The Porn Dude

Maybe a hooker, maybe not. What would you have done in this scenario?

Aug 1, 2002
Re: Re: Re: Just a few comments ...

baci2004 said:
I can't find this one in my Oxford. Help a brother out.
I guess it's some sort of slang. Not that I'm racist but I think he meant to add another "g" in that 2nd word Baci. But I'm sure you knew that LOL




New member
I made the word up. It was a play on the word 'nigger' which is a bad word, a cultural obscenity...I was using it as a metaphor (took the poetic license) in to cleanse the historic usage of a bad word by updating it to the acceptable modern usage.


New member
Re: Back to mthe situation...

y2kmark said:
Excuse yourself from your friend for a minute. Go over to this girl and say - "I couldn't help noticing your lookin at me, do I know you from somewhere?" It's hackneyed but safe - she could turn out to be Uncle Leo's baby sitter or something. Saying anything is better than saying nothing at all if you are going to keep looking back at it after it's over.
Good show! That was the move. You win the prize!

Thanks for playing! :)


New member
Re: U know that they say ...

Mystique Misty said:
about those who assume makes an a** out of you and me !

I will be wronged so I dont wrong someone else , points well taken and I wont argue them just to be right >>Misty
SP verses John bickering on boards is to be avoided at all costs. Even if you are EX to the trade.

PM me and we can BS about anything at all... nice to meet you!




New member
Aug 26, 2002
Re: Re: Back to mthe situation...

Mcluhan said:
Good show! That was the move. You win the prize!

Thanks for playing! :)
So is that what you did? or are you just playing with us?

Personally, I can't stand it when guys overtly come on to a girl that I'm dating. Recently, I was at a bar, mostly guys, with several hotties, yet guys hit on my date. She has a very nice body, girl-next-door looks, and over 30. Did they hit on the early/mid 20s hotties right beside us ... NO.
VincenzoTurismo said:
Just because a girl looks or glances at you while her boyfriend leaves for a few minutes doesn't make her a hooker. It doesn't even mean she's interested in you. Maybe she thought you were cute, maybe she was just looking around or maybe we can analyze this all day.

Just thinking the way you did will get you into some serious shit. That and the fact that you would embarrass and hurt this young girl, as well as possibly destroy her relationship to the average joe guy.

Be smart about it, and when talking to an SP make sure they are an SP. So check your newspapers, internet sites, Jarvis or maybe even a strip club. Just don't approach a girl in public and hurt her with your assumptions.
There are a lot of people who support stricter prostitution laws (especially the solicitation laws) because they are sick and bloody tired of being harrassed on the street or having their mother / wife / sister / daughter harrassed on the street - particularly if they live near a stroll and it happens every single goddamn day with some obsessed moron thinking he knows she's a hooker because [insert idiotic rationale here].

It looks as if this thread was just a fantasy. But this sort of thing does happen ... and if it happened to a woman I was with, I'd seriously urge charging the creep with solicitation. No jail time, but nothing to be sneezed at, either.


Aug 17, 2001
Mysty, I'm not defending Mcluhan opinion that if she isn't in the sex trade now she will be at a future date. However I don't see how your statement, that you exuded sexuality long before you dabbled in the trade, weakens his opinion instead of giving it some credibility.


Aug 26, 2001
diver said:
Mysty, I'm not defending Mcluhan opinion that if she isn't in the sex trade now she will be at a future date. However I don't see how your statement, that you exuded sexuality long before you dabbled in the trade, weakens his opinion instead of giving it some credibility.
No shit.


New member
Re: Re: Re: Back to mthe situation...

ToronToto said:
So is that what you did? or are you just playing with us?

Personally, I can't stand it when guys overtly come on to a girl that I'm dating. Recently, I was at a bar, mostly guys, with several hotties, yet guys hit on my date. She has a very nice body, girl-next-door looks, and over 30. Did they hit on the early/mid 20s hotties right beside us ... NO.
No, that was not what I did. But this was the first reasonable hypothetical solution to a real life situation.

The story was real... Playing? Yes of in the sand box because I am a player LOL.. but not playing with your head. This was supposed to be a fun thread.

I totally agree..nothing more aggravating than when some jerk comes over and thrusts his mug into your face because he's trying to get at your hot date. The only thing more aggravating, is when she encourages it! LOL


New member
diver said:
Mysty, I'm not defending Mcluhan opinion that if she isn't in the sex trade now she will be at a future date. However I don't see how your statement, that you exuded sexuality long before you dabbled in the trade, weakens his opinion instead of giving it some credibility.
This reply of hers made me laugh for the same reason. But I was too much of a gentleman to drive the point home that you have....isn't rather hilarious?

In the situation, the girl gave me an overt come-on. This was not just a look. This was a direct invitation (twice) to "come f*ck me now if you are man enough look." It was exhilarating. And I choked. we have all done somewhere, sometime before.

What surprizes me a little, is that no one here came with a real life solution where they were in a similar situ, and how they dealt with it successfully. What doesn't surprize me is the bitch fest over how improper I was for thinking these things, and the way it was reported... LOL...


Arrogant American Idiot
Oct 28, 2002
Mcluhan said:
I stalled. After a moment, she looked again. A direct hit of similar strength and magnitude. “Well?� She was saying silently, “ Are you man enough?�
Apparently not! ;)


New member
Okay, here’s one event that happened to me that is a counter point to this little story. I was at a conference in San F some years ago. I was in some noisy disco type bar (remember those?) of the St Francis Hotel drinking with ‘the boss’ and some of the heavy hitters of the firm. Out of the corner of my eye I see this woman making a bee line for me. She marches right up, presents herself, and makes me a direct propositionon the spot without any small talk, and within ear shot of the guys. “I have been watching you� she says, “and you are exactly the type of man I like.� How would you like to come home to my place for a drink? LOL..silly me. I declined, saying that I had a 07:00 a.m. breakfast meeting and I wanted to get back to the room and get some sleep. She passed me her card, and said if you change your mind, call me. As she marched away, I read the card. A local manager of some I.B.M. division. She wasn’t a bad looker either, probably better than average. I was living with a woman at the time and this would have been a social faux pas with the company crowd. Now here was a woman that knew exactly how to get what she wanted. (no, I never did call her, those days, for me, getting encounters with women was like shooting fish in a barrel.) Ya gotta love SanF for this type of action though. One of the better places in North America for being picked up by a woman.


