Royal Spa

Most recent articles on prostitution related laws, opinions, comments


Active member
Jan 19, 2004
Does it actually say that for online advertising? POSTED IN THE JURISDICTION is not the same as HOSTED IN THE JURISDICTION, no?
164.1 (1) If a judge is satisfied by information on oath that there are reasonable grounds to believe that there is material — namely,
an advertisement of sexual services as defined in subsection 164(8) or data as defined in subsection 342.1(2) that
makes .... an advertisement of sexual services available — that is stored on and made available through a computer system as defined in
subsection 342.1(2) that is within the jurisdiction of the court, the judge may order the custodian of the computer system to..."

So the computer system must be within the jurisdiction of the court. Not in Venezuela, for instance.

Again, the Bill has another contradiction. It would not be illegal (in fact, it is expressly permitted) for a sex-worker to post advertising online, but it would be illegal for an ISP or the owner of a Canadian web site to carry it. It makes both unequal in terms of the law. The law would also be ineffective because it's simply the matter to be able to host the ad or website on a foreign server. Like in Syria where prostitution is legal.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Yes, important distinction.

According to 164.1 (1): If a judge is satisfied by information on oath that there are reasonable grounds to believe that there is material — namely, child pornography as defined in section 163.1, a voyeuristic recording or an advertisement of sexual services as defined in subsection 164(8) or data as defined in subsection 342.1(2) that makes child pornography, a voyeuristic recording or an advertisement of sexual services available — that is stored on and made available through a computer system as defined in subsection 342.1(2) that is within the jurisdiction of the court,...

And according to the text of Bill C-13:

a "computer system” means a device that, or a group of interconnected or related devices one or more of which,
(a) contains computer programs or other computer data, and

(b) by means of computer programs,

(i) performs logic and control, and

(ii) may perform any other function;
Ah okay. Thanks.

What's with this voyeuristic material shit? You mean, I can't do my FF on Cam4 anymore? WTF?


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
164.1 (1) If a judge is satisfied by information on oath that there are reasonable grounds to believe that there is material — namely,
an advertisement of sexual services as defined in subsection 164(8) or data as defined in subsection 342.1(2) that
makes .... an advertisement of sexual services available — that is stored on and made available through a computer system as defined in
subsection 342.1(2) that is within the jurisdiction of the court, the judge may order the custodian of the computer system to..."

So the computer system must be within the jurisdiction of the court. Not in Venezuela, for instance.

Again, the Bill has another contradiction. It would not be illegal (in fact, it is expressly permitted) for a sex-worker to post advertising online, but it would be illegal for an ISP or the owner of a Canadian web site to carry it. It makes both unequal in terms of the law. The law would also be ineffective because it's simply the matter to be able to host the ad or website on a foreign server. Like in Syria where prostitution is legal.
Ok thanks but wait a minute. The contradiction is intended to make the SP immune from prosecution for having an ad, but the ISP or advertising agency or medium will be subject to prosecution. Yes, effectively, the escort is unable to advertise (so she will only get away with it if hosted offshore or before the ISP isn't ordered to remove it, etc. as I've read above).


Mar 27, 2006
I agree. This proposed law is designed to criminalize purchasing and advertising, effectively choking the income source for SPs, effectively eliminating the industry all together.
The legislation also criminalizes print and online advertising of sexual services. You are right GPIDEAL.
It doesn't matter, whomever does the ad will be prosecuted. The web designer, pimps, even the SP , or whomever will be changed.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Bedford responded to this unconstitutional bill

Terri-Jean Bedford responds to new proposed prostitution laws
Posted on June 4, 2014
Reprinted with permission

Unlike the government I have read the document in question and had it carefully explained to me by experts. The new law would basically prohibit the purchasing of and advertising of sex for sale. It would also penalize persons who were in an exploitative relationship with sex trade workers. Mr. MacKay called sex work degrading and said other means must also be added by other bodies to enable women to get out of the sex trade.

I see now why Mr. Harper told McKay to table the bill while he was out of the country. The bill is a rework of the old legislation and will fare no better. We may not even need a constitutional challenge to gut it. It spits in the face of the courts and judges will know this. It repeats the legal and safety shortcomings of the old laws. It does not even define what is and what is not a sex act. As a dominatrix I need to know this so I can punish Mr. Harper for such incompetence.

Mr. MacKay called the sex trade degrading. Who the hell is he to tell women they have to only have sex for free? Who the hell is he to tell consenting adults what they can and cannot do in private? How can he stand for a ban on advertising an activity that is legal? I have news for him. Many women love being sex trade workers. Many men who visit sex trade workers, which include some well known members of his own party, are prominent and highly regarded members of society who love their families.

This is the same government that kept insisting that the old laws were constitutional and should be kept. Are we going to believe them now? Neither he nor Mr. McKay nor the dumped Mr. Nicholson would say if they had read the decision of Justice Himel which the Supreme Court endorsed. It said there are plenty of existing laws which address the worst aspects of prostitution, aside from the ones she struck down.

Politics is the oldest profession. Mr. Harper and Mr. MacKay have trumped up incompetent and unethical legislation so they can blame the courts when all restrictions on the sex trade, as distinct from other forms of business, are finally removed. Just like the rest of his “Tough on Crime Agenda” this is a scam and ignores real measures that could be taken to protect Canadian women. Organized crime, human traffickers and exploitative pimps are celebrating today. Mr. Harper is encouraging the women in the sex trade to go underground, where these evil people lie in wait.

the bill in Question

this is a progress bar


New member
Mar 7, 2004
Bedford responded to this unconstitutional bill
I think we should have a separate thread for Bedford's comments. She is not "news" and her comments do not belong in his thread. She is a crazy freak who has brought down the prostitution industry in Canada.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Make public secret prostitution poll: Trudeau

Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau is calling on Justice Minister Peter MacKay to make public a taxpayer-funded poll on prostitution, saying members of Parliament should know what Canadians think as they debate the government’s proposed changes to Canada’s prostitution laws.
Speaking to reporters, Trudeau said the department’s delay in making public the survey is in keeping with the government’s obsession with secrecy.
“I think it is important to be able to make full decisions on what Canadians think about different issues to have access to that kind of information.”
“Whether they table it in the House of Commons or whether they actually just share it in a more informal way, I think those kinds of things can help all parliamentarians understand where Canadians are in their thinking.”
However, Trudeau refused to be pinned down on his own party’s position on prostitution beyond to say that those working in the sex trade should be protected from violence.


Active member
Sep 14, 2009
let's get through it

Here is an article about how prostitute law differ around world:

Prostitution is a deep rooted industry for thousands of years. Any government by any means want to get rid off this part of human nature is not possible. The past experiences all over the world have proved that every effort on abolishing prostitution failed.
The new law now is under discussing makes prostitution obscurely legal on a certain circumstances, but it illegalizes buying sex or carrying advertisements for such services.
Hello guys,
Let's be open.
Donation is NOT illegal, it is based on your willingness.
You pay for our company or escort, which is NOT illegal, including traveling, dinner dates and so on and on...
We set up our own website to do advertising, it is NOT illegal.
For the advertising website, simply change .ca to .com, or dot whatsoever.
Anyway, the law has not worked yet, we are still anticipating.

We are from past, so we don't fear going back again.
We have experienced much, so we don't fear, but we have grown smarter.


Jan 25, 2006
What Justin Trudeau says is ridiculous. They are putting so much emphasis on this idiotic survey. The Cons are capitalizing on it saying Canadians wanted this and Canadians wanted that and now Justin Trudeau is giving credibility to it by wanting it published. This survey was INACCURATE (because the religious fanatics and feminazis have voted multiple time, not to mention citizens of other countries from abroad), BIASED (since the government who was so fanatically promoting the Nordic system conducted it and questions were biased too. And those interest groups NOT representing Canadian public opinion got together and voted massively to ban it) and likely rigged (the party of Robocalls conducted this poll). Throw it away to the garbage and sponsor an independent polling agency to conduct a survey and we will see how different the results would be. Angus Reid where the hell are you?? Polls conducted on how the Ontario debate went for candidates but no polls on this nationwide interested subject!!!!!!!.
I believe Trudeau is referring to an independent survey conducted by Ipsos Reid on behalf of the government which is rumored to indicate Canadians do not support his legislation.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Harper’s prostitution bill ignores Charter, endangers women

OTTAWA – The Green Party of Canada condemns the Conservatives’ new prostitution legislation, calling it a threat to the safety and wellbeing of sex workers and a clear violation of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Bill C-36, the so-called “Protection of Communities and Exploited Persons Act”, was unveiled yesterday by Justice Minister Peter MacKay. Containing controversial new measures to criminalize the purchasing and advertising of sexual services, the bill comes barely 6 months after the Supreme Court of Canada struck down existing laws criminalizing some aspects of the sex trade on the grounds that they put workers' lives and safety in jeopardy.

