From the start, give clear instructions for the guy. Even after realizing English wasn't the guy's first language, he didn't start giving any clear instructions until it was too late.
Second, when the guy went to the other side of the car, pretty obviously to get his licence as asked for, the cop should have just observed and continued giving clear instructions.
Third, when the guy eventually ran, they had his car and passenger so could have easily just called for backup instead of engaging in force.
When trying to tackle the guy and realizing he was too strong (or the cop was too poorly trained to affect an arrest) he should have called for backup.
After deploying the taser without effect, he should have backed up to create space to act.
If you just look at the last instant when they were fighting over the taser, the actions seem reasonable but any competent cop would never have let it get there.
From a guy who used to train cops: