The truck company will be closed and investigated as all trucks will be inspected and all their safety records as well as log books. One problem is industry is pushing drivers to exceed log book rules and hiring bad drivers and drivers have to push themselves as they are paid per mile . The industry is quite challenging to make a profit as rates are so low . I have never understood why as there are not enough trucks to haul all the freight yet rates do not rise. Way to many middlemen grabbing the money and none left to make a profit to the truck so you have to push the truck. As the Canadian dollar slips the price of trucks has risen dramatically but no commiserate rise in rates . Truck must have been going way to fast. Speed kills
Also, could have the bus driver prevented it by carefully looking for a bad driver about to blow the intersection? If so, bus driver is partially at fault , believe it or not . Most people who have been t-boned could have prevented it by looking for drivers blowing the intersection
The safety record of trucks is quite good as accidents per mile is far less than cars but when one does occur it is spectacular, as in this case