muslims on a plane......


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
Using that logic....

VinnyBuff said:
If I heard that conversation between 2 muslims on a plane I`d also be scared, you never know when these people will wage another jihad and blow themselves up. If these muslims were innocent they should have been more sensitive to the fears of the other passengers, they deserved to be kicked off since they were a potential security risk to everyone onboard the plane.

The bottom line is people have irrational fear and prejudice towards people who don`t look / dress / act like them. You can`t change that.

But I expect corporations and public agencies that serve to public to do better.

I expect the rights and dignities of ALL U.S. citizens to be respected until they give a reason why they shouldn`t be. Accordingly, unless we are going to evict EVERY family (including "we are the only owns who count" WHITE Americans) from airplanes if they enter into a discussion regarding which part of safer to be in in case of an accident, we can`t evict any.
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Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
I dunno....

elmo said:
That`s the point exactly. Yes it`s racial profiling but who the fuck is doing the bombing these days??

...You tell me?

I bet none of them are U.S. Citizens flying on U.S. carriers though....and I am ABSOLUTELY certain none of them are U.S. Citizens flying on U.S. Carriers that have been just vetted by the FBI.
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a 1 player

Smells like manly roses.
Feb 24, 2004
on your girlfriend
elmo said:
For what?
Let me put this another way...

You and your family are going on a bus trip to New York, with a predominantly non-caucasian passenger list. None of you have said anything about terrorist activities, maybe just talking about how slippery the roads are during the winter are, and one of your family asks, "I wonder where the safest part of the bus is?" You are kicked off the bus and brought to government officials for questioning. You explain the situation and the government does all kinds of background checks on you and your family. All apprears ok, and you are offered an apology. The bus STILL does not let you on. The government, (read group who perhaps might have the largest amount at stake here), asks to let you get back on the bus but your family is still denied.

And you do not think this is worthy of a law suit? This is a case of a violation of racism if I have ever seen one. As far as I can tell, the only reason the passengers were denied was because of their heritage and the fact that the same might upset other passengers.


Registered User
Oct 23, 2002
here and there
MLAM said:

...You tell me?

I bet none of them are U.S. Citizen flying on U.S. carriers though....and i am ABSOLUTELY certain none of them are U.S. Citizens flying on U.S. Carriers that have been just vetted by the FBI.
I don`t doubt that but I`m not sure what citizenship has to do with racial profiling?


Registered User
Oct 23, 2002
here and there
a 1 player said:
Let me put this another way...

You and your family are going on a bus trip to New York, with a predominantly non-caucasian passenger list. None of you have said anything about terrorist activities, maybe just talking about how slippery the roads are during the winter are, and one of your family asks, "I wonder where the safest part of the bus is?" You are kicked off the bus and brought to government officials for questioning. You explain the situation and the government does all kinds of background checks on you and your family. All apprears ok, and you are offered an apology. The bus STILL does not let you on. The government, (read group who perhaps might have the largest amount at stake here), asks to let you get back on the bus but your family is still denied.

And you do not think this is worthy of a law suit? This is a case of a violation of racism if I have ever seen one. As far as I can tell, the only reason the passengers were denied was because of their heritage and the fact that the same might upset other passengers.
The lesser of 2 evils is that you restrict the family, do you think it would be better to have a plane load of pissed of passengers or one family?

a 1 player

Smells like manly roses.
Feb 24, 2004
on your girlfriend
I disagree.

The right thing to do would be to let them on the plane. If another person wishes to get off because they are uncomfortable, that is their issue, not the airlines.


Registered User
Oct 23, 2002
here and there
a 1 player said:
I disagree.

The right thing to do would be to let them on the plane. If another person wishes to get off because they are uncomfortable, that is their issue, not the airlines.
Then perhaps you should pony up the cash and buy the airline.


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003

elmo said:
I don't doubt that but I'm not sure what citizenship has to do with racial profiling?

...given that the airline knew they were U.S. Citizens, it should have DISPOSED of the "racial profiling".

