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More Legal Problems for Mike Bullard


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
He got off with not getting a criminal record, what a joke!
It IS a bit of a light sentence. He pleaded guilty. A conditional sentence means that if he obeys his probation terms and attends counseling, he will have no FORMAL criminal record at the end of the probation period. So he will be able to travel back and fore to the US and other counties. For a guy who seemed absolutely nailed, with a complainant who was eager to testify, it seems like he got off on the easy side.

There is always a lot that happens in a plea deal that the general public don't know though.


Well-known member
Aug 10, 2010
It IS a bit of a light sentence. He pleaded guilty. A conditional sentence means that if he obeys his probation terms and attends counseling, he will have no FORMAL criminal record at the end of the probation period. So he will be able to travel back and fore to the US and other counties. For a guy who seemed absolutely nailed, with a complainant who was eager to testify, it seems like he got off on the easy side.

There is always a lot that happens in a plea deal that the general public don't know though.
Oagre, again I'm just speculating, but IMHO, Mulligan is probably happy to have this ordeal, behind her, as well?? It's interesting how Mulligan used her almost 20K twitter followers, to furthur damage Bullard's reputation. What I mean, is that Mulligan (through her friend Avery Haines), made public her full victim impact statement, when the judge told Mulligan and her lawyer to edit it, during the actual court hearing.

Oagre, I'm just wondering who Bullard wants to sue?? Bullard keeps talking about civil court?? Bullard's own twitter acct, is somewhat cryptic on this issue??

IMHO, I don't think Bullard's sentence was that light, as he did pay a "high price", according to the judge. He did lose a "cushy" job he had with Newstalk 1010. When Bullard, was a radio host on newstalk 1010, he got at lot of side gigs, because of his radio presence. I'm sure a lot of those "side gigs", have now dried up for Bullard. As usual, just my opinion!!


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Oagre, again I'm just speculating, but IMHO, Mulligan is probably happy to have this ordeal, behind her, as well?? It's interesting how Mulligan used her almost 20K twitter followers, to further damage Bullard's reputation. What I mean, is that Mulligan (through her friend Avery Haines), made public her full victim impact statement, when the judge told Mulligan and her lawyer to edit it, during the actual court hearing.

Oagre, I'm just wondering who Bullard wants to sue?? Bullard keeps talking about civil court?? Bullard's own twitter acct, is somewhat cryptic on this issue??

IMHO, I don't think Bullard's sentence was that light, as he did pay a "high price", according to the judge. He did lose a "cushy" job he had with Newstalk 1010. When Bullard, was a radio host on newstalk 1010, he got at lot of side gigs, because of his radio presence. I'm sure a lot of those "side gigs", have now dried up for Bullard. As usual, just my opinion!!
It brings us to whether there was anything fake about Mulligan's story. We won't know unless Bullard makes more explicit statements. And yes, his life is wrecked. And I'm sure that was taken into account.

Again, I don't know why Mulligan was told to edit her VWS by the judge and whether she is in contempt of court potentially by releasing it through a friend.

Bullard cannot sue for malicious prosecution if he pleaded guilty to Mulligan's complaint. (I would have to check if he in fact pleaded guilty to a breach probation instead.) He could potentially sue for libel if the VWS published on Twitter was demonstrably false.

All statements made in court are protected from libel and slander suits. You can say anything in court without being sued. (Of course, the judge can hit you with perjury or contempt of court). Discussing the case outside the courtroom can get you sued for slander.


Well-known member
Aug 10, 2010
It brings us to whether there was anything fake about Mulligan's story. We won't know unless Bullard makes more explicit statements. And yes, his life is wrecked. And I'm sure that was taken into account.

Again, I don't know why Mulligan was told to edit her VWS by the judge and whether she is in contempt of court potentially by releasing it through a friend.

Bullard cannot sue for malicious prosecution if he pleaded guilty to Mulligan's complaint. (I would have to check if he in fact pleaded guilty to a breach probation instead.) He could potentially sue for libel if the VWS published on Twitter was demonstrably false.

All statements made in court are protected from libel and slander suits. You can say anything in court without being sued. (Of course, the judge can hit you with perjury or contempt of court). Discussing the case outside the courtroom can get you sued for slander.
Thanks for the excellent response oagre. Much appreciated!! I'm learning a lot, from this thread!!


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
I just checked The Star article. Bullard pleaded to 1 count of harassing phone calls and 2 counts of breaching court orders. The plea to a harassment count pretty much means he can't sue her for malicious prosecution. And it would be difficult for him to sue for slander and say: "Yes, I admitted harassing her by doing this stuff, but she says I did other stuff too and I didn't." The judge will just roll his / her eyes.


Well-known member
Aug 10, 2010
I just checked The Star article. Bullard pleaded to 1 count of harassing phone calls and 2 counts of breaching court orders. The plea to a harassment count pretty much means he can't sue her for malicious prosecution. And it would be difficult for him to sue for slander and say: "Yes, I admitted harassing her by doing this stuff, but she says I did other stuff too and I didn't." The judge will just roll his / her eyes.
Thanks for that furthur response. Again, much appreciated!!

Hugh G. Rekshun

The 986,209,435th Beatle
Aug 21, 2001
...wondering who Bullard wants to sue?? Bullard keeps talking about civil court??...
He seems to really hate that the words stalker and stalking were used in relation to him, along with being irrationally angry at all the media who reported on his irrationally angry behaviour over the last couple of years.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
From your link:

The toughest part was when I came home from the police station after Bullard’s arrest to tell my daughters that police suggested we should move
I have a hard time believing this though. Why would cops suggest she should move??
That makes no sense, because it implies cops are either unwilling or powerless to stop Bullard.

If it is true then Mike is a total piece of shit.
Harrassing a woman (with kids) to the point she feels she has to move is beyond the pale


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
From your link:

I have a hard time believing this though. Why would cops suggest she should move??
That makes no sense, because it implies cops are either unwilling or powerless to stop Bullard.

If it is true then Mike is a total piece of shit.
Harrassing a woman (with kids) to the point she feels she has to move is beyond the pale
If Bullard is harassing her from payphones, then the cops can't devote the time and man power to surveilling him 24/7.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
If Bullard is harassing her from payphones, then the cops can't devote the time and man power to surveilling him 24/7
They did get CCTV video of him from a payphone apparently.

Look, when a woman is getting harrassed to the point where she feels she might have to move, and the cops are encouraging her to move, maybe Toronto Police needs to spend less time writing speeding tickets, and more time "protecting and serving".

And yes, I got another ticket yesterday, thats why I'm venting :yell:

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Based on this curbside interview with a reporter from his old company he doesn't seem that repentant with his plea deal or his sentence.


He's obviously pretty torqued up over the whole ordeal.

But one thing is confusing to me.....if she is as much a piece of work as he implies here in this video, then why did he pursue her so much? (Does not sound like that is in dispute.)

I understand 19 year old and 20 something year old boys getting all Lloyd Dobbler over a female when they are dumped. But a guy his age? Come the fuck on buddy. No woman is worth getting your ass arrested for. Bullard deserves what he got based on general stupidity on his part.

BTW, Lloyd would get his ass arrested today and his life would be over.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
But one thing is confusing to me.....if she is as much a piece of work as he implies here in this video, then why did he pursue her so much? (Does not sound like that is in dispute.)
Midlife crisis maybe.

Some guys dont handle this well
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