Mayor Rob Ford - Very dignified.


New member
Oct 28, 2009
i really like where the direction of the right is going... superb social values... anyone care that money used to buy and smoke crack, probably ended up paying for guns that were used in crimes?...
All monies we spend on vice will probably ended up paying for guns that were used in crimes, right?

Are you a hobbyist?

1) if you deny why are you here on Terb?

2) if you do hobby, do you know you are supporting criminals?

Anyway you can wait and vote for Anyone but Ford in Election '14.


New member
Oct 28, 2009
Lets face it. Ford has more demons than a Baptist exorcist exercise. Its not Rob that I worry about its his brother Doug. Doug Ford exemlifies everything wrong in politics. This guy is pure and plain sinister.
So move to Doug Ford's ward and vote for anyone but the 2 Fords in Election '14.


New member
Oct 28, 2009
You can't be serious....???? What about leadership, consensus building, attracting investment to the city, helping to shape a vision of the future
of this city....with fiscal responsibility none of which he has shown...
If you insist you see none of the Rob Ford's Fiscal Record then wait and vote for Anyone but Rob Ford.

Really its your democratic right.


New member
Oct 28, 2009
Rob Ford is different then your typical run of the mill politician, and so he must go. He is not a Yes man to the powers that be.
Crack use is being blown out of proportion, but the real motive is strictly political.
Some one said that.

(The haters announce) as a drinker who lied about crack, Rob Ford must go. What they really mean is that the mayor is a conservative and he must go, and thank God he’s on video as a drunk and crack user.


Well-known member
Aug 29, 2001
All monies we spend on vice will probably ended up paying for guns that were used in crimes, right?

Are you a hobbyist?

1) if you deny why are you here on Terb?

2) if you do hobby, do you know you are supporting criminals?

Anyway you can wait and vote for Anyone but Ford in Election '14.
You're comparing escorts to gang-banging murderous drug-dealers?


Jan 31, 2005
I dont understand what people are trying to accomplish here? The man has admitted to substance abuse, he is still Mayor. Wait till the re-election to express your feelings. The media and people need to give the man his space and let him do his job.
The media and the people (especially as represented by council) do not need to do any such thing. The media and the people, in a democracy like ours, are free to point out that he is a screwed up, crack smoking liar who consorts with serious violent criminals, makes threats, pisses in public , fails to show up to work, repeatedly flies into drunk rages, drives drunk, has alienated the entire council, has lost most of his staff, and isn't likely to accomplish diddly squat going forward owing to his personal issues.

You can't on the one hand demand respect for elections, then turn around and demand people abdicate all other democratic rights. That sort of extreme hypocrisy reveals you to be a narrow minded, lunk headed partisan who will say any ludicrous thing to defend your snarling darling.

The guy is a crack head. He can't do the job. He should leave.


Active member
Dec 4, 2008
Rid'in with the James Gang
If you insist you see none of the Rob Ford's Fiscal Record then wait and vote for Anyone but Rob Ford.

Really its your democratic right.
Because his carte blanche statements of saving 1 billion dollars are bull shit. Savings over 5-7
years...savings to only a portion of the actual taxpayers ( land transfer tax ) offset by increases
to property taxes to pay for subways..


Apr 14, 2011
All monies we spend on vice will probably ended up paying for guns that were used in crimes, right?

Are you a hobbyist?

1) if you deny why are you here on Terb?

2) if you do hobby, do you know you are supporting criminals?

Anyway you can wait and vote for Anyone but Ford in Election '14.
lol...really?... last i heard prostituion is legal in Toronto...solicitation is illiegal... crack cocaine?... illegal


Jan 31, 2005
Hey boodog, do you smoke crack? Do you think it is ok to smoke a little crack now and then? If you haven't, is it something you might try one day?

You seem to be arguing that smoking crack is a pretty ordinary thing, that just about anybody would do. No one should criticize because they probably do worse.

So are you a crack head? Or if not, what do you do that is just as bad as being a crack smoker?


Apr 14, 2011
Hey boodog, do you smoke crack? Do you think it is ok to smoke a little crack now and then? If you haven't, is it something you might try one day?

You seem to be arguing that smoking crack is a pretty ordinary thing, that just about anybody would do. No one should criticize because they probably do worse.

So are you a crack head? Or if not, what do you do that is just as bad as being a crack smoker?


