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License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
Wish you all the best....FIGHT!

With all due respect for best intentions... this whole "fight" advice is bullshit. The poor guy is full of cancer, likely mestasteses from the lung cancer. He has emphysema and COPD.

There is more peace in accepting the inevitable and coming to terms with it for a thinking man like Petzel.

The fear of the inevitable and the what-if of an afterlife is so delusional and causes us to always live for tomorrow...instead of today!


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Petzel will get this when I say......

No matter how this turns out(and I hope for the best) I make a wish that a druid will come along and cast a re-encarnation spell, with the roll coming up a satyr!

Can't think of a better life for a fellow terbite.


New member
Jul 4, 2011
Sorry to hear the bad news. Sure it would be nice to put affairs in order.... but it is more important to enjoy each and every moment (as much as possible).

Sure we are all getting closer to death each day, but I could not imagine what it must feel like to know that your time is limited. Something I am not looking forward to... but I am curious what is on the other side of the mountain.

How long before they put you on the morphine drip?

Fight? It sounds like the final battle in a losing war. Sometimes we just have to accept the inevitable.

Yea I just don't know how long I've got to enjoy what's left of my life. I'll tell you one thing. I not going to let myself decay to the point where I need a colostomy bag or hooked up to breathing devices and tubes. As long as I'm supplied with pain relief then I'll just wait until the end. I have no intention of having severe surgeries to keep alive. I refuse to let myself decline to the point where I'm bed ridden and some bodily functions don't work anymore. I'd rather take this into my own hands and go on my own terms.


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
Petzel, pain relief won't stop deteriation to the point where you are bed-ridden
and your organs cease to function. Pain relief simply masks your pain. I am not
suggesting not to take pain relief. I just think you should keep an open mind to
all options your doctor may offer. I suggest you ask your oncologist to give you
a prognosis and some idea on how to cope with all the side effects your treatment may cause in the worst case scenario.

Someone suggested you to turn to naturopathic medicine in another post.
This is an area I know nothing about. But I guess it could be quite costly. If
your oncologist tell you all options of treatments are exhausted you may
ask his/her opinion on seeking alternative treatment. You may consider
traditional chinese medicine as a final resort. Though I am no professional
I do know Chinese herbal treatments of cancer is cheap (provided that
your don't run into a snake oil salesman). TCM in all likelihood won't cure
you. But chance is it could relieve your suffering to some degree to enable you to live your remaining years with dignity.


New member
Jul 4, 2011
Unfortunately, I can't afford any treatments not covered by OHIP or my ODSP disability. That includes acupuncture, naturopath, and all alternative medicine. Believe me, it's a challenge trying to live on disability benefits which only amount to approx. $1100 per month!
Thanks for all your suggestions on alternative medicine and your kind words. It's nice to know that there are some caring people out there.


New member
Jul 4, 2011
Petzel, pain relief won't stop deteriation to the point where you are bed-ridden
and your organs cease to function. Pain relief simply masks your pain. I am not
suggesting not to take pain relief. I just think you should keep an open mind to
all options your doctor may offer. I suggest you ask your oncologist to give you
a prognosis and some idea on how to cope with all the side effects your treatment may cause in the worst case scenario.

Someone suggested you to turn to naturopathic medicine in another post.
This is an area I know nothing about. But I guess it could be quite costly. If
your oncologist tell you all options of treatments are exhausted you may
ask his/her opinion on seeking alternative treatment. You may consider
traditional chinese medicine as a final resort. Though I am no professional
I do know Chinese herbal treatments of cancer is cheap (provided that
your don't run into a snake oil salesman). TCM in all likelihood won't cure
you. But chance is it could relieve your suffering to some degree to enable you to live your remaining years with dignity.
I realize pain relief is only to alleviate the symptoms of the disease, but I can't live in excruciating pain 24/7. I can't even sleep properly cuz the pain wakes me up in the night. I just need for the pain to be managed as effectively as possible so I can at least wipe my own ass. My spine is so bad and causes such agonizing pain that I can't even do that! Things like this just shred all my will to live and drains all my energy and strength.


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
Petzel, treatment like acupuncture is expensive because for it to be effective
it likely has to be done each and every day. Herbs used in TCM to fight cancer
are mostly cheap. Service fees charged by a TCM practioner could vary from
$10 to $100. But the herbal tea prescribed to you won't likely cost more
than $10 per day. The Chinese herbal doctor in Pacific Mall for instance
charges around $10 I believe. But that guy speaks no English. You mentioned
in one of your post that you tried acupuncture before. Could you check
with the acupuncturist you had to find out if herbal treatments to lessen
your pain is available?


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
Turmeric, the yellow component of curry, has powerful cancer fighting properties.


Aug 13, 2007
For what its worth, cancer seems to thrive in overly acidic environments.
Why not try fighting this by getting your body into a more alkaline state by eliminating acidic foods especially refined sugars that feed cancer cells.

I would choose diet over chemo but regardless of the outcome have faith that there is something greater beyond this temporary physical shell! There is a better place waiting with no more pain or sickness!


New member
Jul 4, 2011
I've completely lost my appetite and especially for coffee. Every morning I'd brew a fresh pot of coffee for myself. Now I've lost my taste for coffee. The thought of any food makes me sick. I'm constantly nauseated which could be from the cancer or a side effect of the Percocet, or both. I have to take Gravol at least twice a day. In any case I'm losing weight because I can't eat much at all without gagging or occasionally vomiting. However, being a diabetic I have to force myself to eat which makes the situation worse.
Danmand, thanks for the suggestion but I doubt spices can help me now. I think that ship has sailed.
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Keebler Elf

The Original Elf
Aug 31, 2001
The Keebler Factory
I've just been told that my prognosis is not good. I have cancer all over my body. My neck, left shoulder, spine, hips and femur. It has also metastasized to my lungs and perhaps my colon and thyroid. I'm just waiting to find out how much time (approx.) I have left to get my affairs in order. Thanks to those who are my friends here and hopefully the ones who aren't, will at least wish me the best.
Wow man, really sorry to hear that. My sympathy for you.


New member
Jun 26, 2013
Petzel will get this when I say......

No matter how this turns out(and I hope for the best) I make a wish that a druid will come along and cast a re-encarnation spell, with the roll coming up a satyr!

Can't think of a better life for a fellow terbite.

World of Warcraft? I am going to make a donation to a cancer charity or any charity that Petzel might feel strongly in.


Well-known member
Mar 12, 2009
Pray to god to guide you while your alive because if he's out there and you've been a naughty boy, I hear the other side isn't so pleasant.


Well-known member
May 14, 2008
Your situation sounds pretty grave, and I think if I were in your situation I would just be thinking about how I maximize what I have left (I think we should all do this even those with more runway). I read about this stuff called DCA.. I would give it a shot if I were in your situation, but I agree with you, focus on quality of your remaining days vs quantity. I wish you the best of luck and the best possible outcome.


Dec 25, 2012
For what its worth, cancer seems to thrive in overly acidic environments.
Why not try fighting this by getting your body into a more alkaline state by eliminating acidic foods especially refined sugars that feed cancer cells.

I would choose diet over chemo but regardless of the outcome have faith that there is something greater beyond this temporary physical shell! There is a better place waiting with no more pain or sickness!
I think acid is a serious issue. I see some of my buddies consumed by it from time to time. I am trying to learn more about how to establish and maintain a more alkalinic state

any info appreciated !


Well-known member
Nov 28, 2003
I think acid is a serious issue. I see some of my buddies consumed by it from time to time. I am trying to learn more about how to establish and maintain a more alkalinic state

any info appreciated !
There are quite a few guides you can find on the net.
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