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Man sleeping in car says tenant hasn't paid and won't leave...


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
Some/many/most tenants are financially challenged (i.e. they have no money).

I know someone who knows someone who bought a large house near York University, subdivided it into 10 rooms and rent the rooms to foreign students attending York. That house is a cash machine.
foreign students are the best tenants you can get....
-most of them have the funds / budget for rent
-probably don't know any loopholes to stiff the landlord / probably don't have that desire too
my nephew came in as a student 2 years ago and walked him through everything he needs to have a decent living in Canada.
-work hard
-be straight with anyone
-look for side jobs that are easy to do and pays good (etc. painting, framing landscaping)
-never stiff a client because those referrals count.
-set a goal that eventually you can own at least the house you live in...
last part is the hardest with the current real estate dilemma...but still doable..


Well-known member
Dec 5, 2014
It really is a shame where the government and its hugely overpaid bureaucrats are too incompetent to enforce the law and protect its tax paying citizens. No wonder there is rental housing shortages when this goes on. I would never get involved in something whee I am at the mercy of incompetent governments to make it work. But if I did the tenants would be locked out with their stuff on the street and i would take my chances with the law. I would turn their lives into a living hell- no hydro, no heat, no water with their vehicles towed off the property. and the locks changed daily if necessary. If the tenants want to be thugs they will be treated like thugs deserve to be treated.
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Well-known member
Nov 6, 2010
Simple solution to address this issue.
1) Regardless of which party submits a complaint rent should be paid into an escrow account. Landlord doesn't get to touch it. Tenant must pay.
2) Tenant refuses to pay then eviction notice is enforced post haste
3) If complaint is regarding defects or lack of repair - repairs are carried out and money from escrow account is used to pay costs.
4) Case is adjudicated and monies is disbursed.

Sue - class action lawsuit LTB.
If the rent goes into an escrow account, how does the mortgage get paid?


Well-known member
Jan 15, 2017
There is currently an ad advertising investment in real estate. That ad made it clear you get your rent but there is "no tenant interaction".


Senior Member
Oct 2, 2001
In a place far, far away
If the rent goes into an escrow account, how does the mortgage get paid?
I don’t have the stats but in many cases if the landlord wins the tenant may get evicted the tenant walks away owing tens of thousands of dollars. At the very least the landlord will get the back rent but will still be saddled with repairing the damage done by the tenant.


Active member
Feb 25, 2022
I don’t have the stats but in many cases if the landlord wins the tenant may get evicted the tenant walks away owing tens of thousands of dollars. At the very least the landlord will get the back rent but will still be saddled with repairing the damage done by the tenant.
Worst of all, I have seen some articles where the evicted tenant will intentionally destroy the property before they leave. Like who does that, take advantage of the landlord and if that is not enough, cause more trouble because of your own doing.
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Robert Mugabe

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2017
Some/many/most tenants are financially challenged (i.e. they have no money).

I know someone who knows someone who bought a large house near York University, subdivided it into 10 rooms and rent the rooms to foreign students attending York. That house is a cash machine.
When I was broke and verging on homeless for a while I found a room in a basement of a house in Scarboro. Partitioned into 8 or so rabbit hutch sized rooms with a bed and a sink. Sheet of drywall between each room. I got kicked out for bringing a woman back there and fucking. Props to me for having that much game back then.
Anyway I didn't really want to get into it with the landlord about the legitimacy of his operation. He was a plumber with a serious body building habit. My friend's girlfriend who worked at City Hall said it would take years to investigate.
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Oct 26, 2002
I don’t have the stats but in many cases if the landlord wins the tenant may get evicted the tenant walks away owing tens of thousands of dollars. At the very least the landlord will get the back rent but will still be saddled with repairing the damage done by the tenant.
There are thousands of landlords who get stiffed on LTB orders because they rented to someone who can't pay. It is by no means a given that the landlord will get the back rent. And even if they did, in many cases the amount of damage done to the unit dwarfs the back rent. I had a landlord whose tenant owed about $10k in back rent, but the tenant boarded up the basement windows & used to let their dogs into the basement to shit. When the landlord finally got access to the house, every square inch of the basement was more than ankle deep in dogshit. They left the windows open ALL WINTER and it still smelled. I wouldn't be surprised if the house was eventually bulldozed.

In the past, I've gotten so many offers from clients to run their landlord/tenant accounts receivable & even my family says I should do it for myself if I don't want to work for someone else. No thank you. I would never want to be a landlord. Too much aggravation.

Robert Mugabe

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2017
There are thousands of landlords who get stiffed on LTB orders because they rented to someone who can't pay. It is by no means a given that the landlord will get the back rent. And even if they did, in many cases the amount of damage done to the unit dwarfs the back rent. I had a landlord whose tenant owed about $10k in back rent, but the tenant boarded up the basement windows & used to let their dogs into the basement to shit. When the landlord finally got access to the house, every square inch of the basement was more than ankle deep in dogshit. They left the windows open ALL WINTER and it still smelled. I wouldn't be surprised if the house was eventually bulldozed.

In the past, I've gotten so many offers from clients to run their landlord/tenant accounts receivable & even my family says I should do it for myself if I don't want to work for someone else. No thank you. I would never want to be a landlord. Too much aggravation.
Did he know they had dogs?


Everyone's hero's, tell everyone's lies.
Jun 1, 2006
So. This is half the story.

He could be a slum lord. Tenants may be retaliating (in the non legal way).
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Oct 26, 2002
Irrelevant as in what part of having a tenant with dogs didnt' you get?
It's irrelevant in the sense that it's illegal to decline a tenant simply for having a pet in the rental property. Pet or no, there's no excuse for a tenant destroying the property.

