haven’t done anything .

When I sent the second transfer I asked that is it two hours from when we start or do I only have 43 mins? One of them said it’s only 40 mins the other was more flexible . Anyways we decided we will start the session while the second etrasnfer comes through . And we will do 1.5hours . Which I thought was fair .

So we started fooling around and getting into grove of things . The one lady kept messaging or leaving and when she got the transfer her bank or my bank(not sure ) blocked the transfer Again. Talk about shitty luck.

At this point I got dressed as I was out options ... I do want to do the right thing, but I don’t think I am at 100%fault here . Obviously there were not happy with me and i wasn’t happy with myself either . Just ruined a fun night .

What do you guys / gals think I should do ? How much you think I should pay them given the above facts.
So far I have payed them $100.... I was there for 2 hours but played for less that 15-20 mins


Well-known member
Jul 7, 2005
Not what you want to hear, but you owe them for 4 hours of companionship. That's 2 hours pay to each girl, if you go to a lawyer and you make him wait 2 hours, he will charge you two hours.

You book a therapist for 1 hour, you show up 45 minutes late, you get 15 minute session and pay the full hour.

They gave you their time, and cash in hand would have prevented the situation that took place.


Oct 4, 2011
The question really is what’s the right thing to do here ... As far as I see I have 3 options

1) pay full amount
2) pay some other reasonable amount
3) fuck it walkway and forget about it and be an ass ....


Well-known member

code for "sorry. can't talk right now. got somebody else's balls slapping against my chin."
They are the ones whogave him the time
So why the fuck were they out having lunch when they should have been gettin ready for his appt
Me thinks theres more to this


Well-known member
The question really is what’s the right thing to do here ... As far as I see I have 3 options

1) pay full amount
2) pay some other reasonable amount
3) fuck it walkway and forget about it and be an ass ....
Send them a 100 bucks each and chalk it up as a lesson learned
NEVER trust the banks to Be timely or cooperative when you need them to be


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
The question really is what’s the right thing to do here ... As far as I see I have 3 options

1) pay full amount
2) pay some other reasonable amount
3) fuck it walkway and forget about it and be an ass ....

What a joke about comparing an SP and a lawyer in this case as someone did above. As if you arrive for an appointment with a lawyer and he says, "Sorry, I'm going for lunch now. See you whenever I get back."


Just Trying To Help
Apr 15, 2008
Southwest Ontario
They are the ones whogave him the time
So why the fuck were they out having lunch when they should have been gettin ready for his appt
Me thinks theres more to this
I agree 100%. Who goes out to get dinner at the agreed upon appointment time?

Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
I’d pay them each for the 43 minutes of service received.

The client offered to email them payment before arrival but the sp’s refused. Any screw ups around bank transfer problems (including wasted time) are automatically the escorts’ responsibility from that point onward.

PS: Waiting in the parking lot for an escort to come back from “dinner” is always a red flag. It means she has overbooked herself and is running late...always a prelude to poor service.


Oct 4, 2011
So I think really fucked up this time . Just got a call for this guy with all kinda of interesting words. Looks like option 1 is the only option


Mar 26, 2018
So I booked a 2 hour duo with these wonderfully ladies (well revered)All was confirmed and good to go . About 2-3 hours before I wanted to confirm as well get the email for etransfer as I like to setup the etransfer befor hand and provide the password when u get there . Sometimes for me etransfer is instant sometimes it can take30-45 mins to go through . Anyway I wasn’t given the email and told that we can do it when I get there . Not thinking much of it at time I said ok.

When I got the location I had to wait an extra 1/2 hour in the parking lot as they went to get Dinner . This is when I think things started going downhill . When I got the room I install gave them $100 and asked for the email to send the remaining $700 . It took 45 mins for the transfer to get to her and I was starting to feel guilty . Anyways we chatted and drank bit of wine . When she got the transfer she was in hurry and entered the password incorrectly getting the transfer blocked . So called my bank got it returned and resent it .at this point it’s over an hour and we haven’t done anything .

When I sent the second transfer I asked that is it two hours from when we start or do I only have 43 mins? One of them said it’s only 40 mins the other was more flexible . Anyways we decided we will start the session while the second etrasnfer comes through . And we will do 1.5hours . Which I thought was fair .

So we started fooling around and getting into grove of things . The one lady kept messaging or leaving and when she got the transfer her bank or my bank(not sure ) blocked the transfer Again. Talk about shitty luck.

At this point I got dressed as I was out options ... I do want to do the right thing, but I don’t think I am at 100%fault here . Obviously there were not happy with me and i wasn’t happy with myself either . Just ruined a fun night .

What do you guys / gals think I should do ? How much you think I should pay them given the above facts.
So far I have payed them $100.... I was there for 2 hours but played for less that 15-20 mins
I think they treated you pretty shitty to be honest. They weren't there at the agreed upon time, already they don't respect your time. One of them sounds like she was too preoccupied with the transfer to pay attention to the session. (major wood kill)

Pay them what you owe them for the time and don't go back. So many better options out there.

Finally, always use cash. It's just so much easier.


Oct 4, 2011
Yep got a call for the pimp. I just paid . Hopefully I don’t get bothered by th again that’s my biggest fear . I really need to look into app/burner . I am shaking right now , as this has never happened and the consequences are extremely serious.

Any advice to rectify future calls from these guys?
Toronto Escorts