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Mother of Palin daughter's boyfriend arrested


New member
Jul 2, 2007
MLAM said:
It would make you feel better to think me retarded though, wouldn't it?
Awww shame. Here let met help you ...

"It would make you feel better to think of me as retarded though, wouldn't it?"

There, fixed it.


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003

BKool said:
Awww shame. Here let met help you ...

"It would make you feel better to think of me as retarded though, wouldn't it?"

There, fixed it.
...are clearly not very well educated, are you?

In reality, there was NOTHING wrong with the sentence I wrote, and if you read anything besides the Toronto Sun and comic books, you'd know that.

Just because it wasn't written in a style that YOU are accustomed to reading doesn't make it incorrect...


Aug 17, 2001
Heaven, definately Heaven
MLAM said:
Let's see...Palin....5 or 6 universities before finding one that will let her actually have a Journalism...even though she never worked on any university newspaper (real burning for journalism she's got)
Just to take the Devil's Advocate position here, newspapers are going into bankruptcy (The Toronto Sun is laying off workers), but Palin became a sports caster, then a fuck-vision beauty shot, to a mayor, to a US governor, to a US Vice Presidential nominee......she did okay in....umm....journalism. University newspapers are nothing and the right move to be successful in journalism is to not bother with writing one syllable inside a university newspaper.

Gyaos Baltar.


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
She did more than ok....

Gyaos said:
Just to take the Devil's Advocate position here, newspapers are going into bankruptcy, but Palin became a sports caster, then a fuck-vision beauty shot, to a mayor, to a US governor, to a US Vice Presidential nominee......she did okay in....umm....journalism.

Gyaos Baltar.

...she has good looks, charm, and she is smarter than most of her constituents. Beyond that, she has leadership least of a charismatic nature.

She shouldn't be one heart beat away from the most important job on earth though...


New member
Jan 19, 2006
danmand said:
You are absolutely right. And neither should someone be chastized for a name given to him by his parents. You agree?
Certainly I agree, it's not the child's fault. Although I will also add that sometimes the parents should have their heads examined such as the parents of Adolf Hitler Campbell or the father of the late Imma Hogg. Not infrequently people with unfortunate names have to get them legally changed when they become of age.

Now if you allude to the President Elect, to me it seems nothing more than trying to retain a tie to his father. A point about which, I would hope we could all agree, is something that he still struggles.


New member
Jan 19, 2006
papasmerf said:
Billy was the more interesting Carter during Jimmy's term in office.
That's the truth. He may have done many kindly deeds as a former President. But he was a disaster area as President unless you were living on interest income.


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
Well....where I come from... get to know the family of the boy your daughter is going to marry...ESPECIALLY if they are both under aged and said boy has knocked your daughter up.

"Governor Palin--or more accurately, her daughter Bristol--has been palin' around with drug dealers. Remember Levi Johnston, the guy they trotted out as a prop at the Republican convention as the father of Bristol's baby? Well, his mom got busted yesterday; reports suggest she had a meth lab in her house (don't forget, Wasilla is Alaska's crystal meth capital)."

Of course...given that the boy has run as far away from Anchorage and Wasilla as possible as fast as possible, I doubt there is any wedding in the works anyway...or that there ever was.

They were doing what teenagers do. They got pregnant. Mom isn't going to let any daughter of HERS get an of course now she is going to keep it and they are going to marry.


BTW...where I come from you also don't fuck guys who home you've never been inside of either...did Bristol see any drug paraphernalia? Was there a meth lab back then when the two of them were dating? And isn't it interesting that just when Bristol is about to give birth and the daddy is nowhere around...the mother-in-law who isn't is getting though she put a meth lab in her home just yesterday.

Sarah Palin, the gift that keeps on giving....


New member
Jan 19, 2006
Let it go

MLAM said:
her daughter Bristol--has been palin' around with drug dealers.
MLAM, let it go. :mad: Holy Cow you're like some sort of Governor Palin version of the President-Elect Obama Birth Certificate folks. The girl is eighteen years old! Yeah, she's not family to either of us - but how about if you can't be supportive at least not running her down.

You may not like her mother's politics - fine. But don't use someone's children as a club, they are not inanimate objects they are human beings just like you and I. With all that is said here in other contexts about objectification it is ironic that basically that’s what you’re doing in this instance.


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003

Aardvark154 said:
MLAM, let it go. :mad: Holy Cow you're like some sort of Governor Palin version of the President-Elect Obama Birth Certificate folks.
...the difference would be we are talking about facts, not hopeful nut job speculation.