Don't get me wrong...I KNOW a young Muslim / Arabic man in his twenties is more likely to blow up a plane than a white Jewish grandmother in her 60's. Racial profiling does make sense as one of SEVERAL lines of defense.

But it shouldn't be an absolute.

The man...a U.S. Citizen...boarded the plane with his wife and kids. They took him off the plane...the FBI checked them all out. WTF is the problem then if it isn't xenophobia or out and out racism?


New member
Aug 30, 2006
MLAM said:

The bottom line is people have irrational fear and prejudice towards people who don`t look / dress / act like them. You can`t change that.

But I expect corporations and public agency that serve to public to do better.

I expect the rights and dignities of ALL U.S. citizens to be respected until they give a reason why they shouldn`t be. Accordingly, unless we are going to evict EVERY family (including "we are the only owns who count" WHITE Americans) from airplanes if they enter into a discussion regarding which part of safer to be in in case of an accident, we can`t evict any.
Basically it comes down to this. Either these muslims WERE actual terrorists, or they did this as some planned PR stunt knowing that by saying that they`d kicked off a plane, which would allow them to get the media involved and make a big story of it, and allow them to launch a frivolous lawsuit in an attempt to get money and gain sympathy for muslims.

Let`s face it, there are certain things noone should be talking about in a plane, and if you`re a muslim talking about those things on a plane you know what`s coming, and they deserved it. If you mention the word bomb in an airport you get arrested no matter what, whether you`re white, black, chinese, or arab, even if it`s a joke. These muslims know that and they deserve what they got, that`s all.


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
I'm sorry....

VinnyBuff said:
Basically it comes down to this. Either these muslims WERE actual terrorists, or they did this as some planned PR stunt knowing that by saying that they'd kicked off a plane, which would allow them to get the media involved and make a big story of it, and allow them to launch a frivolous lawsuit in an attempt to get money and gain sympathy for muslims.

Let's face it, there are certain things noone should be talking about in a plane, and if you're a muslim talking about those things on a plane you know what's coming, and they deserved it. If you mention the word bomb in an airport you get arrested no matter what, whether you're white, black, chinese, or arab, even if it's a joke. These muslims know that and they deserve what they got, that's all.
...I thought we were having an discussion between intelligent persons who can read (did you read the article? Did you see the part where it mentioned that no such words as "bomb' were used?).

I am sorry I wasted your time.

(man buys eight airplane tickets and brings his wife and kids along as a publicity stunt...well of course...that's the sort of things Arabs do all the time because they are all out to get us "regular" people....)


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
a 1 player said:
Let me put this another way...

You and your family are going on a bus trip to New York, with a predominantly non-caucasian passenger list. None of you have said anything about terrorist activities, maybe just talking about how slippery the roads are during the winter are, and one of your family asks, "I wonder where the safest part of the bus is?" You are kicked off the bus and brought to government officials for questioning. You explain the situation and the government does all kinds of background checks on you and your family. All apprears ok, and you are offered an apology. The bus STILL does not let you on. The government, (read group who perhaps might have the largest amount at stake here), asks to let you get back on the bus but your family is still denied.

And you do not think this is worthy of a law suit? This is a case of a violation of racism if I have ever seen one. As far as I can tell, the only reason the passengers were denied was because of their heritage and the fact that the same might upset other passengers.
You have to admit player, that while not all terrorists are muslim, and not all muslims are terrorists, it was muslims who blew up the world trade center.

There is NO changing that fact. Unfortunately all the law abiding decent muslim families now have to deal with the fallout of that act but as I said earlier: non-muslims aren't to blame, the terrorists are.


New member
Aug 30, 2006
MLAM said:
...I thought we were having an discussion between intelligent persons who can read (did you read the article? Did you see the part where it mentioned that no such words as "bomb' were used?).

I am sorry I wasted your time.

