muslims on a plane......


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
You make a great point Kyra (and a great pic too lol) but in this utopian world the first step would have to be the abolishment of all religions. That is the ONLY way you can start bringing us together as one people.

The problem is that we have to stand up for our way of life. Are you willing to give up everything you know and love in order to do that?

The world is full of perspectives, in the muslim world you'd probably be stoned to death because that is their belief, and while you have the freedom to say "live and let live and look at things from their perspective" (from what I understand) the muslim world isn't so tolerant.

Unfortunately as long as groups are allowed to persist that propagate hate for anyone different then themselves, then anyone who wishes for a better world will be waiting a long long long time......

As I said before: the only ones to blame for the bias towards muslims are the muslim extremists. If the muslim community doesn't want the negative view the world is getting of their religion, then they should be signing up in droves to fight those that are causing them problems......

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
What about that Asian guy who shot and killed 32 students at that school in the USA a few winters ago...if he was a muslim the media would have called that act a terrorist act.

What about all this fraud on Wall Street that cost many of us lots of cash...if those bankers were muslims, it be a "terrorist" act.

When a muslim breaks the law it is a "terrorist" act but when others do harm to many people, its just a normal crime.


Jan 31, 2005
I bet there is more to the story that has not been communicated in the article.

They were cleared by the FBI, ok.

Were they cleared by the TSA? Article does not say.

Maybe they were eventually cleared by TSA too, but not in time for the later flight that day. Maybe they have now been cleared by TSA as well and are entitled to fly.

In which case their complaint switches from being one of racism on the part of the airline or government to being a complaint about the speed at which TSA processes requests...

I don't know any of the above is true but the article doesn't say one way or another and I'd bet dollars to donuts that there's more to this story and that it turns out to be about government processes rather than airline prejudices.


Jan 31, 2005
That said I am particularly pissed at TSA these days, over the holidays I took a flight down to the US and got the note in my bag that it had been searched.

Fine, no worries, I understand the need for that..

But MULTIPLE items in my bag were damaged and a few are now missing. From the nature of the damage (tears in clothes, things like that) it was not mishandling by baggage handlers but only something that could have been done by someone going through the bag.

So TSA are a bunch of fucking assholes, but that said, it is not racism merely because they are slow/incompetent at their jobs.

I don't doubt the incompetence of TSA, having personally experienced their fuckups...


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
S.C. Joe said:
What about that Asian guy who shot and killed 32 students at that school in the USA a few winters ago...if he was a muslim the media would have called that act a terrorist act.

What about all this fraud on Wall Street that cost many of us lots of cash...if those bankers were muslims, it be a "terrorist" act.

When a muslim breaks the law it is a "terrorist" act but when others do harm to many people, its just a normal crime.
Actually Joe, let's not get carried away. Muslims break the law everyday and are arrested and punished for it. Just like anyone of any religions.

But it is things like the honor killing of the muslim daugher up here in Ontario that bring the religion bad press as it were. That wasn't labeled a terrorist act was it?

And Fonzi? After 9/11 the world DID sign up in droves to defend our way of life......or did you miss out on the coalition forces invading afghanistan and Iraq?

The only idiocy here is you. You are mistaking a single religious view with the entire western world where we allow the expression of just about all religions equally.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
arthurfonzerelli said:
Of course you would. Because the story, as it stands, conflicts with your world-view. Why is this a surprise to anyone? Why bother posting your intellectual conundrum for all to see?
another fart in the wind from a newbie.....


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
arthurfonzerelli said:
*yawn* Yet again, you fail to see the point, or don't want to admit you're wrong.
Either way, have at it. :)
and yet another fart in the wind from a newbie

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
Over in Somalia's where they are hijacking those tankers of oil, the media calls them pirates ...if they were muslims, it be terrorist.

Sure there is many more....its how the media calls it...Israel non stop bombing of the Gaza Strip is not being called a terrorist act.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
arthurfonzerelli said:
Wow. That sounds like a joke I heard from my eight year-old nephew not too long ago. You guys must have the same source for your material.
Thanks for proving my point, tboy. You rock.
LOL this coming from an idiot with the name of a character from a 70's TV show???

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
tboy said:
But it is things like the honor killing of the muslim daugher up here in Ontario that bring the religion bad press as it were. That wasn't labeled a terrorist act was it?


