Moslem Imam Preaching the usual and the norm in islamic world, HATE!!


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2001
basketcase said:
The settlers are on average nuts but Israel, being a democracy with rules on appropriate behaviour have given outright bans to a number of political parties that preach the destruction of the Arabs.

There has been attempted abuse of the law but the only banning the courts have upheld is against the racist Kach party.

Take an actual look at the Israeli political parties.

Kadima (29 seats) supports a Palestinian state and withdrawal from settlements.

Labour (19 seats) opposes military actions against Palestinians and supports 2 states.

Shas (12 seats) is religous but doesn't state a clear view on the Palestinians

Likud (12 seats) traditionally wanted all of "Israel" but have moved from that stance, through the past while.

Beytenu (11 seats) is very "zionist" but supports 2 states

NRP (9 seats) are religous zionists parties opposed to a Palestinian state.

Gil (7 seats) allied with Kadima

UTJ (6 seats) religous parties with no clearly stated view on 2 state.

Meretz-Yachad (5 seats) focused on 2 state soln.

Ra'am-Ta'al (4 seats) Arab party coalition - obviously 2 state

Hadash (3 seats) very left - wants exactly '67 borders

Balad (3 seats) Arab nationalist party.

(source - wikipedia)

According to party policies, the vote for a 2 state solution appears to be:
81 votes clearly for a 2 state solution,
30 unclear votes
9 votes against a Palestinian state.

Isn't democracy grand?

The only reason that the religous or settler parties have importance is the need for coalition governments. If the Knesset members ever put asisde party politics to call this question, the results would be clear. Unfortunately, there is the power struggle between the center and center right parties that gets in the way.

you forgot to mention the fact that the deputy pm of the great democracy in the Middle East openly supports forcibly transfering Arab majority towns within Israel including its Arab citizens of Israel population to a Palestinian state, also the execution of Arab members of Parliament who have spoken to Hamas along with any other Arab citizen, ohhh yeah what about the Jews that speak to Hamas hmmmm

the idea that this joke of a state is a democracy has been going on long enough, it is a "JEWISH" democracy while the others are just there for the ride, treated no better than blacks in 1950's America all thats missing is the separate water fountains.


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2005
scouser1 said:
you forgot to mention the fact that the deputy pm of the great democracy in the Middle East openly supports forcibly transfering Arab majority towns within Israel including its Arab citizens of Israel population to a Palestinian state, also the execution of Arab members of Parliament who have spoken to Hamas along with any other Arab citizen, ohhh yeah what about the Jews that speak to Hamas hmmmm

the idea that this joke of a state is a democracy has been going on long enough, it is a "JEWISH" democracy while the others are just there for the ride, treated no better than blacks in 1950's America all thats missing is the separate water fountains.
They do not advocate transfering population, they suggest that Arab areas inside Israel Join the new Palestine. They are also willing to use money to encourage Israeli Arabs to leave. If you did a referendum in the regions after the Palestinian state is eventually formed, what would you think the people would choose? It might not be a complete landslide but I am sure that the majority would give some serious thought to leaving Israel. (if they didn't want to leave, it would really say something about how their lives are compared to other Arabs) I would be even willing to bet that many Israeli Arabs would chose to move to new Palestine even if the have to sell their homes. I would see a referendum among these areas as a real possibility)

Their plan even fits with most of the accords with land transfers. Israel gets the large settlement blocks with their Jewish polulation and Palestine gets equal parts of Israel with their mostly Arab population. This concept is in the road map, Oslo, Etc. Etc. Considering that the UN founded ISrael as a Jewish state and (the aborted) Palestine as an Arab state, I can see how this idea appeals to many.

Your attempts at victimizing the Israeli Arabs are so full of crap. How many southern blacks were members of government? (there are Israeli Arabs in the Knesset) How many southern blacks were on the Supreme Court or even a judge? (There is an Arab Israeli member of the supreme court) Oh that's right, they weren't even allowed to vote.

In your opinion, being able to earn positions in government and the Supreme Court somehow puts them in the same category as segregation or Apartheid. Keep it up though. You will probably find someone to believe you.

Everyone with a brain says that the Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza are not a part of Israel. If they are not in Israel, why would they have the same legal rights as the Israeli Arab cousins? If they want the West Bank to be part of Israel, they can have those rights (at least in my opinion). Maybe the Palestinians should have their cake and eat it too.


