we are still emerging from the little ice age
rate of change from proxy data ???
the changes in the younger drayas was much greater than today
View attachment 278101
it is not undeniable ,
mans emission are a tiny fraction of the co2 exchange via plants, the atmosphere and oceans
if oceans warm they out gas cO2
it is a 0.01% change
absorption is a physical effect
physicals effects do not move the neddle due to o.o1% change
another amongst many flaws is the absorption is saturated at the all important 666 wave number
as pointed out you will not even notice the impact of double from 400 ppm to 800 ppm
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glad you brought up satellites
satellite data , validated by weather balloon, show how brutality inaccurate climate models have been
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btw the inaccurate models are the basis for all the failed doom and gloom
they also demonstrated the saturation effect
absorption has a logarithmic relationship with concentration
its call the beer-lambert law
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this means each incremental addition has a ever diminishing effect relative to the addition before it
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the absorption at the all important 666 wave number was saturated billions of years ago
and we have had mutiple ice ages since
co2 is not the control knob for climate
the are far more questions than answers
learn some science
you opened the geological kimono
View attachment 278122
the have been multiple time when co2 was much higher and the planet was in an ice age
the laws of physics do not change
you mean you will continue to swallow the propaganda that your feed and you are to lazy to learn enough to question the propaganda
there is a reason for the 50 years of failed catastrophic climate predictions. .... the hypothesis is flawed
again . if you are going to give Justine Trudeau a pass for being a moron a for his billions of wasted taxpayer money you can not attack Pierre Poilievre for any bitcoin tom foolery
justin Trudeau is a corrupt moron at any bitcoin price level
why you want him to continue making a god awful mess is perplexing'