Muslims pissed at Jack's Straw's comments about veils

Cinema Face

New member
Mar 1, 2003
The Middle Kingdom
I agree. It is an act of submission. It also negates any power women have over men, by concealing their beauty.

Muslim women are conditioned to think that they must cover themselves to honour themselves and their families.

It reflects on Muslim men’s lack of self control and their insecurity to mistrust their women in public so they must wear a human tent in the hot sun.


Jun 29, 2005
stash you are a jack ass why dont you crawl under your fucking rock and wipe you ass with your hands. most replies here are racist to the max, agian I am not muslim and dont blame all muslims for the stuff they do. amazing how so many non muslims knows so much about muslims. if you want to talk and hate them that fine but dont judge their clothes and religion and traditions if you have no knowledge of their lifestyles. have some class.:mad:


New member
Feb 28, 2006
timy said:
stash you are a jack ass why dont you crawl under your fucking rock and wipe you ass with your hands. most replies here are racist to the max, agian I am not muslim and dont blame all muslims for the stuff they do. amazing how so many non muslims knows so much about muslims. if you want to talk and hate them that fine but dont judge their clothes and religion and traditions if you have no knowledge of their lifestyles. have some class.:mad:
I don't believe anyone posting here was attacking the muslim population. I think you should think before typing otherwise how could you post that it's amazing that so many non-muslims know so much about muslims and then say that people must learn more about muslims before making judgements about clothes,religion,etc.
Please list what you would consider to be racist. I don't believe you have to be of one particular race to be Islamic. Please list what you consider to be Islamic clothing. As far as I know Muslim females are not required to wear the haj or burka(please excuse spelling) but rather it's a cultural tradition in parts of the world where Islam happens to reside.



Jul 24, 2006
I hope you get bann from the board.

You have to realize that there are extremist muslim and there are "modern day" muslim.

What about the extremist Christian? Or even the fact that women in North America were only given the right to vote around 1916.

STASH said:
I wipe my ass with their Kuran or how ever it is spelt.


New member
Jul 23, 2006
STASH said:
I wipe my ass with their Kuran or how ever it is spelt.
you are nothing but a STASH of TRASH coming in here attacking the book like that ( and it's spelt Quran) . Which it includes any holly book .
xdog { holy} if it makes happy
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New member
Feb 28, 2006
mackensonV2 said:
I hope you get bann from the board.

You have to realize that there are extremist muslim and there are "modern day" muslim.

What about the extremist Christian? Or even the fact that women in North America were only given the right to vote around 1916.
I love it when people bring up the past when discussing the present. What does women in North America only being allowed to vote 100 years ago got to do with muslim women being forced to cover their bodies from head to toe and walking behind their I mean husband while out in public?

There are extremists in most religious groups. Fortunately for us the "modern day" muslim does not succumb to bombing of innocent people.



New member
Feb 28, 2006
inchs10long said:
you are nothing but a STASH of TRASH coming in here attacking the book like that ( and it's spelt Quran) . Which it includes any holly book .
I'm happy that you can spell Quran. Now if only you could spell 'holy' or are you referring to a new religious book that requires its followers to bow down in the name of the prophet "Holly"?



Senior Member
STASH said:
I wipe my ass with their Kuran or how ever it is spelled.
I stand by this comment. You see this is Canada and here we say what we feel .....even if it pisses Muslims off. Otherwise go back to those countries where the Muslims control free speech.
That religion may be able to control the people with in it, but forget about the rest of us.
I already know all I need to know about the Muslim religion. I watch the news.
They are the stupidest group of people on the planet. They NEVER seem to know whats good for them when it comes to getting their shit together. They make the wrong move every time. They are so ignorant they even kill each other. Which of course is always humerous.
They themselves have done the MOST harm to themselves and the Muslim faith. The rest of us are only guilty of watching them and commenting on what we see. I know stupid when I see it.


Active member
Jan 17, 2004
xdog said:
There are extremists in most religious groups. Fortunately for us the "modern day" muslim does not succumb to bombing of innocent people.
The situation amongst muslims is often much more complicated than that. Lets suppose you are a modern muslim, and feel that women should not were the veil. What can happen to you?

In short, much can happen to you. The extremists have good methods of going after outspoken moderates or progressives. They can effectively isolate you within the muslim community. They can brand you a non-believer. They can isolate you socially.

If you are really outspoken and get international press, you can look forward to a fatwa issued against you for blasphemy. Granted, nothing might happen to you here. However, if you are really outspoken, you probably travel, and now you can't travel to a bunch of different countries. These countries are probably the same countries that need to hear you speak.

Additionally, if you have family overseas, another complication exists. If you go to a country like Iran, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, you might be allowed in, and never allowed out again. I have had university students tell me point blank: "if I return home, I might not be allowed out again." Essentially, they can't go home. These students aren't reformist leaders. They are just plain ordinary apolitical students. The crime: western "ideas".

The veil is a complex issue. Is the right to wear a veil a religious freedom? or is the right to not wear a veil a religious freedom? Should we ban the veil because some people, often from other countries, use it as a tool for oppression? The human rights issue can be argued both ways.


Active member
Jan 17, 2004
Esco! said:
Is there ever a time when these people are not pissed off about something?????
Some religious leaders in certain countries are essentially scanning the Internet on an on-going basis looking for things to protest. Once they find something, they mobilize a network that results in the demonstrations. Thus trivial happenings result in mass protests.