Nov 10, 2004
Toront Ho
scouser1 said:
you forgot to mention the fact that the deputy pm of the great democracy in the Middle East openly supports forcibly transfering Arab majority towns within Israel including its Arab citizens of Israel population to a Palestinian state, also the execution of Arab members of Parliament who have spoken to Hamas along with any other Arab citizen, ohhh yeah what about the Jews that speak to Hamas hmmmm

the idea that this joke of a state is a democracy has been going on long enough, it is a "JEWISH" democracy while the others are just there for the ride, treated no better than blacks in 1950's America all thats missing is the separate water fountains.
And you Scouser forget to mention that former Israeli president Barak had offered Arafat 90% of the West Bank so that the Palestinians could build their own homeland.
Arafat and the PLO said no to this offer, why you ask because the Arab states dont want Israel on what they consider "their" holy land.
They want complete annihilation of Israel and complete withdrawal of any U.S. military bases in the middle East.
The video in this thread proves that and thats just one of many madrasses that preach this kind of stuff.

Its OK though Scouser, your anti-Israel bias shines through most of your posts and avatars, so I'm used to it by now.


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2001
Esco! said:
And you Scouser forget to mention that former Israeli president Barak had offered Arafat 90% of the West Bank so that the Palestinians could build their own homeland.
Arafat and the PLO said no to this offer, why you ask because the Arab states dont want Israel on what they consider "their" holy land.
They want complete annihilation of Israel and complete withdrawal of any U.S. military bases in the middle East.
The video in this thread proves that and thats just one of many madrasses that preach this kind of stuff.

Its OK though Scouser, your anti-Israel bias shines through most of your posts and avatars, so I'm used to it by now.

oh here we go again with the Palestinians were offered 90,95, 93.7, 94.8744322% of the West Bank to build their future state arguments but turned it down, do you actually now what the Palestinians were offered here is a quick summary.

yes a large chunk of the West Bank that would be chopped into 3 sections by the Israeli military because Israel would still keep the settlements there and incorporate them into Israel proper, so in order for Palestinians to travel from one town to the next, they have two choices the short route which involves harrasement and stop and search by the Israeli army or the long route using the territory controlled by them.

The air space and the borders of this Palestinian state would have been still controlled by Israel, yeah thats a real legitimate state having another country control its borders.

instead of East Jerusalem the Palestinians were offered Abu Dis as the base of their future capital which is like me telling you oh I got a house for you in Toronto, but then you find out its really in Oshawa, sounds real fair hmmm, visit the region sometime you will see what I mean.

And the kicker the Palestinians wanted to control their own holy sites being the Christian and Muslim ones since the majority of those religious groups in that area are Palestinian, well the Israelis said you can have custodial control, Arafat thinks hmm I take this back to my people, be seen as a sellout and end up with a bullet in my head a la Sadat, ahhh no thanks.

here is a map from a pro ISRAEL website to illustrate, note the West Bank cut up into 3 sections


Nov 10, 2004
Toront Ho
scouser1 said:
yes a large chunk of the West Bank that would be chopped into 3 sections by the Israeli military because Israel would still keep the settlements there and incorporate them into Israel proper,
so in order for Palestinians to travel from one town to the next, they have two choices the short route which involves harrasement and stop and search by the Israeli army or the long route using the territory controlled by them.
So you use the long route, Israel has the right to protect itself from a race of people that do not want to live side by side but want to annihilate Jews from the planet altogether.
scouser1 said:
The air space and the borders of this Palestinian state would have been still controlled by Israel, yeah thats a real legitimate state having another country control its borders.
This is not true, the airspace would've been controlled by the U.N. under a unilateral agreement, get your facts straight!
scouser1 said:
And the kicker the Palestinians wanted to control their own holy sites being the Christian and Muslim ones since the majority of those religious groups in that area are Palestinian, well the Israelis said you can have custodial control, Arafat thinks hmm I take this back to my people, be seen as a sellout and end up with a bullet in my head a la Sadat, ahhh no thanks.
But the real kicker is Arafat didnt even want to compromise, he simply walked away from the deal.
Surely when offered 90% of a territory you can budge a little here and there, but he made no effort to do so.
If Arafat is that worried about getting a bullet in the head like Sadat why the hell negotiate with Israel in the first place????


Rebistrad Suer
Jan 10, 2003
Over home
papasmerf said:
Not all muslims are hate-filled biggots with no tougt beyond themselfs.

