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Man defecates at gas station

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Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Freedom to Poop is a core part of my own political agenda. I'm advocating that it be specifically included in the Canadian Charter of Rights
Sadly, I don't think you're joking

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
b) Even if this were true, this thread is not discussing what this man did. It is taking what this guy supposedly did, and attributes it to ALL Indian immigrants and Indian culture in general. That IS racism and xenophobia 101. There are 2M Indian immigrants in Canada, accounting for 5% of the population. How many are pooping in the street?
Where have I (or anyone else) said all Indians poop in the street??


Well-known member
Jun 15, 2023
The following are facts.

a) This appears to be a fake story spread by far right media.

b) Even if this were true, this thread is not discussing what this man did. It is taking what this guy supposedly did, and attributes it to ALL Indian immigrants and Indian culture in general. That IS racism and xenophobia 101. There are 2M Indian immigrants in Canada, accounting for 5% of the population. How many are pooping in the street?

Basically this suspect story, is an opportunity for TERB racists to vent their racism toward immigrants.

So yes, I was accurate in calling it racism.

Why? If he is incontinent, the first thing an incontinent person would do, is take immediate steps to NOT poop their pants. One way of ensuring they dont, is to immediately drop trou and relieve themselves. Which is what the old white guy did in Parkdale. You dont see me going around saying Canadians culturally openly defecate do you? Because I have a little bit more sense than that which you seem to lack.

As someone said, and if you actually read the write up open defecation is practiced quite widely in RURAL India (which is 60% of India) where people go into the paddy fields to do it, and in Urban India by dirt poor people with no access to toilets. It is absolutely considered a problem in India, especially in urban India and hence why the Indian govt. started the Swachh Bharat mission to build toilets for all in India. And these people from rural India are not coming to Canada, as they lack the qualifications to do so. So clearly it is not cultural.

You would definitely not say that he is a new immigrant, because that would absolutely be racist. You are being racist by saying that here because you are implying that all of us Indians shit in the streets in India, and are taught to do so. That is racist and monumentally dumb.

Even by your logic (and every other dumbass here for that matter), did you ever ask, why he would choose a gas station of all places, where he rolled up to fill up his gas tank? Why wouldn't he choose the bushes in a park or somewhere else? Why suddenly pull his pants down at the gas station? Did you ask yourself, why this is an old man who seemed to be having trouble even bending his knees in that 3 second clip? Did you ask yourself, why the video does not actually show him poop?

The only thing that explains it, is that it is either an old man with sudden incontinence. Or, a fake doctored pictures/gifs circulated by right wing media, as alluded to in my link above.
Look, I have zero interest in debating my level of “racism” with someone who is clearly the Official Forum Leftoid Lolcow; you are just low hanging fruit, but I’ll humour and furnish you with a simple grug answer to your lacklustre reply:

If elderly incontinence is such a major issue you feel you must raise awareness about, I wonder why we don’t see seniors shitting in the street all the time. Curious, isn’t it? Who brought that man over here? Don’t you think someone who can barely hold their shit ought to have a family who could buy them some Depends or at least drive them around or lead them to a toilet — when there is a gas station mere steps away? I’d bet a big chunk of change he does have his kids here. So say I shift the moral responsibility to them? What kind of mental gymnastics are you going to do now?

PS: do you ever tire of virtue signaling on a whore forum? Go back to Reddit and Quora
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Well-known member
Jun 15, 2023
No your level of racism, and dumbassery neither needs to be debated, nor am I debating it. I am calling it out as it is.

Disregarding the fact that this is a fake story, it is still an outlier even if it were true. Incontinence can hit you any time. It is a physical disability. How exactly do you expect someone to foresee something like this? Maybe he was there to fill up his gas tank and buy depends, when nature called. Who knows?

Instead you attributed this to a culture you know absolutely nothing about stereotyping ALL immigrants. This is however par for the course for right wing cretins.

PS: Do you ever tire of engaging in racist rants on a whore forum? Go back to Stormfront.

Only every one of you on this thread. Are you that self unaware about what you are saying?
Don’t your sort believe that only white people can be called racists? I demand my PoC pass.

Also — “how would you know”? You’d know because having a disability like incontinence means you know you have a disability.

Or did you think incontinence just appears full steam (teehee, steamer) out of nowhere?
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Well-known member
Jun 15, 2023
Clearly I have demonstrated that to not be the case.

And you have demonstrated that Asians can be racist as well.

May be you can learn from this, do better and defend your people, the next time someone accuses Asians of open defecation and calls it cultural and brings this up as an example of what Asians do and demand that Asians not be allowed on flights. Maybe I will play nice, "virtue signal" and even say a few words of support.


Bro I don’t need to get mad if people think Chinese and Viets “all” sneeze and cough on the produce, why should I? I SEE it happen all the time. Am I racist against them too? All I need to know is that I do not spread germs that way and most people are well aware that I would not. Do you honestly think I look at the average South Asian techbro and assume he shits in the street? Speak to my customers of that heritage.

For someone who claims to “call it as it is” you don’t seem to see what “is”.

Re: Stormfront, fuckin lol. This is just typical predictable leftoid hypocrisy. You scream “Not all! Not all! Don’t generalize!” at the top of your lungs and as soon as someone disagrees with your weak ass political stances they are a member of the KKK and you go full reductio ad Hitlerum or call it a psyop.

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Well-known member
May 29, 2016
That is the same video Phil posted. Check my link. The owner of the gas station says it did not happen. It is not even a video, it is a gif. Which is likely doctored. Also, I noticed that the guy's skin tone on his legs and on his arms, are different. This is most likely a photoshopped image/gif spread by far right media.
Of course the skin tone is different, never heard of a farmer's tan? Come on man, the only time his legs are exposed to any light are when he's taking dumps outside at gas stations.
His arms meanwhile hang out the window while trying to drive the Apocalyptic streets of Brampton.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
That is the same video Phil posted. Check my link. The owner of the gas station says it did not happen. It is not even a video, it is a gif. Which is likely doctored. Also, I noticed that the guy's skin tone on his legs and on his arms, are different. This is most likely a photoshopped image/gif spread by far right media
You are in total denial


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2007
Bro I don’t need to get mad if people think Chinese and Viets “all” sneeze and cough on the produce, why should I? I SEE it happen all the time. Am I racist against them too?
It's true. I'm fucking chinese and i see that shit happening all the time, i call them out for not covering their mouths. I go eat at chinese restaurants and wipe down my utencils with a napkin knowing these chinese guys dont clean their shit properly, does that make me racist to my own kind? It is what it is 🤷‍♂️
Dude is so sensitive lol...


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2007
I am not in denial. The authenticity of the video is suspect. I posted the link.

That doesn't turn him into a white guy like his legs suggest. Plus for such an old guy and for being a Sikh who does not shave his hair, that is a bald wrinkleless leg. And he was born tanned so there is no way he can lose that. This is a doctored video.
Its not a doctored video. Bro shit at the gas station and that boy shit on the plane. How hard is it to accept that?


Well-known member
May 29, 2016
I am not in denial. The authenticity of the video is suspect. I posted the link.

That doesn't turn him into a white guy like his legs suggest. Plus for such an old guy and for being a Sikh who does not shave his hair, that is a bald wrinkleless leg. And he was born tanned so there is no way he can lose that. This is a doctored video.
My best friend in H.S. was Chinese and even he could get a farmer's tan, we joked about it all the time on the subway ride to the gym. He wore short sleeved shirts at school, but when we hit the gym he went into a tank top and there was his tan.
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