Men's rights group excluded from Toronto Pride parade


Call me anti-fascist
Nov 13, 2011
I get around.
And after the pride they can relax under the 12K/each pink umbrellas on the waterfront. Cost 472K and I'm sure the first really strong wind will destroy all of them.

It was "very important" and "absolutely no corruption" decision. This is happen when the hyenas got power in the City Hall.
Nice things cost money.

The umbrellas are a type of 'functional art' to give the area a look and style, and they were designed to be solid enough to withstand wind and temp extremes on the lakeshore for 15 years or more, and have lights for evening use.
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Feb 2, 2002
rankles the Canadian Association for Equality, who will be barred from marching Sunday.
Firstly, CAFE organizers, members et al tend to be insecure, misogynist cry babies that long for the days where a women's voice was not equal. They rue the day a Royal Commission was established to right long standing wrongs. They've become delusional in thinking that now men are the oppressed. They are not about men's "rights", they are not about equality. They are antifeminist, anti-women, sexually frustrated assholes looking for someone other than themselves to blame. I don't want to get into name calling but they are a bunch of losers.

We shouldn't be too surprised at this. Heterosexual men are the new underclass. We're all potential abusers, pedophiles, rapists, perverts. We're pathetic. If we are single and not in a committed relationship, we are potential criminals, law breakers.
It's not politically correct to be a heterosexual man in 2014. We're the new underclass.
This is the scary and unfounded rhetoric that MRA's spew to those that are naive, disillusioned and perhaps mentally ill. Not unlike other fanatic groups, they spew this garbage to the masses and secretly hope the weak and feeble minded take it to the extremes in proving a point.



May 2, 2014
It has to start somewhere, and Toronto has done a stellar job, but it does need to keep momentum because as we all all know if it disappears here it will never make to those places. Look at how strongly the Canadian media reacted to Russia, will it make a difference? Who knows, but at least we stay strong in sending the message that all orientations should be accepted.

Then pride needs to go to those places where it is tough to be LBGTQQ!
That is the REAL symbolism and goal of Pride! NOT to dance around in relative comfort and safety, but as the first Gay and Trans activists did in the beginning in San Fran and TO, risk everything and forward the cause of equality!!
The milk toast paraders of today are just a sham, a pale comparison! Even the so-called "pride activists" at Sochi missed the mark by not being out there and protesting. Issuing press releases. Meh! Riding on the coat tails of the history that's all you are doing now with such ridiculously large Pride Festivals where it doesn't matter anymore....even Kathleen Wynne said the fight is over here when she remarked how not once was their a reference to her orientation in the election.
Go find a new battlefield and let the next cause take up their protest in our streets for equality!


Active member
Dec 11, 2010
Gay men have more fun and more sex. They work out and keep in shape too. I was at the pride and It was ok, lots of hot bisexual girls making out.


New member
Jan 28, 2014
Heterosexual men are the new underclass.
Are you serious?

Have you been denied a job for your sexual orientation? Are you denied access to basic services that non-hetero's are entitled to? Have you ever been beaten up for being hetero? Ever had to tell a significant other you couldn't introduce them to your parents because they didn't accept your "lifestyle" or worse yet, you couldn't even tell them your lifestyle out of fear they'd disown you?

You're like the people that cry about how white males have no opportunities in life thanks to equal opportunity hiring practices and "affirmative action".

The average income of straight, white males in Canada is vastly higher than anyone elses. A straight, white male doesn't have to worry about being beaten for his accent, the colour of his skin or his sexual orientation. He can go out in public and just "be himself" 24/7 without fear of repercussion.

Any white, hetero male that complains about their own equality and inclusion is an asshole. Frankly, I'd suspect they're all sociopaths too, given their inability to have empathy for the actual plight that the underprivileged in society suffer. If you're born in Western civilization, you're already spoiled and have it better than half the population on the planet. If you're born white as well, or better yet, white AND have a penis AND happen to like women, you've won the genetic lottery that statistically all but guarantees you success in life.

Straight, white males are the underclassed in society? Seriously? Open your eyes and try thinking for a second about what it's like to be ANYONE other than a straight, white male for just a fraction of a second before you start whining about how hard done by you are.


New member
Jan 28, 2014
What about c-36 bill that targets straight men making them criminals ? Do cops go to Gay Saunas or do they target only places where straight men go like Massage parlours ?
What about C36 targets straight men? Are you implying that a gay man who visits a gay prostitute is immune? What about a female that visits a prostitute of any gender?

What cops may target is vastly different from what the law says. Police have limited resources, like budgets, time and manpower. These aren't infinite. They need to dedicate their resources to what either does the most good or makes the politicians in charge of them look good. Has nothing to do with a law. The law itself doesn't treat any gender or sexual orientation different than any other. Your propaganda makes no sense. But nice try.


New member
Jan 28, 2014
Gay men don't need to pay to have sex right away with the person of their choice, they just go to any gay bar and pick someone.
Oh really? It's that easy for them? Are you speaking from experience? Or do you really have no fucking idea what it's like to be gay and you're just making wild assumptions based on stereotypes?