Some are god people who want to live in peace and respectfull of others
This is a mistake too many people make. It is a good thing the Imams preach hate so openly because it reminds us all to be careful.
EVERY right thinking muslim wants to eradicate non-muslims and turn free countries into religious dictatorships.
The smarter ones just keep their mouth shut about it or deny it.


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
It's just like the saying goes " Its the 999,999,999 terrorist moslums out of a billion that give the other guy a bad name":D


Nov 10, 2004
Toront Ho
skypilot said:
This is a mistake too many people make. It is a good thing the Imams preach hate so openly because it reminds us all to be careful.
EVERY right thinking muslim wants to eradicate non-muslims and turn free countries into religious dictatorships.
The smarter ones just keep their mouth shut about it or deny it.
Finally someone that gets it

LOL @ Lancslad ;)


Sep 25, 2006
skypilot said:
This is a mistake too many people make. It is a good thing the Imams preach hate so openly because it reminds us all to be careful.
EVERY right thinking muslim wants to eradicate non-muslims and turn free countries into religious dictatorships.
The smarter ones just keep their mouth shut about it or deny it.
Wow, you hit the nail right on the head. We need more people like you.


New member
Jan 11, 2002
It is curious to see how proud biggots can hide behind there computer screens and make the most uneducated comments imaginable....

You guys need to get out of your bedrooms and look around.


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
Fluid said:
It is curious to see how proud biggots can hide behind there computer screens and make the most uneducated comments imaginable....

You guys need to get out of your bedrooms and look around.

Ya, heard that crap before as an attempt to stifle people. What you need to do is remove your head from.... and face reality.


New member
Jan 11, 2002
I just pray you are not capable of reproducing......

So do you ask the escorts if they are muslim before you pay them... you wouldn't want to support terrorists... would you?


Nov 10, 2004
Toront Ho
Fluid said:
So do you ask the escorts if they are muslim before you pay them... you wouldn't want to support terrorists... would you?
Do you ask American escorts if they're Repulbican?????
Wouldnt wanna support the war on terror now, would you???


New member
Jan 11, 2002
I don't ask since I don't care...

Why would you assume I don't support the war.......

The only thing I made clear is I don't support biggots (of any race).


Feb 26, 2004
skypilot said:
This is a mistake too many people make. It is a good thing the Imams preach hate so openly because it reminds us all to be careful.
EVERY right thinking muslim wants to eradicate non-muslims and turn free countries into religious dictatorships.
The smarter ones just keep their mouth shut about it or deny it.
And what is a "right thinking" muslim? Personally, I think your full of crap.... I even question if you have talked to a fair number of muslims in coming to these conclusions of yours.... Lets be real, there are terrorists in the world, but if you think every muslim wants to kill you then I think your incorrect in your assumptions.


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
Fluid said:
I just pray you are not capable of reproducing......

So do you ask the escorts if they are muslim before you pay them... you wouldn't want to support terrorists... would you?

Too late, done that and let me say the hard right political tradition continues.

Rest easy now, :rolleyes:


Feb 26, 2004
LancsLad said:
Too late, done that and let me say the hard right political tradition continues.

Rest easy now, :rolleyes:
LOL, LancsLad, I don't agree with your views, but thats funny as hell....


Unstable Element
Jan 15, 2004
In a very dark place
Brownie69 said:
LOL, LancsLad, I don't agree with your views, but thats funny as hell....

Thanks, there are serious topics being discussed but often a little humour goes a long way. We all need to lighten up at times.


Feb 26, 2004
LancsLad said:
Thanks, there are serious topics being discussed but often a little humour goes a long way. We all need to lighten up at times.
I agree, besides, people need to understand that you can disagree but still get along. I normally don't get involved in this forum cause people just get way out of control sometimes.


Active member
Oct 12, 2005
quoting Rodney King?

Brownie69 said:
I agree, besides, people need to understand that you can disagree but still get along. I normally don't get involved in this forum cause people just get way out of control sometimes.
Well, yes and no; there are some extremely conservative people here I get along with just fine. They are the rational and ethical ones, who supply arguments for their views, and display an obvious ethical commitment. My "ignore" list is long, however, stockpiled with mean-spirited nihilists like papasmerf and lancslad, fundamentally crummy human beings who would rather have the rest of us suffer the tortures of the damned than reexamine their own preposterous, ugly view of the world. I'm about as interested in "getting along" with these people as in having a black mamba for a house pet.

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