“It appears that Peter MacKay hasn't bothered to read the Supreme Court's ruling. This bill is a blatant attempt to repackage unconstitutional laws under a new name,” said Camille Labchuk, a Toronto criminal defence lawyer and the Green Party candidate in the Trinity–Spadina by-election. “The Conservatives have an appalling lack of respect for the Charter, the rule of law, and the safety of sex workers. It's time to discuss decriminalizing prostitution and developing sensible regulations to protect sex workers.”

“This law will only serve to make life more difficult and more dangerous for some of the most marginalized people in our society,” said Green Leader Elizabeth May. “The Supreme Court ruling was a clear message that forcing sex work further into the shadows is not a solution. Bill C-36 is a disturbing step backward from that decision.”

The Green Party of Canada has long advocated for comprehensive Criminal Code reforms that would remove criminal sanctions and develop regulations for legal prostitution between consenting adults, along with enhanced counselling and educational services to assist people trapped in the sex trade through poverty or addiction.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Ottawa ‘ignored’ research when crafting new prostitution laws, say academics

As the federal government unveils reforms to Canada’s prostitution laws, critics say the new legislation has been crafted without input from the very people it’s supposed to protect.

“The government has not been willing to listen. Sex workers have been standing up for months and they’ve been effectively shut out,” said Dr. Chris Atchison, a professor at the University of Victoria who has studied the sex trade for two decades.

The Conservative government tabled the new legislation in the Commons Wednesday. Dubbed “The Protection of Communities and Exploited Persons Act,” the bill is the Harper government’s response to last year’s Supreme Court decision, which struck down Canada’s existing prostitution laws.

The content of the bill is still being scrutinized, but a press release from Justice Minister Peter MacKay suggests the government is adopting the so-called Nordic model, promising action “to crack down on pimps and johns,” but not sex workers themselves.

“The impact of the new prohibitions will be borne by those who purchase sex and persons who exploit others through prostitution,” MacKay said.

The bill also prohibits advertising sexual services and would outlaw soliciting “in public places where a child could reasonably be expected to be present.”

Atchison said that while the new laws may appeal to “a certain moral spectrum,” they fly in the face of academic research and will do little to safeguard sex workers.

“Any form of criminalization pushes the industry into the realm of organized crime and keeps it hidden,” he said. “When sexual transactions are conducted out of sight, it leads to high levels of exploitation and victimization for all parties concerned.”

Atchison said he and his academic colleagues contacted the government following December’s Supreme Court ruling, but were ignored.

“The leading researchers in Canada reached out to the government to share their findings,” he said. “We reached out to them personally, and sent letters directly to Stephen Harper and Peter MacKay. All we got was a canned response: a ‘thank you for your interest’ with a rubber stamp.”

On Monday, the federal Justice Department released the results of an online survey showing a slim majority of respondents feel that buying sex should remain illegal. Atchison questioned its methodology.

“It’s not worth the paper it’s written on,” he said. “It’s 31,000 people who happened to come across the information online… it doesn’t represent Canadians at all.”

The Conservatives did hold a consultation process, where they heard from a dozen groups connected to the prostitution debate.

One of the organizations invited to participate was REAL Women of Canada, described by some as “a thinly-veiled hate group” which recently faced criticism for equating transgender people with pedophiles.

“Each member had about seven minutes to speak and at least half of the attendees were proponents of the Nordic model,” said Robyn Maynard of Stella, an advocacy organization based in Montreal. “As far as meaningful consultation goes, that would mean that the voices of sex workers would be privileged and that didn’t happen.”

Maynard called the new bill “extremely disappointing” and said it fails to respect the spirit of the Supreme Court ruling.

