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Most recent articles on prostitution related laws, opinions, comments


Jun 14, 2008
I find this thread overwhelming. Someone please give me the coles notes version.
What can I do as a client?
What can't I do?
What can happen to me?
When do I seriously have to make a choice to continue my hobby or discontinue?
- Nothing legally. Being a client is (will be) unlawful, period.
- You may not legally pay money or any "consideration" for "sexual services" of any kind, apparently not actually defined in law but said in some associated legal opinion briefs to specifically include lap dances and MPA HJ's. You may also not materially benefit from the prostitution of another party nor facilitate advertising for same, if you care about that.
- Consequences: Monetary fine and possibility of prison time. (Yes, seriously. Prison.) Also, potential ruination of life and career - name published in media as a criminal. CRIMINAL RECORD. Travel ban to USA. Job prospects reduced to McDicks and Welfare (or Methamphetamine Kingpin for the adventurous man with nothing left to lose.)
- You must decide whether the above is an acceptable risk to run if (and by if, unfortunately in reality I mean WHEN) C-36 passes the Senate and is read into law. Your decision may be significantly informed by forthcoming data on the prevalence of actual enforcement, which will in large determine the probability of actually suffering the theoretical consequences.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
- Nothing legally. Being a client is (will be) unlawful, period.
- You may not legally pay money or any "consideration" for "sexual services" of any kind, apparently not defined actually defined in law but said in some associated legal opinion briefs to specifically include lap dances and MPA HJ's. You may also not materially benefit from the prostitution of another party nor facilitate advertising for same, if you care about that.
- Consequences: Monetary fine and possibility of prison time. (Yes, seriously. Prison.) Also, potential ruination of life and career - name published in media as a criminal. CRIMINAL RECORD. Travel ban to USA. Job prospects reduced to McDicks and Welfare.
- You must decide if (and by if, unfortunately in reality I mean WHEN) C-36 passes the Senate and is read into law.
All this brought to us from our NOT so friendly Reform Party of Canada!



Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
He's the one who said sortly after SCC ruling that prostitution is violence against women and his party is looking at the Nordic model.
Better vote for NDP
Based on Sean Casey comments I doubt this very much. He spoke without thinking which I admit is a Justin trait.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
Another liberal MP said that liberal party does not favour legalization. The only parties that openly support legalization are NDP and Greens
Read GoWest read and please take your support right wing agenda at all cost glasses off,


As for who enacted the previous laws it seems like a mish mash but I can tell you Prime Minister Trudeau clearly stated it was not the STATES business to be in the public's bedroom, rest his soul!



Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
I don't support right wing, I support NDP and greens they stand for personal freedoms more than conservatives/liberals. I don't care if I get more taxed and have more personal freedoms in return and not a conservative police state.
Well, I do agree with you on NDP and Greens and I wish it could happen. Liberals are strictly a strategic vote for me while holding my nose. if I thought either NDP or Green stood a chance I'd happily throw my support towards either one in 2015.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
Interesting that brothels were legal in the early days of Canadian history. Were people more progressive in the 19th century ?
Also another interesting quote:
In the 19th century, men were men. They went to work and stopped at the local brothel for a drink, a bj and a lay before going home to spend quality time with the family!


Active member
Jan 19, 2004
I don't support right wing, I support NDP and greens they stand for personal freedoms more than conservatives/liberals. I don't care if I get more taxed and have more personal freedoms in return and not a conservative police state.
If the NDP get into power, you may not have enough disposable income left after they tax you to death in order to hire the army of bureaucrats who are going to tell you how to run your life.

The NDP got to be the official opposition because of their unusual surge in Quebec. They are not so popular anymore. Justin is the heir apparent, as a lot of people like dynasties. Flimsy reason to get elected, but anything other than Harper. NDP will not form the next government, despite the fact that Mulcair would be a better statesman than upstart Justin.


New member
Nov 14, 2009
ah crap you mean I'm going to have to start having sex with my wife again?

So are agencies just going to close their doors? Have any of them hired legal teams to build a next course of action? This site will have to go underground and screen screen screen.


Active member
Sep 6, 2013
ah crap you mean I'm going to have to start having sex with my wife again?
I would not recommend doing that if you ever give her any money. If you do give her money, than you are technically paying for sex and can be charged under C-36.

