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Jun 6, 2009
I know there were more thread than this one on this show, but it time to raise it from the archives.

Just caught the latest show and what really got my attention was that it was in a part of Canada that I spend a lot of time in. The bonus from the show was during the sleepover. The prey and Mantracker got to see the northern lights full blast, horizon to horizon to horizon. I've seen them a bunch of times, but never like that. It never ceases to grab by my soul every time. These two firefighters with obvious outdoor/survival gave Mantracker a run for his money.


New member
Aug 12, 2010
I've seen a couple of episodes... once you've watched a couple they're all the same and get boring


Jun 6, 2009
I've seen a couple of episodes... once you've watched a couple they're all the same and get boring
I don't run home to watch it, but I catch one when something on the episode is interesting. I also tend to look at it from a more technical vantage point form the tracker/prey teams and the production technics. I'm still not convinced how scripted it is; definitely very much less than other reality shows, but I just don't know. I don't think the fix is in, but the situation is very much in the tracking team. When the prey wins, they deserve it big time.


Feb 8, 2005
I totally want to be on that show! I will steal his horse too...


Jun 6, 2009
I totally want to be on that show! I will steal his horse too...
Whoa! You don't touch a cowboy horse or hat.

I once saw an alpha female threaten to use a slingshot to 'delay' capture and another loosely string barbwire across an access road that they were traveling on. He was not impressed.

Here you go DW.

I think I'd rather work on/with the crew. Meet Amy.



Terb post count xxxxxx
Oct 27, 2005
I also enjoy the show but if you filter in the reality of having the camera crews you realise it is scripted or re-enacted. The prey hide and Mantracker doesn't see them or their camera crew? Oh and the prey don't see Mantracker coming up behind even though the camera crew is focused behind the prey? Unbelievable.



Jun 6, 2009
I also enjoy the show but if you filter in the reality of having the camera crews you realise it is scripted or re-enacted. The prey hide and Mantracker doesn't see them or their camera crew? Oh and the prey don't see Mantracker coming up behind even though the camera crew is focused behind the prey? Unbelievable.

Less scripting and more reenacting key moments might the right formula of the show


Jan 18, 2005
its fake, a friend of mine was on the show. the hunters know where the prey is at all times. they spend the evenings together at camp. a real disappointment, I thought it was real.


Jun 6, 2009
its fake, a friend of mine was on the show. the hunters know where the prey is at all times. they spend the evenings together at camp. a real disappointment, I thought it was real.

Aaaaaah! The next thing you're going to tell me is that Santa Claus isn't real.

now that the cat's out of the bag, i still stand by my comment of it being a ballance of recreated and real. To what extent I don't know.

The shows own site says scenes are "recreated" for dramatic effect. I'd rather see something real than something cinematically pleasing yet fake. I still have the notion that the chase is real (I'll keep an eye on things) but here is one other thing that pisses me off: During the early part of the chase, if the prey is unaware of Mantracker's presence and he is nearby, he'll say something stupid ("Morning, ladies!") to them, giving them a chance to run and hide, when he could have caught them or come close enough so the prey don't realize he's around until they hear the horses. If a chase ends early, show two chases, but don't pull this kind of crap. The prey's cameramen wear camo and, according to Terry, have only given away the prey's location about once per season, but what I've mentioned - Terry warning the prey away - makes the show lose a huge chunk of credibility right there. Does anyone know what the rules are for sleeping? I'm guessing there's a pre-arranged bedtime after which no one cam wander from where they are more than X yards... I dunno... if the show were honest, said when something was a recreation, and allowed Terry to catch the prey whenever he could (that's the whole idea!) instead of having to play dumb, I might have a little hope for this show.


i believe the key points missed are (1) they shoot the scences the cameramen could not get are shot after the chase is over - (never during or before, and is stated - shot for effect.) this includes everything brush to thick - even to see one another. (2) as for overnite - some locations are on their maps - often teams they sleep in the bush, a few created a plastic lean-to tent. (3) number of times any viewer has seen them having a real hot meal (steak & eggs, perked coffee & had a cup) - none. No one advises "you are bring to much gear" as some have had over 40 pounds of it - or did you think of bring a rain slicker, lighter, flash light (extra batteries), change of clothes (in case you get wet), rope, knife, (one group brought bear repelent - most do not), (4) althought many are former/current hunters, law enforcement, military, outdoory camper & similar - many seem to have a problem with a compass - this isn't staged - its stupidity on the part of the contestant. In theday & age of GPS - only the cameramen & crew have gps - otherwise - any would be able to walk a straight line through the woods (5) in an interview with mantraker - he speaks about - if the show were ever to have himself hunted - what would he do- answer - walk in a stream, walk only on rocks & other hard surfaces - say almost nothing to the other person - write on a pad or signal (if you didn't know the prey are wired for sound - but that does mean they have to talk. )