No it wasn't but a large group of people were not hurt or one time when a muslim has harmed or killed a large number and the act wasn't called a terrorist act.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
S.C. Joe said:
No it wasn't but a large group of people were not hurt or one time when a muslim has harmed or killed a large number and the act wasn't called a terrorist act.
Sorry Joe, I didn't realize that one had to commit a crime against a large number of people. But in that case, the idiots on wall street didn't commit any crimes so whether they were muslim, christian or buddist, it wouldn't have mattered.

The difference is where a muslim commits a criminal act that harms a large number of people there is usually some sort of "ownership" taken by some group or another.

Now if that guy who shot the students had written a letter or a video stating that he belonged to the "buddist brotherhood of Freedom" then yeah, a terrorist connection might have been investigated.

I tell you, I'm really beginning to enjoy this "ignore" button, at least with the others on my list it was a challenge and at least a little interesting to exchange insults with them. But this newbie isn't worth my time lol..... I am expecting the next post from him to be something along the lines of ".....and your dog's ugly too" lol......


Jan 31, 2005
arthurfonzerelli said:
Of course you would. Because the story, as it stands, conflicts with your world-view.
I don't know who you were responding to, but the story as it stands today is plainly incomplete.

The story says the "FBI" cleared them, but since the FBI has no authority to clear people for air travel something is funny about the story. That is the job of a different agency, the TSA, and the story does not mention whether or not the TSA cleared them.

Being cleared by the FBI does not entitle you to fly.

Being cleared by the TSA does.

Were they cleared by the TSA or not? If so, when? If it was not in time for the later flight then the airline is not at fault--the airline has no authority to fly people who are on a TSA no fly list.


Jan 31, 2005
arthurfonzerelli said:
But, just for kicks ;) ...
"The Terrorist Screening Center, which is part of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, maintains the U.S. government's Consolidated Terrorist Watchlist."
"TSA is a major customer of the Terrorist Screening Center, using their information to determine Selectees, people who are subject to extra screening, and No Fly individuals, who are not permitted to board a plane under any circumstances."
Sure. Now how long does it take TSA to process those updates from the FBI? Do they have an agent review the changes? Do they update that data on a daily basis? Or is it an overnight thing?

The open question remains--at what point did the TSA clear these people for travel?

If it was not in time for the later flight then their complaint boils down to "the governments processes are slow and inefficient" rather than an accusation of racism.

It would not shock me to learn that TSA processes are slow and inefficient, or that they lack competence, after having those goons destroy the contents of my bags... I know they are not the most competent agency in the USA.


Jan 31, 2005
My point is the old saying--never attribute to malice what can be attributed to stupidity.

I find it is much more likely that the government has some slow and stupid process for getting people off watch lists, than that there is institutionalized racism in place.

What is the EXPECTED turnaround time between clearing someone and getting them off the watch list?

I bet it is days, not hours, if not weeks.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
fuji said:
My point is the old saying--never attribute to malice what can be attributed to stupidity.

I find it is much more likely that the government has some slow and stupid process for getting people off watch lists, than that there is institutionalized racism in place.

What is the EXPECTED turnaround time between clearing someone and getting them off the watch list?

I bet it is days, not hours, if not weeks.
I have to agree with you here fuji, there was a story going around earlier last year about a guy who had the same name as a terrorist and was put on the No Fly list. I think it took him a year or more to clear his name......


Aug 17, 2001
Heaven, definately Heaven
Japanese Travelers to U.S. Must Register Online From Jan. 12

If you think those Muslims had it bad (the Captain made the right decision, the airline did not), guess what, no one is allowed in the USA.....the last Orwellian Bush Jr. fist pounding of BS:

Jan. 2 (Bloomberg) -- Citizens of countries including Japan who travel to the U.S. for business or pleasure under the Visa Waiver Program will need online authorization from the Department of Homeland Security before they leave, effective Jan. 12.

The travelers should register at least 72 hours before departure using the Electronic System for Travel Authorization, or ESTA, U.S. embassy in Tokyo said in an e-mailed statement.

More than 125,000 Japanese have already registered online under ESTA, according to the release today. The now mandatory program, which operated on a voluntary basis after being initiated on Aug. 1, is for people traveling to the U.S. for 90 days or less.

The Department of Homeland Security initiated the system to meet recommendations of the 9/11 Commission Act of 2007, according to the embassy’s Web site.
Toronto Escorts