New member
Jan 24, 2004
Your post seems like flame bait more than anything else - even by your own admission.

We only have your point of view of what happened and only your interpretation.

My guess is that you were staring at her and didnt realize it. She caught you and she didnt know how to react so she continued to look back at you. For her it was an awkward moment, while for you it was a moment of bliss.

Your description and your opinion of the man with her also made me laugh.

Mcluhan said:
I was rather hoping to provoke some interesting stories of similar encounters...more stoking the coals than anything.

I likely should have emphasised the fact that I'm not green around the gills when it comes to picking up stray women. (I have a well trained eye.)


New member
Montreal guy, another person that manages to pull negativity out of thin air. Good Show mate! LOL.. this thread post is turning into a Rorschach test of sorts...people see what the want to see based on their perception of reality (not mine).


New member
Jan 24, 2004
I re-read your initial and subsequent posts. My opinion remains unchanged.

I'd pose these questions to you.

Would you prefer that she was a hooker or a regular girl in that situation?

If she was a hooker, do you think she would have given you a freebie because of the perceived feelings she had towards you?

Do you think she could tell you were a john? You have hooker radar; is it possible she has john radar?

Mcluhan said:
Montreal guy, another person that manages to pull negativity out of thin air. Good Show mate! LOL.. this thread post is turning into a Rorschach test of sorts...people see what the want to see based on their perception of reality (not mine).


Nov 10, 2004
Toront Ho
Mcluhan said:
Comes to the bar a young couple, guessing about 19 to 21 years of age. They are about twenty feet away. The well-dressed girl, a brunette, mid height in stature is an absolute knockout and based on her aura maybe the sexiest female I have seen in quite some time. My spidy senses hit the max on first glance. I do not stare although I can barely prevent taking my eyes off her. My buddy seems oblivious to her existence. (not a wolf)
No, he probably had better taste

Mcluhan said:
Her date leaves for somewhere. He is a shorter guy, a boyish man with the apparent benefit of money working on his behalf. Who knows, he could have possessed the charisma of a Jerry Seinfeld, or the financial skill of a teenage wunderkind, it is impossible to judge fairly, nevertheless he looked like joe-average daddy’s boy probably with a Porche for a college tuition gift and the girl looked like she was a bought and paid for item, even at her age of probably 19.
You're jealous and you cant stand the fact that he's with a pretty girl so you enter the escort/fantasy world and pretend she's a hooker.

Mcluhan said:
The man-boy leaves for somewhere. The girl is now alone. Within thirty seconds she turns her head forty-five degrees toward me and we lock eyes in a straight line. We engage in full-bore unblinking eye contact for a prolonged moment that seems far longer
She left her glasses at home

Mcluhan said:
Then she turned away. As you know, women can see you perfectly fully completely without looking directly at you. It is one of the evolutionary quirks of separation within the species. She continued to study me peripherally
More evidence that she cant see without her eyeglasses

Mcluhan said:
My strategy processor went wild, flipping on the after burners. I knew I had to make a move quickly, but which one. Through the bartender?
Great strategy, slick!!

Mcluhan said:
Should I approach directly and risk looking the fool? It was the gambit. I stalled. After a moment, she looked again. A direct hit of similar strength and magnitude. “Well?� She was saying silently, “ Are you man enough?�

I froze again, momentarily as I tried to come to terms with the fork in the road. Hooker or Schoolgirl? Playing with my head or direct marketing herself
I'd definitely say she's playing with your head and doing a mighty fine job of it

Mcluhan said:
I was just about launched off my bar stool, when her date re-appeared. As they moved off the bar to their table in the restaurant some where out of view, my buddy called for the tab. It was now time to leave.

The unanswered question caused by my indecisiveness lingered in my mind as unresolved for the balance of the evening.

So, have you been in this or a similar situation with maybe a working girl, or maybe not? What did you do? How did it go? What would your advice to me be? What move do you recommend?
Dude, you cant be serious with this thread.
Next time, for kicks, ask the girl: "How much??"


New member
I'd pose these questions to you.

Would you prefer that she was a hooker or a regular girl in that situation?

I have no preference. And your point is…?

If she was a hooker, do you think she would have given you a freebie because of the perceived feelings she had towards you?

I never perceived she had any feelings whatsoever, nor did I state such. But I understand better now from this question what your problem is. Please don’t make it mine. Freebie?? LOL..

Do you think she could tell you were a john? You have hooker radar; is it possible she has john radar?

<Sigh> Two more irrelevant questions. Opps…there’s that word hooker again…tisk tisk mtl-guy mind your manners...LOL

MTL guy, focus on this issue. Come out of the ditch onto the highway. A girl with a date in a bar comes onto you from a distance as though she were a strumpet. There are enough characteristics to the situation to indicate a high probability she is in fact soliciting. You want to qualify the situation but it is tricky. Time is of the essence. How would you discretely qualify the situation, or would you even bother. You seem to have a good imagination, try it on that question.

Or even better, if you have actually been in that situation . What did you do?

LOL..and pls forego psychoanalysing the writer. It’s not that rarefied, strange or bizarre type of social encounter. I am 'everyman' in the situation.
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