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Married Women


Active member
May 9, 2008
So I was contacted this week by this woman with whom I had a FWB setup a few years ago. I am quite a bit older but she enjoyed meeting for an evening of hotel fun. We saw each other for several months and then she began dating a successful professional. I could tell that the sex wasn't very exciting for her but she was interested in finding someone to be a partner and settle down. She eventually stopped seeing me because she wanted to be monogamous with him.

Fast forward three years and she contacted me this week to tell me that she had a baby two years ago and that she missed our meetings. She suggested that we should meet soon. She is still married but it sounds like she is bored with her marital sex life.

Of course, I am going to pursue this. I will have to book a hotel room and hope that she shows up. My previous experience with married women has been that they want attention but when it comes down to hopping into bed they end up cancelling. I will definitely have a Plan B, such as ordering in some room service.

Anyone else have experience with married women?
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james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
They cheat on their spouses every bit as much as married men cheat.

Maybe more.


Well-known member
May 23, 2010
I've had quite a few experiences with married women, some were women who I'd been with previously and some experiences were with women who I had met and they were looking to fulfil their sexual needs.
Two that really stick out are. I met a couple at a restaurant that was visiting Toronto, we had a few drinks together next thing I knew she was taking both me and her husband on their hotel room, I kept in touch with them for a bit but they were just visiting Toronto for a conference and never saw them again. They were both doctors and the female was unbelievably hot.

I had an arrangement with another couple that I had met while eating out also which our arrangement lasted just over a year and half, the female was the horniest woman I have ever been with. Never seen anything like her. I would see her alone as well with her husband, he would join in for MFM threesomes from time to time.
Coincidentally both were Russian's and in their early 30's.
You'd be surprised how many people are in open relationships these days and the husbands or significant others are aware of what's going on.


Well-known member
Jul 8, 2011
She probably doesn’t look as good as she did a few years ago.
Giving birth and 3-4 years can change a woman drastically depending on her age.


Active member
May 9, 2008
She probably doesn’t look as good as she did a few years ago.
Giving birth and 3-4 years can change a woman drastically depending on her age.
I am not too worried. She is only in her early 30s. And she's Asian so she will age well. I'm sure she still looks great.


Active member
Jun 23, 2008
They cheat on their spouses every bit as much as married men cheat.

Maybe more.
Yes they do. The problem is that they tend to get emotionally attached. They also seem to love the drama and are ready to make whole scale changes in their life. This is scary to me.

I ran into a former co-worker at an exercise facility. She contacted me later to have lunch. At lunch she confided that her husband is neglecting her and she is ready for a mid-life crises. She said that is why she has a personal trainer now etc. I told her to confront her husband (They have two little kids together). We all work for the same company and, quite frankly, I'd rather have sex with hot little escorts and pay for it. That is why I started this hobby.

I was once fucking my secretary and she was engaged and then invited me to the wedding. I sent a gift and stopped fucking her. She was my last work affair.


Well-known member
May 3, 2014
Yes they do. The problem is that they tend to get emotionally attached. They also seem to love the drama and are ready to make whole scale changes in their life. This is scary to me.

I ran into a former co-worker at an exercise facility. She contacted me later to have lunch. At lunch she confided that her husband is neglecting her and she is ready for a mid-life crises. She said that is why she has a personal trainer now etc. I told her to confront her husband (They have two little kids together). We all work for the same company and, quite frankly, I'd rather have sex with hot little escorts and pay for it. That is why I started this hobby.

I was once fucking my secretary and she was engaged and then invited me to the wedding. I sent a gift and stopped fucking her. She was my last work affair.
Married ladies are fraught w danger. Feelings develop. I won't get involved. Had one who invited for friendly drinks...but her agenda was clear and I deflected. Later she admitted her agenda, and thanked me for not taking the bait cuz she and her hubby found their groove and their relationship was doing well and she was now preggo.

Yet had a mate, once he divorced, come a gushing 6 months later about "you won't believe the numbet of bored late 30 something married women out there!!! Its like shooting fish in a barrel!!"


Well-known member
May 3, 2014
I hope her husband finds out and beats the fuck outta you.
There was great exchange from the movie "Bronco Billy" starring Clint Eastwood: his lady friend Antionette Lilly and she says to Bronco Billy:

Antoinette Lilly:
Have you ever been married?

Bronco Billy McCoy:
Sure. A long time ago.

Antoinette Lilly:
Did you love her?

Bronco Billy McCoy:
With all my heart. Sometimes that just isn't enough.

Antoinette Lilly:
What happened?

Bronco Billy McCoy:
I caught her in bed with my best friend.