......... i believe the key points missed are (1) they shoot the scences the cameramen could not get are shot after the chase is over - (never during or before, and is stated - shot for effect.) this includes everything brush to thick - even to see one another. (2) as for overnite - some locations are on their maps - often teams they sleep in the bush, a few created a plastic lean-to tent. (3) number of times any viewer has seen them having a real hot meal (steak & eggs, perked coffee & had a cup) - none. No one advises "you are bring to much gear" as some have had over 40 pounds of it - or did you think of bring a rain slicker, lighter, flash light (extra batteries), change of clothes (in case you get wet), rope, knife, (one group brought bear repelent - most do not), (4) althought many are former/current hunters, law enforcement, military, outdoory camper & similar - many seem to have a problem with a compass - this isn't staged - its stupidity on the part of the contestant. In theday & age of GPS - only the cameramen & crew have gps - otherwise - any would be able to walk a straight line through the woods (5) in an interview with mantraker - he speaks about - if the show were ever to have himself hunted - what would he do- answer - walk in a stream, walk only on rocks & other hard surfaces - say almost nothing to the other person - write on a pad or signal (if you didn't know the prey are wired for sound - but that does mean they have to talk. )

........I was prey for the upcoming season and all I have to say that this is the most 'real' reality show out there. Of course you still have to make entertaing television which is why you have some shots done over. You go back to the same loactions and recreate it for different angles. If you didn't, all you would see is peoples behinds. Both "teams" have the same critera to deal with during the chase, like battery changes, leaving tracks and possible sightings of a camera guy (all though they are super stealthy and it is rare to happen). Nothing is scripted and the prey have the say of where the chase goes. Its real and its awesome!


Jun 6, 2009
Then another explaination from same site;

Mantracker is ACTUALLY real you know that?

One of my best friend's had a cousin on the show, and she said that what they do is they run the actually challenge beforehand without cameras or anything like that, and then after they are done the real challenge, they go back and do the same thing over again with all those corny lines and fake looking shots.

Dude...I DID the show. It was NOT staged. After the two day LIVE shooting...we went back to "reenact" scenes which moved too fast for the cameras (and there was a TON of that - when a horse is chasing you - you move FAST!). THAT is what you are picking up on. The reenactments are "staged" in the sense that we were trying to capture good quality film. But the ACTUAL CHASE, and result were already done. NOT faked.
NOW, as to the finished result and whether they take creative license with the "story" I will have to wait till October 12th to tell ya, since I haven't seen it. But, the chase and results are REAL.

As I thought, real and re-enacted.


Active member
Nov 14, 2003
I've never heard them make a mention of not moving around after a certain point, but I'm guessing that even if there aren't any rules there isn't much movement.... hard enough to walk through the wilderness in daylight, let alone when you can't see your hand in front of your face...


Jun 6, 2009
I've never heard them make a mention of not moving around after a certain point, but I'm guessing that even if there aren't any rules there isn't much movement.... hard enough to walk through the wilderness in daylight, let alone when you can't see your hand in front of your face...
As I said earlier, I'm quite familiar with the part of the country they were in for the last show and they were really hampered with the weather. It was rainy, foggy or overcast and they were using compasses. You can really get turned around big time, as they did, when you can't see the sun. All the trees and hills look a lot alike. The other problem, in Richardson Mountain north of where they were (think of the mad trapper of Rat River), I've seen compasses spin around as you travel because of all the heavy iron content in the rock. The declination of the compass, difference between true north and magnetic north can be 30+ degrees and that will f**k you up big time in your readings. Remember no GPS allowed.


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
they should give the prey hand held cameras and the trackers hand held cameras. as soon as you add a crew or anything you lose all credibility for it being real.


Jun 6, 2009
they should give the prey hand held cameras and the trackers hand held cameras. as soon as you add a crew or anything you lose all credibility for it being real.
Riding horses and handheld cameras, I dunno.

Apparently, with the explanation given below, first the chase is done and then it's recreated, it is is real.


internets icon
Feb 8, 2009
Riding horses and handheld cameras, I dunno.

Apparently, with the explanation given below, first the chase is done and then it's recreated, it is is real.
you could even go as far as to send a crew with the trackers. the prey should have handheld. there should be no recreation in my opinion. yeah they do it once cool then recreate it fine. it should just be the once threw though. re doing it for effect is kinda gay i think.


Jun 6, 2009
you could even go as far as to send a crew with the trackers. the prey should have handheld. there should be no recreation in my opinion. yeah they do it once cool then recreate it fine. it should just be the once threw though. re doing it for effect is kinda gay i think.
I'm guessing here you never worked on a film, video, or tv show on either side of the camera/clapper.
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