Captain Fantastic said:
I just find Boston fans obnoxious - the amount of bandwagon jumpers that climbed out of the woodwork after 2004 is sickening. Pink Red Sox hats. (!?) Newfound sense of entitlement. That's the past I was referring to - ignoring the struggles of the recent past (or worse, looking for lame excuses for the failings) and not just enjoying the moment with some class and dignity. If I were a Boston sports fan today, I'd be happy all the time. There is such a thing as bad winners - you would think that Sawks fans would have learned that from Yankees "fans"!
So I guess you find me to be obnoxious, arrogant, classless, a braggart, etc. You obviously don't read a lot of my posts when I tell it like it is when it comes to the Bruins or the Sox. When they stink, I say it. I can rip them just as well as anyone. When they are good, I tell about it. But what fan on here doesn't boast a little when their teams win? Funny, when I mention anything Boston, I am a homer to you. I don't think I have ever seen you refer to a fan of any other team as a homer when they boast about a victory or something good happening. Why is that? Have you ever seen posts with me sticking it in everyones face when they win? How many threads did I start this hockey season, celebrating the B's great season? Try none. That is the one thing that I will challenge you on because I am not a braggart. Les_habs is a braggart, he is arrogant, has no class - I don't think many people will compare me to him? Anytime my team loses, I am on here, making no excuses, giving credit where credit is due. I win and I lose with utmost respect. Check out my posts wheh the Sox play the Jays. You would think I was a Jays fan by the way I praise them and rip the Sox. Even when my B's lost to the hated habs last season, there were no sour grapes. Tbay Rays beat the Sox, I took it on the chin and acknowledged defeat to a better team. Just like I will do this year again when the B's lose.
Again, we Sox fans have a right to be just a little smug after all the guff we have taken over the years from Yankees fans and all the times we have had our hearts broken. Just as us B's fans will be IF we get past the hated Canadiens. If it happens, you won't see me being disrepectful. At least not to the good habs fans on here, and I know there are some.