(man buys eight airplane tickets and brings his wife and kids along as a publicity stunt...well of course...that's the sort of things Arabs do all the time because they are all out to get us "regular" people....)
You can choose to be politically correct, or you can choose to be honest. The fact is that, with the exception of timothy mcveigh about 15 years ago, virtually all terrorists are muslims. When there's a terrorist attack anywhere around the world, if you guess that the terrorist was a muslim, there's a 99.99999% chance that you'd be correct.

Not all muslims are terrorists, but virtually all terrorists are muslim. The facts and statistics speak for themselves.


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003

VinnyBuff said:
You can choose to be politically correct, or you can choose to be honest. The fact is that, with the exception of timothy mcveigh about 15 years ago, virtually all terrorists are muslims. When there's a terrorist attack anywhere around the world, if you guess that the terrorist was a muslim, there's a 99.99999% chance that you'd be correct.

Not all muslims are terrorists, but virtually all terrorists are muslim. The facts and statistics speak for themselves.

...virtually all Klan members and serial killers are white. The vast majority of rapist and child molesters are as well. So?


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
arthurfonzerelli said:
Yep, so all the law abiding and decent Christian white folk have to deal with the fallout of serial-murdering, child-molesting, raping Klan members.
Next time I see one of "those guys", I'm gonna cross to the other side of the street, and point them out to my kids. If I hear them say anything remotely out of the ordinary, I'm gonna call the cops.
Works both ways.
You're mixing up "groups": While some Klu Klux Klan members are Christian, not all Christians are Klu Klux Klan members. But I DO also confront Christians with the fact that their religion killed way more people than any muslim extremist.......

And you also have to make note that many non-christians poke fun at all priests due to the few that abuse choir boys......

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
Why is race even brought up?..If racism is ever going to end we need to stop with headlines in the news saying muslims, blacks, etc.

Why should it matter what race they are,,,when the Toronto bound plane was turn back after some nut try to open a door in the plane, I didn't see no news headline saying white man tried opening airplane door while in flight.


resident smartass
Aug 18, 2001
way out in left field
arthurfonzerelli said:
While some Muslims are terrorists, not all terrorists are Muslims.
Anything else?

Something to do with it, I suppose?
If so, I have no idea.

What the.......????

I think we have our first nonsensical post of 2009

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
Yeah, did we all forget about Timothy McVeigh and him renting a Ryder rental truck and blowing it up under a day care center...he did try to bring the whole building down. The Oklahoma Bombing...since 9/11 some have forgot about that.

Him and his buddies were white as snow white, ha ha.
VinnyBuff said:
You can choose to be politically correct, or you can choose to be honest. The fact is that, with the exception of timothy mcveigh about 15 years ago, virtually all terrorists are muslims. When there's a terrorist attack anywhere around the world, if you guess that the terrorist was a muslim, there's a 99.99999% chance that you'd be correct.

Not all muslims are terrorists, but virtually all terrorists are muslim. The facts and statistics speak for themselves.
This is about perception as well.
Your experience is that muslims are terrorists and probably the experience of those in your circle. I'd encourage you to expand your circle, not think outside of the box but rather expand your box to include those that have different life experiences so you might be able to incorporate some of their experiences into your own and perhaps see more of the world through their eyes.

If we ask those in the midwest USA who are terrorist we will most likely hear that young muslim males are terrorists, this is their experience. However if we travel across the world and start to ask people around the world who a terrorist is they will all have different answers as they all have different experiences, it is about their perception and experience. An elder Tibetan monk will not answer the same as a 10 year old Ethiopian girl, nor would a NYC investment banker have the same answer as a Palestinian boy on the Gaza strip. These people have lived different lives and would have different ideas of who terrorists are, and they are not wrong as they have all in their own way been victims of terror.

If we start to change the way we think, stop these irrational fears and realize that most of it really is irrational. The plane is much more likely to have engine trouble than to be attacked by terrorists (not terribly comforting is it?) so perhaps we can start to focus on the more important things in our lives and work together to get our economy back on track.
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