Additionally, freedoms are severely restricted in some of these countries, and the population wants to protest the oppression. Secret police stifle all protests against the government, however protesting the U.S. and Israel is allowed. The result is hundreds of anti-American marches, but no anti-government marches. Statisticians call this a skewed sample.
Sep 8, 2003
Away from here.
Cassini said:
The situation amongst muslims is often much more complicated than that. Lets suppose you are a modern muslim, and feel that women should not were the veil. What can happen to you?

In short, much can happen to you. The extremists have good methods of going after outspoken moderates or progressives. They can effectively isolate you within the muslim community. They can brand you a non-believer. They can isolate you socially.

If you are really outspoken and get international press, you can look forward to a fatwa issued against you for blasphemy. Granted, nothing might happen to you here. However, if you are really outspoken, you probably travel, and now you can't travel to a bunch of different countries. These countries are probably the same countries that need to hear you speak.

Additionally, if you have family overseas, another complication exists. If you go to a country like Iran, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, you might be allowed in, and never allowed out again. I have had university students tell me point blank: "if I return home, I might not be allowed out again." Essentially, they can't go home. These students aren't reformist leaders. They are just plain ordinary apolitical students. The crime: western "ideas".

The veil is a complex issue. Is the right to wear a veil a religious freedom? or is the right to not wear a veil a religious freedom? Should we ban the veil because some people, often from other countries, use it as a tool for oppression? The human rights issue can be argued both ways.
It's not about banning the veil, it's the public proclamation that many "civilized" people find the veil a very difficult thing to accept. Simple as that.

And yes, my starting the thread inevitably leads to yahoo-ism, and that's understandable if regrettable.


Active member
Jan 17, 2004
Mao Tse Tongue said:
It's not about banning the veil, it's the public proclamation that many "civilized" people find the veil a very difficult thing to accept. Simple as that.
Look up any good analysis on facial recognition and interpersonal conversations. People place a huge value on facial expressions. Go into a mall wearing sunglasses. The people treat you differently. Go into a mall wearing a mask. You get treated differently. Go into a mall in a veil. You get treated differently.

From a scientific point of view, Jack Straw is right. No veil means better communication. From a religious and international politics point of view, the veil issue is explosive.


Dec 31, 2005
I hate these threads

A lot of idiots on these boards got schooled on Islam and Muslims from reading books like Jihad for Dummies.:rolleyes:

I personally feel that these topics are best kept off the boards because they always degenerate into vulgar tirades. We are here because we are horny, not because we want to make political or religious statements.

Sep 8, 2003
Away from here.
Cassini said:
Look up any good analysis on facial recognition and interpersonal conversations. People place a huge value on facial expressions. Go into a mall wearing sunglasses. The people treat you differently. Go into a mall wearing a mask. You get treated differently. Go into a mall in a veil. You get treated differently.

From a scientific point of view, Jack Straw is right. No veil means better communication. From a religious and international politics point of view, the veil issue is explosive.
Tough luck. If you're the one emigrating to a new country, who exactly is the onus on? Maybe Straw's comments will lead to a probing within the British Muslim community which might loosen the hold fundamentalists have.

I can surely tell you if I was emigrating to an Arab country, I would be mindful of the local customs and not say that my right to wear my "Fuck all religions" t-shirt was my God given right. Why is the reverse not true?

I'm not suggesting that Muslims don't have THE RIGHT to wear whatever they like, but cause and effect has its effect, if you know what I mean.


Persian Lover
Dec 6, 2005
Cassini said:
Some religious leaders in certain countries are essentially scanning the Internet on an on-going basis looking for things to protest. Once they find something, they mobilize a network that results in the demonstrations.
You got this on good authority? Care to share how you know this? Just curious as I don't know.

stash said:
I know stupid when I see it
Stop looking into the mirror. Some of your comments are absolutely outlandlish and way out of line.

I have to agree with General Gonad, some of these religious threads eventually degenerate and wind up with people with no credentials on the topic slinging at eachother, but they believe and restate what they read in the press. Now how's that as a source of credible info. :rolleyes:

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
The muslims who are "pissed" are fortunate that we in the west are a tolerant lot and will allow them to express their discontent freely and without worry about having their heads chopped off.

I'd love to see the muslims do the same thing (i.e. mouth off) about something the government did in say Iran, or Saudi Arabia, or Pakistan.

I am all for multiculturalism when it comes to food, but when it comes to tolerance, this is Canada and if you want to live here, you need to learn a little tolerance. Freedom of speech is a right that we do enjoy here.


Mar 11, 2003
Read a bit people

Reading these posts have been very amusing at best. Muslims have rights like all other groups do. Where the Nikab (veil) is an individual choice for many muslim women. Yes there are many who are forced by their husbands to do so, this isn't right but there are women in BC forced into polygamist relationships by men also. There has always been a power inequality between men and women. A lot of the teachings in the Muslim world today are cultural and not according to the word of Islam. Part of this has to do with the fact that the first thing the colonialists did when they conquerd muslim countries and created borders based on their own whim to appease their allies was to close all of the Islamic education centres. The oldest universities in the world were muslim ones and their books were burned by the british, french dutch etc...
As far as the comments about islam=terrorism In the 1500 years of Islam's existence the total of people killed by Muslims in war and otherwise does not come close to being a fraction of those killed innocently by the church.
Theres my two cents


New member
Apr 4, 2002
In the corner
Jack Straw used to be the head of the National Union of Students in the UK many years ago and was as left as you can get. Amazing what age does for you!!
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