“I’m sure there will be another Supreme Court challenge at some point,” she said. “The only question is how many people will be injured or hurt in the meantime. How many more people will be negatively impacted by these laws before we challenge them again?”


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Hamilton sex workers group says new prostitution bill "archaic"

The federal government’s proposed prostitution legislation would create an even greater climate of violence and fear for sex workers and push the industry further underground, a Hamilton-based advocate says.

The Conservatives say the bill will crack down on abusive pimps and johns, but Mz. Scream — a former dominatrix who sits on the board of directors of local sex worker support and advocacy group Big Suzies — says it will only further harm sex workers. She has asked that CBC use her professional pseudonym and not her real name.

“It’s completely archaic,” Scream said. “When the government thinks it can control what consenting adults can or can’t do — that’s a problem.

An 'anti-porn' bill

Scream also has concerns that Bill C-36 contains sections that would place limits on the porn, webcam sex and adult entertainment industries in general. Section 164 contains provisions that would give a judge the power to seize recordings that are “voyeuristic,” “obscene” or relate to child pornography.

“Of course nobody agrees with child pornography, but this is trying to abolish all voyeuristic recordings,” Scream said. “It’s pretty much an anti-porn, anti-sex industry, anti-adult entertainment bill.”

McKay also pledged to provide $20 million to fund programs to help sex workers get out of prostitution — a move Scream also opposes.”

“That money will just create jobs for people based on the idea that all women in the industry are being abused.”

She advocated more resources be funnelled into harm reduction and that Canadian lawmakers model new legislation on New Zealand, where prostitution is legal and the sex industry operates under employment and public health laws.

A national day of action to protest the bill is planned for June 14.


New member
Mar 7, 2004


Hosted by:
Alliance Féministe Solidaires pour les travailleuses et travailleurs du sexe (AFS)
Stella, l'amie de Maimie
Head and Hands
Pink Bloc
Projet Intervention Prostitution Québec (PIPQuébec)
Projet Lune
It's funny how crazy some people can be. They actually still think decriminalization is in the cards. The SCC said it is constitutional to criminalize prostitution. That will be the ultimate (political) outcome of a constitutional challenge to the new law.


Ph.D. in Pussyology
Oct 14, 2001
The doctor is in
But that is not what they have done. They kept prostitution legal and all other aspects (not just the 3 laws which were struck down) criminalized. This is a blatant clear violation of SCC ruling and this government which never had any respect for constitution, democracy or freedom (you read this freedom3) is breaking the law by acting UNCONSTITUTIONALLY.
Yes. However, there is nothing stopping them from making prostitution completely illegal on all fronts if pushed far enough... I fear that we have started down a slippery slope. That is, if this bill /new law is challenged and ultimately declared unconstitutional, what then? I feel that with the Conservatives in power, complete criminalization is a strong possibility.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Peter MacKay ducks question on referring anti-prostitution bill to top court

Supreme Court reference on Bill C-36 could bypass years in the lower courts

Justice Minister Peter MacKay dodged questions Thursday from both the Liberal and NDP about whether he would send the new anti-prostitution bill immediately to the Supreme Court for a reference on its constitutionality.

A top court ruling on whether the proposed legislation passes constitutional muster could bypass years of lower- and appeals-court rulings, if the bill is challenged, before it eventually lands in the lap of the highest court.

But in question period in the House of Commons, MacKay didn't address the the queries about a possible court reference. Instead he spoke of the bill's purpose which is to help women, "exit [from prostitution] and find a better, healthier and safer life."

Last December the Supreme Court struck down most of the prohibitions against activities related to prostitution on the grounds they drove the legal act of prostitution underground and put sex workers, mostly women, in harm's way, violating their rights of security.

The court gave the government a year to come up with a new bill.


Ph.D. in Pussyology
Oct 14, 2001
The doctor is in
drlove please refer to post # 400.
Yes, I saw that. My point was simply that if the new laws get struck down too, then the Conservatives will rapidly be running out of options. They're certainly not going to be the ones decriminalizing anything, as you mentioned. That leaves them two options:

1) Find a way to pervert the law even more, and not in our favour

2) Take the easy route and criminalize the lot, and hope it sticks

Either way, it doesn't bode well...
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