CanBarelyRe Member
Aug 18, 2001
i was was not offering an opinion. It's just that the media ignored the importance of today, and I thought I would bring some light to an event.

i enjoyed the ceremony.
Uttter nonsense. The media has been full of this day for weeks now and has daily reminded us of its importance.

Had it not been for Rob's long history of blatant misbehaviour in public and in private, which culminated just days ago in our Mayor being demonstrably and publicly shown to be enmeshed in the criminal activities of a friend he has emplyed and vouched for, as well as as an exhibition and admission of "one of his" uncontrollable drug-induced breakdowns, no one would even have mentioned the Mayor attended, except well down in the story.

Everything that has happened to Rob is his own doing. That he can no longer carry out the simple formalities of his office without occasioning comment, or even expressions of outright anger and disgust from the populace, is just evidence of how seriously he has let us down and betrayed the trust we gave him.


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
It is a very sad state of affairs when you need to point out the dignified and respectful behaviour of Chief Magistrate of Canada's largest city.
This is news how? It should be par for the course, standard operating procedure.
Well everytime Ford sneezes it's big news to his critics ain't it? Haters only see one side of the man. Can you go back to your cave now?


Well-known member
Aug 29, 2001
Well everytime Ford sneezes it's big news to his critics ain't it? Haters only see one side of the man. Can you go back to your cave now?
I'm surprised he doesn't sneeze more often, given the number of lines he probably snorts on a daily basis... you know, so that he can function after all the booze he drinks.
But I digress... we are not talking about him sneezing... we are talking about him actually being able to represent the city in a respectful manner at a solemn occasion... when THAT is big news, even the most moronic of society should (but sadly don't) realize something is wrong.

The fact that a war veteran... someone who put his life on the line so that entitled families like the Fords have the freedom to build a financial empire so that their spoiled children never have to put in even a single honest day's work ever... refused to shake his hand, speaks volumes regarding Ford's (lack of) character... Here is someone that has seen in all over decades during war and peacetime... and he want's nothing to do with Robbie.


New member
Oct 28, 2009
The media and the people (especially as represented by council) do not need to do any such thing. The media and the people, in a democracy like ours, are free to point out that he is a screwed up, crack smoking liar who consorts with serious violent criminals, makes threats, pisses in public , fails to show up to work, repeatedly flies into drunk rages, drives drunk, has alienated the entire council, has lost most of his staff, and isn't likely to accomplish diddly squat going forward owing to his personal issues.

You can't on the one hand demand respect for elections, then turn around and demand people abdicate all other democratic rights. That sort of extreme hypocrisy reveals you to be a narrow minded, lunk headed partisan who will say any ludicrous thing to defend your snarling darling.

The guy is a crack head. He can't do the job. He should leave.
........... go do your democratic duty and run against him/at least vote "Anyone but Ford" in Election '14.


New member
Oct 28, 2009
Hey boodog, do you smoke crack? Do you think it is ok to smoke a little crack now and then? If you haven't, is it something you might try one day?

You seem to be arguing that smoking crack is a pretty ordinary thing, that just about anybody would do. No one should criticize because they probably do worse.

So are you a crack head? Or if not, what do you do that is just as bad as being a crack smoker?
Where did I say that?

Are you a crack head?


New member
Oct 28, 2009
Because his carte blanche statements of saving 1 billion dollars are bull shit. Savings over 5-7
years...savings to only a portion of the actual taxpayers ( land transfer tax ) offset by increases
to property taxes to pay for subways..
Heard that.

Vote "Anyone but Ford" in Election '14.


Active member
Aug 21, 2009
I'm surprised he doesn't sneeze more often, given the number of lines he probably snorts on a daily basis... you know, so that he can function after all the booze he drinks.
But I digress... we are not talking about him sneezing... we are talking about him actually being able to represent the city in a respectful manner at a solemn occasion... when THAT is big news, even the most moronic of society should (but sadly don't) realize something is wrong.

The fact that a war veteran... someone who put his life on the line so that entitled families like the Fords have the freedom to build a financial empire so that their spoiled children never have to put in even a single honest day's work ever... refused to shake his hand, speaks volumes regarding Ford's (lack of) character... Here is someone that has seen in all over decades during war and peacetime... and he want's nothing to do with Robbie.
Somewhat narrow minded Des. Think bigger. That ol boy was a Scotsman. He is angry the day he is born!
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