So, your contention is that the landlord should somehow have foreseen that the tenant would allow the dogs to cover the entire basement floor in greater than ankle deep dog shit? And not only that, but block up the windows so that the landlord couldn't see inside to learn that he was doing it? Ok. Tells me everything I need to know about your mindset.

Btw, I was not the landlord.

Robert Mugabe

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2017
It's irrelevant in the sense that it's illegal to decline a tenant simply for having a pet in the rental property. Pet or no, there's no excuse for a tenant destroying the property.

So, your contention is that the landlord should somehow have foreseen that the tenant would allow the dogs to cover the entire basement floor in greater than ankle deep dog shit? And not only that, but block up the windows so that the landlord couldn't see inside to learn that he was doing it? Ok. Tells me everything I need to know about your mindset.

Btw, I was not the landlord.
Glad to know you got me figgered out. Some places don't allow pets. Some landlords don't give a fuck if the bylaws say no. They probably feel, it's their property don't tell me who the fuck I can rent to. If you get a spidey about someone you don't really need to get on a psychiatrist's couch to explain yourself. Ya just don't rent to the fucks.
If it got to the point where they boarded up the windows and were ankle deep in dog shit that suggests the landlord didn't exercise his due diligence by inspecting his property regularly.


Oct 26, 2002
Glad to know you got me figgered out. Some places don't allow pets. Some landlords don't give a fuck if the bylaws say no. They probably feel, it's their property don't tell me who the fuck I can rent to. If you get a spidey about someone you don't really need to get on a psychiatrist's couch to explain yourself. Ya just don't rent to the fucks.
If it got to the point where they boarded up the windows and were ankle deep in dog shit that suggests the landlord didn't exercise his due diligence by inspecting his property regularly.
"Bylaws" don't apply to the pet issue, it's addressed in the Residential Tenancies Act, which is provincial. While it's obvious that some landlords won't rent to people with pets (and will use other pretexts to decline them), it's not reasonable to assume that all pet owners are savages who will destroy a rental property, particularly as in this case, in which the house sat on a large rural property, on which a dog could crap to its heart's content outdoors. That being said, once I became aware the windows were boarded up, if it had been me, I would have given the required 24 hour notice, inspected the basement and corrected the tenant's behaviour.

Landlords are their own worst enemies; it doesn't require any "spidey sense" to know if your tenant isn't going to be a good tenant; it does require a lot of vetting, which most aren't willing to do, and also a good working knowledge of the RTA & how the evictions process and LTB work. Unfortunately, it seems to take an incident like this to motivate most landlords. A lot of them think their duties only involve sitting back & letting the rent roll in.

Robert Mugabe

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2017
"Bylaws" don't apply to the pet issue, it's addressed in the Residential Tenancies Act, which is provincial. While it's obvious that some landlords won't rent to people with pets (and will use other pretexts to decline them), it's not reasonable to assume that all pet owners are savages who will destroy a rental property, particularly as in this case, in which the house sat on a large rural property, on which a dog could crap to its heart's content outdoors. That being said, once I became aware the windows were boarded up, if it had been me, I would have given the required 24 hour notice, inspected the basement and corrected the tenant's behaviour.

Landlords are their own worst enemies; it doesn't require any "spidey sense" to know if your tenant isn't going to be a good tenant; it does require a lot of vetting, which most aren't willing to do, and also a good working knowledge of the RTA & how the evictions process and LTB work. Unfortunately, it seems to take an incident like this to motivate most landlords. A lot of them think their duties only involve sitting back & letting the rent roll in.
Most people are easy to read. Assholes easier. House in rural area. Big dog. While it's not reasonable to assume all pet owners are savages, dog owners tend to put their own spin on what is acceptable to suit their viewpoint. My viewpoint is that dogs are basically dangerous vermin with poor hygiene. If the guy checked even once a month by means of a drive by he might have noticed the windows boarded up. Anyway you are answering your own question. Sounds like a measure of negligence on his part.


Oct 26, 2002
Most people are easy to read. Assholes easier. House in rural area. Big dog. While it's not reasonable to assume all pet owners are savages, dog owners tend to put their own spin on what is acceptable to suit their viewpoint. My viewpoint is that dogs are basically dangerous vermin with poor hygiene. If the guy checked even once a month by means of a drive by he might have noticed the windows boarded up. Anyway you are answering your own question. Sounds like a measure of negligence on his part.
Sure. Let's blame the victim. Gotcha.

Let's be clear: the onus is primarily on the tenant (who after all signed a lease promising to maintain the premises in good order) to not destroy the place.

And I don't have any "question"...not sure where you're getting that from.
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Robert Mugabe

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2017
Sure. Let's blame the victim. Gotcha.

Let's be clear: the onus is primarily on the tenant (who after all signed a lease promising to maintain the premises in good order) to not destroy the place.

And I don't have any "question"...not sure where you're getting that from.
Meant to say you were arguing my point. Anyway, signing a lease promising to maintain etc. etc. is a rock-solid guarantee the landlord has nothing to worry about. The world runs on blind faith and mutual trust. What could go wrong?
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Active member
Nov 2, 2015
Surprized no one said it yet but LOOK AT THOSE TENANTS!! Are you kidding me, I was a landlord in Hamilton for years,they would never have gotten a unit from me.

I know looks alone dont tell the whole story but WOW. Plus in Hamilton there are lots of dump areas so , if you buy a place to rent out there, you take your chances on the type of tenant you get.

I always owned in better areas, more expensive rent and better chance of a good tenant.
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