shakenbake said:
I think it was starting to change in the sixties, actually. There was a tremendous influx of immigrants in the sixties, and Good Old Jonny Lombardi had started his multicultural radio station in that decade, if memory serves me correctly. Being the son of an immigrant Italian family, and born Canadian, I heard horror stories about what immigrants had to put up with in the fifties. Ah well, we are one multicultural centre now, and thank goodness for that. We are enriched by our diversity!
shakenbake with Italian spices.....
This multicultural policy by the government is just a veil to cover our eyes. Canada is still a very Judal-Christian, Anglo dominated society. Nothing has really changed. What has changed is the tolerance level of the dominant ruling class of Anglos who still run the show. Immigration policy here is still very discriminative based on the abilties or skills or capital for those coming in thanks to the point system. So, Canada is not being "racist" but "classist" ... only those who can contribute to Canada can get in. In this respect, I am in total agreement with the government. Yet, when immigrants get here, they don't really have a chance to become the ruling class or participate in the policy making process as this still remains in the hands of the Anglos.
On a side note, the Liberals have been the dominant players playing the race card carefully as they know that by "putting on a show" they have secured the immigrant non-Anglo vote for eternity (as long as the Liberals exists). Yet, it is these same Liberals who were the most racist who had a "Gentlemen's Treaty" with Japan to restrict immigration and it is these same Liberals who confiscated Japanese property and transplanted them to the interior lands during the war.
So, as you see, who still runs the show? And, no matter how gifted and non-Anglo is, he won't reach the pinnacle of his field simply because he he restricted by his skin color or ethnicity. Go to Mount Sinai, you see all the talented young Chinese doctors', yet, who sits on the boards of hospitals at the university health network?
At the same time, a company like ATI who has a Chinese CEO hires lots and lots of Orientals and South Asians. In this way, ATI is also being "racist" too leaning towards an "Asians only" policy. I mean yeah, there are some Anglos at ATI, but the Asians out number them like 4:1 ...
Immigrants will always remain in their ghettos and for those who do complete
an university education and get a career, well, they will always be paid less then an Anglo Canadian and he will never reach the executive level.