I know straight men who have it that easy too. I personally don't find it hard to get laid by civilians, I just don't like the bullshit that comes with it.


New member
Jan 28, 2014
The question will be the enforcement side. Will the police target gay Johns or will they be too worried about a backlash?
Will they avoid it because of the backlash, or will they avoid it because arresting the 3 guys in a gay male spa doesn't have the same punch as arresting 26 in a sting at a straight sauna? We're talking about an organization with limited resources here.


New member
Jan 28, 2014
Then pride needs to go to those places where it is tough to be LBGTQQ!
That is the REAL symbolism and goal of Pride! NOT to dance around in relative comfort and safety, but as the first Gay and Trans activists did in the beginning in San Fran and TO, risk everything and forward the cause of equality!!
The milk toast paraders of today are just a sham, a pale comparison! Even the so-called "pride activists" at Sochi missed the mark by not being out there and protesting. Issuing press releases. Meh! Riding on the coat tails of the history that's all you are doing now with such ridiculously large Pride Festivals where it doesn't matter anymore....even Kathleen Wynne said the fight is over here when she remarked how not once was their a reference to her orientation in the election.
Go find a new battlefield and let the next cause take up their protest in our streets for equality!
I'm pretty sure the point is to show those who are still living in fear, who still haven't come out, that they aren't alone. It's also a place where those who may be dealing with issues none of their friends or family could ever understand can go to find others who have been through the same thing.

Do you really think there are no gays being persecuted in Toronto or SFO anymore? You think they're all out and supported and never have to worry? Someone should tell that gay guy from Newfoundland that was in Toronto last year and was beaten senseless for being gay that it was just a figment of his imagination because that kind of thing doesn't happen here.


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
I think PRIDE is OUTDATED!!! It is no longer politically or socially significant. WHO CARES IF YOU ARE GAY!!?? WTF!!?? Might as well have HETOROSEXUAL PRIDE WEEK..... About dam time!!
Pride isn't outdated- though gay rights have come along way-. March in the parade or watch and cheer them on

Nothing wrong with organizing events to celebrate heterosexual lifestyles- in fact doing so may make society open up to the fact that we are all sexual beings- if you do want to organize a heterosexual parade and week- I will help as long as it is a positive message and not anti gay


New member
Jan 28, 2014
Get your head out of your a**! C36 is all about "bad men" and their victimization of "poor, frail disenfranchised and vulnerable women"! You'll never see a male prostitute arrested under the new law. It's all about the battle against the straight male in today's society.
You won't see a female prostitute arrested under the new law either... The new law doesn't make what they do illegal.

And if you really think people are fighting "straight males", you need to go out and experience life more. Straight, white males in western society are so privileged that the vast majority have no way to even get the faintest concept of what others go through if they aren't willing to step outside themselves and look at it critically.

If there really is a battle against straight males in western society, then straight males are winning handily, and they aren't even fighting back. That should tell how lobsided this thing is.


New member
Jan 28, 2014
This whole thread pisses me off. If the selfish, arrogant fucks in this thread that think gays and women have it so easy and straight, white men need help and to fight "back" represent a majority of TERBites, then I am ashamed to be part of this community.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
Acronym for a group called Men's Rights Activists.

I.E. - A bunch of whiny pedantic morons that think there is some vast Illuminati feminist conspiracy while seemingly ignoring the fact that their own gender runs the majority of the world.
- Hey, you hear about that guy in Marketing that complains about his ex-wife all the time?
-- Yeah, I heard that he just got a raise and tried to take his ex to court to reduce his child support.
- Jeez, what a MRA.


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
kathleen wynne can give directions to provincial minister of Justice whether to enforce or not the federal laws. Bedford wrote a letter to her asking her not to enforce these laws and reminding her that as a lesbian Premier, the LGBT used to be victims of morality based laws. So we will see from the way kathleen wynne reacts to this new bill if LGBT community support straight men or not.

To re-iterate what Capital Hunter previously explained, it ain't called the Criminal Code of Canada for nothin'.


you must be fk'n kid'g me
Nov 13, 2001
Law is not my field of expertise in fact far from it but from my little knowledge that I have I believe that bill C36 is Federal to be applied all over Canada when becoming laws, not under provincial jurisdiction so not sure how flexible Ontario premiere can really get when they become laws even if she wants too. When liberals beat the Cons in Ontario elections I was very happy too as per punishment for Cons and as per future enforcement. Again remains to be seen. Hopefully enforcement would fall under provincial jurisdiction. Any constitutional experts on board?
Definitely enforcement is under provincial powers


Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
This whole thread pisses me off. If the selfish, arrogant fucks in this thread that think gays and women have it so easy and straight, white men need help and to fight "back" represent a majority of TERBites, then I am ashamed to be part of this community.
Further to your comments, it is attached males that perhaps are the most affected by C-36.
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