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Mother of Palin daughter's boyfriend arrested


Class of 69...
May 19, 2002
Lewiston, NY

CapitalGuy said:
Get over it. You're going down fuji street in terms of displaying an unhealthy obsession with trashing politicians you don't like. A much healthier outlet would be to find an SP who looks like Palin and take your issues out during a nice relaxing session with her. Hell, she may even convert you.
Do you know one?? Does she have a website?? Do you think she likes Billy Beer??:cool:


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
Which means....

BKool said:
That's right, I was totally crushed - can I get a hug? LOL, this thread is comedy gold. Truth is nothing you write here can ever "hurt my feelings". Your point of view just isn't important enough to me. Period.
...you are just engaged in a exercise of mental masturbation. Sort of like when the retarded rock back and forth aimlessly.

I will let you be then. It isn't right to pick on children....or the simple.


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
It has been suggested to me via PM...

...that the term "white trash" is just as inflammatory and hurtful as "nigger".

I would respond that this is absurd.

When I used the term "white trash", I am certain that save for only a couple of exceptions that come to mind, everyone who read it KNEW I was not referring to them, or anyone like them, save for a shared lack of skin pigment. They also knew immediately what image / stereotype I was attempting to bring to mind. As I stated to the person who PM'd me, I would say "white trash" (or "redneck" which apparently was offensive as well) would be analogous to "Gangsta"....again, an image is conjured up, and while that image is stereotypically associated with a certain race, all members of the race are not included, nor is that the intention (for example...save for the most stupid of you...I am sure you don't think of MLAM as "gangsta", even though I am indeed Black).

"Nigger" is term meant to insult and smear EVERYONE who is Black, regardless of their demographic. No matter how educated, accomplished, sophisticated. Regardless of how positive a person is, with no concern as to their value as a human being. It is meant to label and demean an entire group, and strip away their individuality, making all those positive characteristics I just listed irrelevant....as per the joke "What do you call a Harvard educated Black man in a suit...."

Now since I know most of you to be reasonably intelligent (again, save for a couple exceptions that come to mind), you will hopefully both understand my point here and also know that in no way shape of form was I attempting to smear white people everywhere, regardless of who or what they are.

What I was doing was pointing out how unsuited Sarah Palin was for the executive branch of the United States Government, using the same tactic she used during her campaign...ignoring the qualifications of the person (not that she had any), and instead speaking to her "associations".

If that strikes you as offensive, well then, welcome to my world. There is still a difference though...you STILL know that what was said didn't apply to you, and that I in no way shape or form implied or intended to imply that no one white or female should ever hold the office of POTUS.

Unfortunately for me, most of the slanderous things *I* have read (and still read...so spare me the "election is over" rhetoric) are not so narrowly focused...they are meant to both smear the man referenced and demean and be hurtful towards all that read it who share his race.

Frankly, I wish I had the luxury of your brand of hurt and insult...
Last edited:


Gentleman by Profession
Jun 30, 2003
In the laboratory.
The drug involved in this story turns out to be OxyContin, aka Hillbilly Heroin! Oops, hope I didn't offend any hillbillies! :p


December 20, 2008
National Briefing | Northwest
Alaska: Future Palin In-Law Is Arrested

State troopers have arrested the mother of Bristol Palin’s boyfriend on drug charges. The woman, Sherry L. Johnston, was arrested after troopers served a search warrant on a Wasilla home. Ms. Johnston, 42, has been charged with six felony drug counts. A trooper spokeswoman said in a news release that the charges were in connection to the prescription painkiller OxyContin. Ms. Johnston is the mother of Levi Johnston, 18. Gov. Sarah Palin, the Republican nominee for vice president, announced in September that her daughter Bristol, 18, was pregnant and that Mr. Johnston was the father. She is due to give birth this weekend.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
jwmorrice said:
The drug involved in this story turns out to be OxyContin
It doesn't surprise me to learn that. There is a real problem with it being used as a drug of abuse in rural areas.


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
jwmorrice said:
The drug involved in this story turns out to be OxyContin, aka Hillbilly Heroin! Oops, hope I didn't offend any hillbillies!
That's explains why so many dittoheads that phone El Rushbloe sound like hillbillies!
They're all high on OxyContin like their piper El Rushbloe....:D


Class of 69...
May 19, 2002
Lewiston, NY
Convenient ...

That the right wing media already has a resident expert on oxycontin. At least the pigs aren't rousting Levi's mom just for having some weed or something!:p


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
The Palin Soap Opera continues.......:D

Wonder how the upcoming 'Wedding Plans' are going?
Wonder if the recently arrested 'mother-in-law' to be, will be at the wedding?

Captain Fantastic

Jun 28, 2008
MLAM said:
..."Nigger" is term meant to insult and smear EVERYONE who is Black, regardless of their demographic. No matter how educated, accomplished, sophisticated. Regardless of how positive a person is, with no concern as to their value as a human being. It is meant to label and demean an entire group, and strip away their individuality, making all those positive characteristics I just listed irrelevant....as per the joke "What do you call a Harvard educated Black man in a suit...."
Not according to Chris Rock, among others... some people make the distinction, I guess. ;)

It's not that the terms "white trash" and "redneck" are hurtful on the level of the N-bomb, but they are inflammatory and unnecessary, while being non-specific enough to be generally prejudiced. Where do you draw the line between "white trash" and white people? Between "rednecks" and simple (in every sense of the word), hard-working labourer types? (The etymology is from the original usage of the term for the poor Scottish & Irish Covenanters who came to America during the Clearances and settled in the Reconstruction-era South as labourers.) It is a biased generalization that is unfair without knowing the parameters the person using it has set.

Listen, I know what you're saying, but I respectfully disagree. You claim in numerous posts that you're always reacting to what others post, and hate ad hominem posts against Obama and the like, but this time you chose to go on the offensive against the family of a failed VP nominee using terms like white trash and rednecks. (Those are derogatory terms specific to white people only.) And for what? So you can start trouble instead of reacting to it? Because we all know that Sarah Palin is an airhead from the sticks who will fade into oblivian (or "Bolivian" as that noted scholar Mike Tyson once said) - and we all know that she was a joke as a VP running mate. So really, what was your point? It's almost a WoodPeckr-type post - useless and blindly partisan. Except in your case, it's even more personal.

Basically, you can't have it both ways - that's hypocrisy. And frankly, it's tiresome and it should be beneath you.

Generally I respect you, but in this case, you're wrong.


Gentleman by Profession
Jun 30, 2003
In the laboratory.
I wonder if Bristol, and her man to be, have been sampling some of his mother's product. If so, perhaps the kid will emerge from the womb already addicted and answering to the sobriquet 'Noddy'.



New member
Jan 19, 2006
y2kmark said:
That the right wing media already has a resident expert on oxycontin.
The New York Times - right wing?!?! How the heck can you write that with a straight face! :eek:


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
Aardvark154 said:
The New York Times - right wing?!?! How the heck can you write that with a straight face!
Come on Aardie!
He meant El Rushbloe as representing the right-wing media!
How could you miss that?!?!!?!?

You ain't popping OxyContins yourself, are you?....:eek:

S.C. Joe

Client # 13
Nov 2, 2007
Detroit, USA
Let us see if they be getting married now, that wedding is off, it might have been BS to start with, what else could Palin say after news broke of her daughter.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
jwmorrice said:
I wonder if Bristol, and her man to be, have been sampling some of his mother's product. If so, perhaps the kid will emerge from the womb already addicted and answering to the sobriquet 'Noddy'.
Hold on a second JW. If someone posted something like that about the Clinton's daughter or the Obama's daughters in another few years - you would, quite justifiably be all over them for such a cheap remark. And that's what it is cheap and crass. :mad:


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
S.C. Joe said:
Let us see if they be getting married now, that wedding is off, it might have been BS to start with, what else could Palin say after news broke of her daughter.
The Wedding can't be off!
Palin is a christan fundie and 'shotgun weddings' like this are almost a 'rite of passage' to them....;)


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
Aardvark154 said:
And that's what it is cheap and crass.
Score one for Aardie the Apologist!
When it comes to cheap & crass, he knows his poop!.....:cool:


Gentleman by Profession
Jun 30, 2003
In the laboratory.
Aardvark154 said:
Hold on a second JW. If someone posted something like that about the Clinton's daughter or the Obama's daughters in another few years - you would, quite justifiably be all over them for such a cheap remark.
No I wouldn't. Go for it! :D



Sr. Member
Aug 6, 2002
MLAM said:
...that the term "white trash" is just as inflammatory and hurtful as "nigger".

I would respond that this is absurd.
Given the history behind the word, of course it is absurd. On the other hand if we want to categorize people, there are plenty I could consider "black trash". If that's where you wish to go with this. Personally I don't think it does any good to make the distinction. Depending on your view of humanity, trash is trash.

I Claudius

New member
Jun 1, 2007
I agree that the term "white trash" is useful as a descriptor, but is probably hurtful to those whom it fits. A subgroup of that population was called "jumped-up white trash" by a friend of mine, and is also useful to categorize ....

Can y'all think of non-hurtful phrases to describe these groups that we might use instead ?
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