Aardvark154 said:
The girl is eighteen years old! Yeah, she's not family to either of us - but how about if you can't be supportive at least not running her down.
I'd feel better about that if I didn't HIGHLY suspect that had the shoe been on the other foot the right wing nut job types would have had a FIELD DAY with all sort of implication about "family values" and "typical behavior for his kind".

Aardvark154 said:
You may not like her mother's politics - fine. But don't use someone's children as a club, they are not inanimate objects they are human beings just like you and I. With all that is said here in other contexts about objectification it is ironic that basically that’s what you’re doing in this instance.
To be honest with you, you are right.

I guess I just figure that what is good for the goose and all that.

I read some stuff yesterday in various sports blogs about Mauricia Grant. It nearly drove me to tears. Now, mind you, I am all but absolutely certain that neither Bristol Palin nor Sarah Palin posted those vile things. But I do know I get tried of people expecting "me" to take the high road. It seems to be fair game to sling on the political the game called life. But no one likes it when fire is returned and either themselves or their stakeholders of interest are the targets. Anybody remember all the crap that was said about Chelsea Clinton?


Protuberant Member
May 29, 2002
North America
skypilot said:
MLAM Keep it up, this is great shit!
Don't let Aardie the Apologist get you down!...;)


New member
Jan 19, 2006
MLAM said:
I'd feel better about that if I didn't HIGHLY suspect that had the shoe been on the other foot the right wing nut job types
Perhaps so, hopefully, I'd be honest enough to object with you about that as well.
MLAM said:
I read some stuff yesterday in various sports blogs about Mauricia Grant. It nearly drove me to tears.
I don't know enough about it to comment intelligently merely the outline of the claims in her lawsuit. That said no one should be abused based on their sex or race.
MLAM said:
But I do know I get tried of people expecting "me" to take the high road. It seems to be fair game to sling on the political the game called life. But no one likes it when fire is returned
I indeed understand what you are saying it is very easy to fall into "you guys said" e.g. machine gunning the bar room rather than shooting the piano player.
MLAM said:
crap that was said about Chelsea Clinton?
When her father was President such comments were out of line (and although you have no way of knowing I said so). The problem in her mother's campaign was that she tried to have it both ways, I'm going to actively campaign for my mother, but I'm not going to allow you to question me. For me that is where I would draw the line - merely being related to someone, as opposed to actively campaigning for them.


New member
Jul 2, 2007
MLAM said:
Just because it wasn't written in a style that YOU are accustomed to reading doesn't make it incorrect...
I suppose some uneducated hobos may use the same grammatical style on the walls of public bathroom stalls. Try to avoid honing your grammar on the scribbles signed "Jhon" or "Dayvit" ...


New member
Jul 2, 2007
canada-man said:
awww the GOP righties are mad at MLAM ha ha ha ha ha ha
Not mad ... I'm just engaging the pathetic, easily taunted little twat for my own amusement in between classes. :D


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
BKool said:
Not mad ... I'm just engaging the pathetic, easily taunted little twat for my own amusement in between classes. :D

You need a new handle. you'r hot.


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
Uh huh...

BKool said:
I suppose some uneducated hobos may use the same grammatical style on the walls of public bathroom stalls. Try to avoid honing your grammar on the scribbles signed "Jhon" or "Dayvit" ... I said, if you actually knew something, we wouldn't be having this exchange.


Registered User
Sep 26, 2003
Your memory is failing you...

BKool said:
Not mad ... I'm just engaging the pathetic, easily taunted little twat for my own amusement in between classes. :D

...go back and you will see it was your feelings that were hurt. I didn't even know you were alive until you decided to comment in the thread I started.

I would advise you continue to go to class however...especially the ones where you read books. I am sure your parents will be so proud when you finally finish....what...15 or so years late?


New member
Jul 2, 2007
MLAM said:
...go back and you will see it was your feelings that were hurt.
That's right, I was totally crushed - can I get a hug? LOL, this thread is comedy gold. Truth is nothing you write here can ever "hurt my feelings". Your point of view just isn't important enough to me. Period. Next time I amuse myself by tossing cyber-peanuts at a not-so-bright Obama monkey, I'll throw in a few emoticons. Clearly, my sarcasm alone is a little too subtle... ;)

MLAM said:
I would advise you continue to go to class however...especially the ones where you read books.
No need, I have a USB port on the side of my head ...
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