<Could not find an appropriate smile to put here>


New member
Aug 14, 2014
Do you have a link to an article where the NDP said this?
This is a CBC video from around the time of the House Commitee. Three MPs are being interviewed simultaneously: Dechert (C), Boisvin (NPD) and Sean Casey (L).
At around 4:00 Boisvin says that Decriminalization ''seems the way to go''.
Her opinion is that we don't need special laws for prostitution. Just have police enforce the real laws we do have against exploitation. At the end of the video, she compares it to conjugal violence which is a good analogy.

Just looking

May 24, 2010
This is a CBC video from around the time of the House Commitee. Three MPs are being interviewed simultaneously: Dechert (C), Boisvin (NPD) and Sean Casey (L).
At around 4:00 Boisvin says that Decriminalization ''seems the way to go''.
Her opinion is that we don't need special laws for prostitution. Just have police enforce the real laws we do have against exploitation. At the end of the video, she compares it to conjugal violence which is a good analogy.
Well , Its safe to say,
Its best now to stick with ladies who are independent and ones who have been in this business for a long time. (NOT NEW ONES) ]
Stings will be in place by the police.
Personally I am sticking with my select favorite ladies. And only the ladies I know well.

Thank you Siocnorf, This was a good update. This C-36 Bill is really coming down hard on Agencies and way out of line.


Active member
Jan 19, 2004
They said that the bill is not preventing sex workers from hiring drivers and bodyguards. Agencies are the ones providing these services to them. If the crack down on agencies sex workers will be no longer able to hire drivers and bodyguards.
They will be able to enter into personal arrangements with drivers and bodyguards if they don't exploit the sex workers. I can see the pimps out there suddenly becoming hired drivers. Having the arrangements informal means that they will disappear in the woodwork if police start making enquiries, unlike an established agency.

Just looking

May 24, 2010
They said that the bill is not preventing sex workers from hiring drivers and bodyguards. Agencies are the ones providing these services to them. If the crack down on agencies sex workers will be no longer able to hire drivers and bodyguards.

But this is the thing here. On the news the PC party states even woman who run an Agencies are still now criminal , as its still a source of living of the avails. Some nice girls and ladies need the protection and this goes against Bedford in her win to make it legal.

So they come up with this crazy bill C-36 in a round about way to still stop the business. For sure now I vote NDP. This new Bill will cause much debate. Will Mac Kay really put the tax money towards this or his own personal funding????
This entire C-36 Bill is so wrong.


New member
Aug 14, 2014
I can see the pimps out there suddenly becoming hired drivers. Having the arrangements informal means that they will disappear in the woodwork if police start making enquiries, unlike an established agency.
Let's not forget the ''commercial enterprise'' wildcard. According to the C-36 technical paper:
Bill C-36 would provide flexibility to the courts to find different types of enterprises, including informal ones, to be “commercial” in nature.
They will be able to arrest any third party they want to.
But, this is not a reason to fear. My prediction is that in practice, they will continue to turn a blind eye to agencies that cooperate with police and focus on the more shady people.


New member
Mar 15, 2012
I just had an idea that I don't have time to pursue and am wondering if anyone else has ... Sex Worker Org's, SP's and Agency owners in every city and every province could prepare a letter to be sent to LE the minute the law is passed, asking for specific information on enforcement so we all know how to proceed. Or start contacting them now to let them know they should be able to answer a specific set of questions that you have prepared.



Any unreasonable payments to a so called driver or body guard is an exploitative relation and hence subject to criminal charges and hopefully prosecution under bill C36. Any violence or threats against sex workers also makes it automatically an exploitative relationship and similarly would subject the so called driver/body guards to criminal charges and prosecution.
Yes. But we are talking about people being trafficked/pimped. That would require the sex worker to testify against their keeper. That already doesn't happen due to fear/intimidation. That won't change with c36, as those crimes were already criminal. C36 sets up zero communication between sw's & cops. So I completely agree that pimps can now set up shop as drivers, body guards, bookers.


Off TERB indefinitely
Oct 31, 2010
This is what they do in Sweden. There is a youtube link to a swedish documentary somewhere in this thread.
It isn't the job of cops to prove anything it's the job of courts and prosecutors , they arrest you because they have reasonable doubts after having seen you leaving the premises of a reputable sex worker.
If you try to argue with them,they will just tell you to explain that to the judge.
Canada isn't Sweden. Our legal system doesn't work this way.
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