Antoinette Lilly:
What did you do to him?

Bronco Billy McCoy:
I shot her.

Antoinette Lilly:
What! What about him?

Bronco Billy McCoy:
He was my best friend!

John Henry

Active member
Apr 10, 2011
I hope her husband finds out and beats the fuck outta you.

That's just plain stupid to say something like that . It's the woman who gives the OK to get fucked . She's the one who opens her legs for someone else . If the guy was after her she could always say NO .

Stupid to say something like that on an Escort Board . Guy's fucking around on their wives or girlfriends is OK with you but a woman can't fuck around on a guy . You blame the guy and want him to be beaten up ?

Then with your thinking all escorts who see married men or men with partners should be beaten up .

As of now I've been seeing a married lady once in a while . It's great . I'm getting something that belongs to him and I love . I have asked her a few times why she sees me and her answer is I treat her better than her husband does . I'm willing to do things with her that her husband won't and I listen to what she says . He finds some things disgusting . I don't . His loss , my gain .

Do I want her to leave her husband for me ? NO . I love the fact that I'm enjoying something that belongs to someone else and it doesn't cost me a penny .

This has been going on for 8 years now . Oh yea baby .... come to papa . LOL


Well-known member
Jan 11, 2017
That's just plain stupid to say something like that . It's the woman who gives the OK to get fucked . She's the one who opens her legs for someone else . If the guy was after her she could always say NO .

Stupid to say something like that on an Escort Board . Guy's fucking around on their wives or girlfriends is OK with you but a woman can't fuck around on a guy . You blame the guy and want him to be beaten up ?

Then with your thinking all escorts who see married men or men with partners should be beaten up .

As of now I've been seeing a married lady once in a while . It's great . I'm getting something that belongs to him and I love . I have asked her a few times why she sees me and her answer is I treat her better than her husband does . I'm willing to do things with her that her husband won't and I listen to what she says . He finds some things disgusting . I don't . His loss , my gain .

Do I want her to leave her husband for me ? NO . I love the fact that I'm enjoying something that belongs to someone else and it doesn't cost me a penny .

This has been going on for 8 years now . Oh yea baby .... come to papa
You just made yomero5's point.


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2016
It's quite evident that we are NOT a monogamous species...but we can manage it by using discretion, keeping things on the low, and using protection.


Active member
Jul 20, 2011
I have a great civi sex life, that funny enough gets in the way of my SP sex life

What I feel is we as hobbyist have learn to be more open and perhaps more sexually aggressive then the norm and if we take our SP mode of play into our "Civi Play" Most times its an experience that "The Civi Woman" has never experienced before and most women that I find Love the aggressive or more intense playful sessions!

To the point of the thread here is a married women that is bored, if her husband would only pull back that hair and take her from behind a lot less married women would be available!!!


Well-known member
Nov 6, 2010
I avoid married women like the plague. Last thing I want is some pissed off hubby looking for me and beating the shit out of me. I don't need any BS in my quiet life.


Active member
Jun 23, 2008
Shame on you for not posting the rest of what I wrote.

You read this and have no problem with it then shame on you for that.


Well-known member
Jan 11, 2017
You two need to give your head a shake. You're on an Escort Review Board where majority of the men are cheating on their significant others. And yet you are here advocating for violence against other male posters. Shame on you two
I'll bet that outside of an agreed open marriage or a really horrible marriage, the vast majority of people who cheat on
their spouses would be devastated if they found out their spouse was cheating on them.
Whether we think it's hypocritical or not, that's just the way it works.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
I'll bet that outside of an agreed open marriage or a really horrible marriage, the vast majority of people who cheat on
their spouses would be devastated if they found out their spouse was cheating on them.
Whether we think it's hypocritical or not, that's just the way it works.

Because most men who fuck around have 0 intention of leaving their wives. It's not the way we're wired and frankly the economic devastation lands on our shoulders 99% of the time. Women gain economically by divorce, men lose big time by a divorce. (By in large.) (Which is why the divorce laws need to be changed to a no fault system where you break up and you both go your separate ways. No such thing as alimony. But that's never going to happen I realize.)

A majority of women who fuck around lose perspective as others have mentioned above and end up falling in love with their hider.

|2 /-\ | /|/

Well-known member
Mar 5, 2015
I'll bet that outside of an agreed open marriage or a really horrible marriage, the vast majority of people who cheat on
their spouses would be devastated if they found out their spouse was cheating on them.
Whether we think it's hypocritical or not, that's just the way it works.
Projecting much ? Lol

Vast majority know whats up just play their own game.

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