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Men's rights group excluded from Toronto Pride parade


New member
Dec 3, 2010
Men's rights group excluded from Toronto Pride parade

Last-minute decision goes against Pride rules, rankles the Canadian Association for Equality, who will be barred from marching Sunday.

We shouldn't be too surprised at this. Heterosexual men are the new underclass. We're all potential abusers, pedophiles, rapists, perverts. We're pathetic. If we are single and not in a committed relationship, we are potential criminals, law breakers.
It's not politically correct to be a heterosexual man in 2014. We're the new underclass.


Dec 31, 2013
Unique, Canada
Sort of related

Well there's one heterosexual male out there with his own agenda.

Saw a guy wearing a t-shirt that said "Pride? Proud to be Heterosexual".

Found that interesting.
Jan 24, 2012
I think PRIDE is OUTDATED!!! It is no longer politically or socially significant. WHO CARES IF YOU ARE GAY!!?? WTF!!?? Might as well have HETOROSEXUAL PRIDE WEEK..... About dam time!!


serial onanist
Feb 1, 2012
Men's rights group excluded from Toronto Pride parade

Last-minute decision goes against Pride rules, rankles the Canadian Association for Equality, who will be barred from marching Sunday.

We shouldn't be too surprised at this. Heterosexual men are the new underclass. We're all potential abusers, pedophiles, rapists, perverts. We're pathetic. If we are single and not in a committed relationship, we are potential criminals, law breakers.
It's not politically correct to be a heterosexual man in 2014. We're the new underclass.
Cry me a river of stupid. You know who else isn't allowed to participate? The 4H club and the motherfucking Shriners. If any of these outfits were even tangentially connectable to pride, or expressed support in ANY fucking way, maybe they'd be encouraged to participate. At least 4H and the Shriners have the good sense not to pretend to be interested though.

These men's rights groups are a fucking embarrassment. The only part of being an underclass they seem to have a handle on is the (largely mythological outside of their own circle) attitude of entitlement and whining they seem to think is part of the territory. Fucking piss-poor excuse for activists of any sort - clowns the lot of them.

I think PRIDE is OUTDATED!!! It is no longer politically or socially significant. WHO CARES IF YOU ARE GAY!!?? WTF!!?? Might as well have HETOROSEXUAL PRIDE WEEK..... About dam time!!
Tell you what, sunshine. When you can get the everloving fuck beat out of yourself - or worse - for being openly heterosexual in too many parts of the world, you can have all the pride days you want. Until then, you're just another asshole who doesn't get it.


serial onanist
Feb 1, 2012
What about c-36 bill that targets straight men making them criminals ? Do cops go to Gay Saunas or do they target only places where straight men go like Massage parlours ?
You mean gay men are allowed to pay for sex under C36? Cool! Guess you're right then, poor woebegotten heteros.


Punster Extraordinaire
Feb 8, 2005
in my pants, where there's a party
What about c-36 bill that targets straight men making them criminals ? Do cops go to Gay Saunas or do they target only places where straight men go like Massage parlours ?
Again missing the point. C36 targets men who visit sex workers, and that extends to the entire gender/sexuality spectrum, not just straight. And yes, it may well be that we will be the next group to be marginalised if the bill comes to pass.

As for the OP and other MRA appologists, seriously shut...the fuck...UP! You're ruining it for all of us with your whiny, beta-male, entitled, privileged behaviour.


Well-known member
I remember in university(I went in my late 20's) there was a huge kerfuffle about the"Take back the night" walks.First I should clarify, i've always thought any type of marching or parading is huge waste of time for any event.........but, it was put on the literature all around campus that men were not welcome in the walk.i didn't care enough about the march to give a damn ,but if there is only two sexes(anatomically for arguements sakes)......and one is taking back the night...who are they taking it back from?It painted all men with a pretty broad brush.

I could see where some of the guys on campus found it a head scratcher.When you exclude people you disagree with from any expression in public..all you do is embolden their most militant wing and provide recruiting fodder.That's been proven time and again on a variety of levels through different lenses.
Dec 28, 2006
Some gay men do pay for sex. I think the government will have to make an effort to prosecute them as rigorously as they do straight men. Hopefully that would spur our gay brothers into action. They can complain about this without attracting the same damnation that a hetero automatically would get.


May 2, 2014

Cry me a river of stupid. You know who else isn't allowed to participate? The 4H club and the motherfucking Shriners. If any of these outfits were even tangentially connectable to pride, or expressed support in ANY fucking way, maybe they'd be encouraged to participate. At least 4H and the Shriners have the good sense not to pretend to be interested though.

These men's rights groups are a fucking embarrassment. The only part of being an underclass they seem to have a handle on is the (largely mythological outside of their own circle) attitude of entitlement and whining they seem to think is part of the territory. Fucking piss-poor excuse for activists of any sort - clowns the lot of them.

Tell you what, sunshine. When you can get the everloving fuck beat out of yourself - or worse - for being openly heterosexual in too many parts of the world, you can have all the pride days you want. Until then, you're just another asshole who doesn't get it.


New member
Dec 22, 2013
It seems to me that "mens issues" can affect homosexual men as well as heterosexual men. Certainly CAFE apparently was happy to march in support of pride last year.

Kinda sad to see Pride deciding to swing toward exclusion.


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Feb 18, 2010
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